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Update: Indian troops killed soldier after questioning: Pakistan Army

What the fook duplicity got to do with a soldier crossing a border mistakenly? In a matter of frustration, when you can't come with a proper argument, don't bring afghanistan and america here. Idiots do that when they run out of the argument here
Dude, MISTAKENLY ? How the hell Indian soldier will know that ? He didn't get the message from PA before.

It happens. It was a accident and a soldier got Shahadat.

Why this Kolaveri ?
When you loose an argument you tend to insult others...great job kid...am proud of you :lol:
Usually when a soldier fires at IA...he ends up fired upon..that is exactly what happened.....

A PA soldier crosses the border and fires on IA and they expect us to shower him with flowers and Laddus ?

Once again, Fake stories being spread by you indians. Indian soldiers challenged PA soldier who were unaware that he crossed the border. SOP's are there to how to tell the soldier. But instead of telling him, you threatened him first.

Next time come up with a better argument and i'm still waiting your call to Indian Media relations office and asking what SOP's are there if soldiers astray from both sides. This is not a confidential news and they will happily tells you.
We are trying to waste time and bandwidth trying to convince the other party when its simply never going to happen. Our soldier crossed, whether he fired on the indian troops or not, he is still into enemy territory and suffered what was expected. It should be on to us how we will treat Indian soldiers or helicopters when they cross over.
The difference between India and Pakistan is that they have a unified policy starting straight from the government to the army. We on the other hand have thugs and traitors ruling us who have simply no concern even if India nukes Pakistan, so unless a proper policy is adopted by us as to how we will deal with this kind of behavior, its useless to burn our bloods.
May i remind readers that this is one soldier who crossed into enemy territory and got killed, what about those 26 soldiers that were killed in our own territory by the so called allies on WOT? What happened of them? Nothing. When we don't respect our own life, others wont do it and Pakistanis are happily agreeing to the killings as long as personal bank accounts are increasing.
Harsh statements but true. Appreciate it. It was a regular engagement and an accident that he got lost.

All we can do is give the honors to the soldier who didn't surrender and died fighting the enemy.
Starting your typical indian lies huh? Pakistani Soldier crossed border, Indian challenged him first. I would be happy if you could show how come Pakistani solider fired first?

I dont need to. He was in the wrong place to begin with and Indian Army is well within its rights to kill him. If you think IA acted incorrectly, its you who needs to provide proof...

The most stupid excuse given. In winter mountains, Indian Soldiers dont carry binoculars with them?

They do.. And when they see a gun and an unauthorized presence which poses risk.. They kill...Specially if that presence starts firing back

So Who told indians to cross the border and attacked our check post first. You instigate and than cry we give you a bloody nose and than you kill soldier who goes astray against all the SOP's. That's very manly to do. Bravo.

Again lies spread by Pakistan Army
Once again, Fake stories being spread by you indians. Indian soldiers challenged PA soldier who were unaware that he crossed the border. SOP's are there to how to tell the soldier. But instead of telling him, you threatened him first.

Next time come up with a better argument and i'm still waiting your call to Indian Media relations office and asking what SOP's are there if soldiers astray from both sides. This is not a confidential news and they will happily tells you.

What evidence do you have to suggest what i have suggested is fake..none..
Has your ministry told that your soldier was captured and executed..no...
Considering PA's past credentials of being double standard and duplicity (confirmed by America and Afgans as well) why should we believe them ?
So this chap gets lost at night, there are civilians who see him cross the LoC(?)...

it appears that you are forgetting that such incidents happen from both sides, even a helicopter strayed into our side didnt it? should that have been shot down and burnt bodies returned instead?

you are now just picking up his words just for the sake of arguing.yes, soldiers shouldnt stray on the wrong side of the border for the sake of their lives but it happens and there is no guarantee that it wont happen.

the only issue at hand is that unfortunately both sides have different versions of events and I understand that we will disagree with what IA or PA are saying.

in some areas of kashmir border there are dwellings and army positions within few hundred yards, dont take my word for it and look up bhimber sector or madarpur sector (jehlum valley), so villagers on either sides can see what is happening around them from distance. dont accept the account of the villagers in this case but keep that in mind that it can happen. recall the incident of that old woman who was seen by villagers on Indian side slipping through Indian positions and crossed over to Azad Kashmir that prompted Indians to build bunkers that resulted in hostilities.

just before I arrived at bhimber sector there was a firefight between the Indian and Pakistani fighting patrols but thankfully there were no casualties and matter was resolved in a flag staff meeting after realising that neither side crossed over with intent. yea in the best scenario for either side no one should stray from his path but both civilians and soldiers do that and thats why both armies have SOPs in place to follow.

by the way I am not in the mood of arguing for the sake of arguing just thought to clarify to get the point across. given the current hostilities we understand that such mistake was going to end in death anyway and I think you would also understand that when Indian soldiers stray into Pakistani side by mistake. but I do hope that tit for tat is not in mind while using the firearms.

while we are having our favourite web fights among them I will like to know more from Indian side, considering their firefight version is nothing but truth,

what weapon was the soldier carrying?
was he in uniform?
was he alone when he was challenged or shot at? yes or no
if not then how many were with him?
how far inside the Indian border was he?
how did his other team members manage to escape?
was he dead immediately or succumbed to his wounds after initial interrogation?

looks like that we will continue to have this tit for tat shootings for a foreseeable future specially there are Indian elections coming as well and I dont know if they play an element as well or not. can tell you from our side that they are irrelevant because our forces are already in WoT and PMLn and other religious parties that have a considerable following are leading the anti-army sentiment and PPP doesnt really care anyway its pretty much leaderless and they are busy syphoning money while they have time.
The Evidence has been presented to the concerned parties , now if you army choose not to make it public it is their concern .

on the beheading , there was no evidence presented to anyone . so dont mix Apples with oranges .

when it handed over? to whom? to what? did you PAK army present to whom? or its just SAAB fiasco when PAF said no aircraft damaged by terrorist.

Or its fantasy like it made during terrorist attack.

Once again, Fake stories being spread by you indians. Indian soldiers challenged PA soldier who were unaware that he crossed the border. SOP's are there to how to tell the soldier. But instead of telling him, you threatened him first.

Next time come up with a better argument and i'm still waiting your call to Indian Media relations office and asking what SOP's are there if soldiers astray from both sides. This is not a confidential news and they will happily tells you.

All LCA is marked with barbed wires and Clearly marked, not even blind man can see that, your solider don't,
Lieutenant Colonel Rajesh Kalia, a spokesman for the Indian army in Kashmir, said the soldier had been killed in a gun battle with Indian troops in which an Indian soldier was injured. He added: "Our troops challenged him. The individual resorted to indiscriminate firing. Our troops retaliated." He said Indian forces realised the dead man had been a soldier after the Pakistan army contacted its officers

Yeah pakistani soldier fired first. First they lie, than they ask for proofs. What can we expect from Bhartis.

In a 50-60 year old conflict, Now Indian soldiers can't identify a fully dressed Pakistani soldier. Show what kind of illiterate people are manning forward posts from Indian Side.
This is fresh. PA after multiple verification - believes our Jawan was murdered in cold blood. Orders have been given to local commanders on the ground, and the 60th Punjab Regiment have been authorized for "badla" - WILCO, at the time of our choosing.
What evidence do you have to suggest what i have suggested is fake..none..
Has your ministry told that your soldier was captured and executed..no...
Considering PA's past credentials of being double standard and duplicity (confirmed by America and Afgans as well) why should we believe them ?

Incorporating the typical Indian psyche of firing over other's shoulder, on the remark of duplicity, isn't it ironic, barely a few weeks after the staged incident, all the tall talk of retrieving the head of Indian soldier has evaporated or may be there was no head missing in the first place. A little introspection never hurts.
This is fresh. PA after multiple verification - believes our Jawan was murdered in cold blood. Orders have been given to local commanders on the ground, and the 60th Punjab Regiment have been authorized for "badla" - WILCO, at the time of our choosing.

:lol: ..........grow up...
This is fresh. PA after multiple verification - believes our Jawan was murdered in cold blood. Orders have been given to local commanders on the ground, and the 60th Punjab Regiment have been authorized for "badla" - WILCO, at the time of our choosing.

nothing new...........
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