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Update: Indian troops killed soldier after questioning: Pakistan Army

I see that we all agree to disagree and this discussion is going nowhere...

Good day folks.
So this chap gets lost at night, there are civilians who see him cross the LoC(?)... Indian soldiers actually stop & question him(?) at night, the Pakistani soldier suddenly realises that he is on the wrong side (at night) and instead of returning decides to surrender(?) and a very brave Indian patrol (after what happened to their colleagues recently) decide to accept the surrender(at night) and interrogate him (which is seen by some eagle eyed civilians, again at night)..... Do you want me to go on or is it looking absurd enough even for you.......?

Very serious. After what happened (whether you believe it or not), Indian soldiers will be in a shoot first, ask later mode and only someone absolutely suicidal will imagine otherwise.

In any case, since you believe no beheading took place & it was all made up, why then would you believe Indian soldiers deliberately killed one of your guys in cold blood? If not revenge, what is your logic?

Your soldier is dead and you are using smileys? I said Pakistan is the party due to explain, what is their soldier doing on the Indian side? In these times of heightened tensions?

There is no proof of indian claims. Btw your post came out wrong so I was laughing at that. Not at my soldier being killed by your countrymen.

A veiled statement from Pakistan that things can get pretty ugly if India continues murdering Pakistanis.

Soldier's killing can 'further vitiate atmosphere': Pak

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Friday condemned the killing of one of its soldiers by Indian troops along the line of control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir, saying the incident had the "potential to further vitiate the atmosphere" between the two countries.

The killing of the Pakistani soldier "goes against the understanding reached between Pakistan and India on speedy return of inadvertent line crossers and has the potential to further vitiate the atmosphere", foreign office spokesman Moazzam Khan said.

"Pakistan calls upon the government of India to carry out a thorough investigation into this unfortunate incident and to ensure that such incidents do not recur," Khan said in a statement.

An Indian Army spokesman said in New Delhi that the Pakistani soldier was killed after he intruded into Indian territory in Naushera sector along the LoC on Thursday.

The incident comes a month after Pakistani troops entered Indian territory and killed two Indian soldiers and beheaded one of them.

The Pakistani soldier fired at an Indian patrol and was killed in a firefight, the Indian Army spokesman said.

Indian authorities returned the body of the Pakistani soldier during a flag meeting along the LoC on Friday.

Foreign office spokesman Khan contended that the Pakistani soldier had "lost his way and inadvertently crossed the LoC".
Well the news is that he was shot after he was questioned. All the Indian claims about he returned the fire goes down the drain.

Indian has accepted the fact that its soldiers fired first.

India continues to violate international laws and these acts are nothing new. See the BD events for example where civilians are dragged from BD to India and murdered.

Maybe you missed the memo that India has been dealing with Pakistani terrorists for over a decade - terrorists who cross over from Pakistan and carry AK-47's.

So please excuse India for starting shooting down in what is 9/10 times a terrorist.

And the 2 Indian soldiers who got injured didnt punch each other either, it was because the Pakistani soldier started firing back. He could have not shot back and surrendered.

This is not the first case where a Pakistani has 'inadvertently' crossed over and has been repatriated. It has happened many times before - the difference is that they are unarmed or if armed, they donot fire.

So just try feeling sorry that this unfortunate soldier became a victim of happenstance instead of pouting about what Indian Army did. I hope you do know that we are in a constant habbit of shooting those who cross our borders ladden with AK-47's.
So far 2 IA soldiers and 4 PA soldiers have died since Jan 2013.PA casualties are double of IA.
There is no proof of indian claims.

There is one dead Pakistani soldier & some equally dead Pakistani claims.....

Btw your post came out wrong so I was laughing at that. Not at my soldier being killed by your countrymen.

My post came out the way I intended it to come out. Can't help if you can't read it right. Still silly to use smileys when your soldier is dead.

A veiled statement from Pakistan that things can get pretty ugly if India continues murdering Pakistanis.

The Indian army has seen unveiled actions, won't bother with veiled statements.
This only lays emphasis on the point that Pakistani's should not stray into Indian territory may it be night or day.
Not really.. But mostly, logical people in the world need evidence to back any claim..

Which evidence are you referring to? Did Indian Army provide evidence of soldiers beheading. No. The info to IA has been provided, and i hope they take action.

So suddenly everything in Indian media is accepted at face value ?? hmm.. interesting.. A bunch of Indian media headlines come to my mind that wont find such ready takers in Pakistan :)

btw, below is the formal statement from IA


Thanks for proving what i just said.
You bring BD as an example of IA conduct in an unrelated thread, so can I bring in Balochistan to show the conduct of PA ?

Huh.. Oranges and apples.
Which evidence are you referring to? Did Indian Army provide evidence of soldiers beheading. No. The info to IA has been provided, and i hope they take action.Thanks for proving what i just said.h.. Oranges and apples.
Let me make it clear.

1. You didn't accept the IA version of LOC and Beheading, we don't accept your version of this incident.

2. You went to UN, US and China in previous case, you can again go for the same. Present them your proofs.

3. India's position is fixed - No third party involvement. Pakistan can go to anyone.
Maybe you missed the memo that India has been dealing with Pakistani terrorists for over a decade - terrorists who cross over from Pakistan and carry AK-47's.

So please excuse India for starting shooting down in what is 9/10 times a terrorist.

And the 2 Indian soldiers who got injured didnt punch each other either, it was because the Pakistani soldier started firing back. He could have not shot back and surrendered.

This is not the first case where a Pakistani has 'inadvertently' crossed over and has been repatriated. It has happened many times before - the difference is that they are unarmed or if armed, they donot fire.

So just try feeling sorry that this unfortunate soldier became a victim of happenstance instead of pouting about what Indian Army did. I hope you do know that we are in a constant habbit of shooting those who cross our borders ladden with AK-47's.

Pakistan can't be blamed for your occupation of Kashmir. All good luck to Kashmiris in their mission.

Currently, we are talking about the state's soldier and you follow the protocols, no excuses.
The story of Indians taking him into custody is a lie being spun by Pakistani Army/Media. There is no evidence to support it and is in contrast to the facts published by Indian Army

The beheading story was also contradictory and a uncorroborated story, couple this with the concealment of the body, and everybody knows how factual those facts are by the Indian army.
Which evidence are you referring to? Did Indian Army provide evidence of soldiers beheading. No. The info to IA has been provided, and i hope they take action.

And in absence of that evidence, what did PA do ?? Squat.. So why expect any different from IA now ??

Thanks for proving what i just said.

Not making sense...

Huh.. Oranges and apples.
Not really.. You tell me how actions on BD border are related to an incident on LOC and I will tell you how actions of PA in Balochistan can be used to refute that..
just went through few of the pages on the thread.... mostly filled with indians praising themselves..... but i don't understand one thing.... are all these SOP's and professionalism and peace gestures for pakistan and its army...... doesn't these SOP's apply to indian army?
The story of Indians taking him into custody is a lie being spun by Pakistani Army/Media. There is no evidence to support it and is in contrast to the facts published by Indian Army

In a heavily fortified border, Forward observation Soldiers are not in informal dressing, they always wear Army dresses, The soldier astray to the border in a broad day light, yet the pathetic India and Army reported Militant intruder crosses border and was killed. That's the credibility of your Army and Media. Instead of explaining the soldier in a loud speaker that he mistanly crossed the border you threatened him and shot him.

There goes the myth of Professional IA myth.
just went through few of the pages on the thread.... mostly filled with indians praising themselves..... but i don't understand one thing.... are all these SOP's and professionalism and peace gestures for pakistan and its army...... doesn't these SOP's apply to indian army?
PA made an allegation that the soldier was questioned and then killed. We are asking for proof.

And Indian Army acted as professional and returned the body with full honors. And guess what, "Entire" body.
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