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Featured UNSC president dismisses US bid to renew all UN bans against Iran

Germany just agreed with Israel that arms embargo needs to be extended and that a variation of it that will prevent Russia and Chinese and US veto needs to be agreed upon.

For those that think EU is truly “helping” Iran. Just wait.
Germany just agreed with Israel that arms embargo needs to be extended and that a variation of it that will prevent Russia and Chinese and US veto needs to be agreed upon.

For those that think EU is truly “helping” Iran. Just wait.
Only one that can help Iran is Iran itself. But unfortunately those at the top are busy selling out the nuclear program or give half assed response to enemy action.
People are slowly realising and turning on american zionists

not even close. It’s all theater. Everyone is very much in US pocket including Russia and China.

Iran is gonna screwed over again by the world like it did back in 2008.
not even close. It’s all theater. Everyone is very much in US pocket including Russia and China.

Iran is gonna screwed over again by the world like it did back in 2008.

Hmmm... You sound a little too sure about that Immortal.

The tides of influence around the world are indeed changing and whilst I do know where it is you're coming from I wouldn't altogether just say Iran will be thrown under the bus that easily this time around. China has incentive to watch America burn (as it already is domestically) away some more of its credibility and clout with its hegemonic antics.

I do support you though, they very well could just up and screw over Iran again.
so I don't think Niger wants to put themselves in the bullseye of Iran over an issue the world overwhelmingly thinks is a bad idea (snapback)
i agree. If Niger, as a fellow Muslim country plays dangerous games with Iran's future int he UN, there could be problems for Niger after..
A BIG BIG blow to US war mongers.
Also just a CLEAR confirmation that the world opinion is seeing US increasingly as a negative, destabilizing force in the world..can you imagine the current UN "siding" with Iran over the US??? THINGS HAVE CHANGED(for the stubborn PDF members who choose to play blind and deaf to the new world realities)..
Hmmm... You sound a little too sure about that Immortal.

The tides of influence around the world are indeed changing and whilst I do know where it is you're coming from I wouldn't altogether just say Iran will be thrown under the bus that easily this time around. China has incentive to watch America burn (as it already is domestically) away some more of its credibility and clout with its hegemonic antics.

I do support you though, they very well could just up and screw over Iran again.

Is that why China just reaffirmed their support for US trade deal? Is the world gonna throw away access to the US markets or US sanctions for the ~350B corruption filled economy of Iran?

Wake up man. Iran is radioactive. In order to get any benefits from nuclear deal, companies need to be willing to invest in Iran. Right now no major companies that have exposure to US markets or trade in the dollar will risk sanctions over Iran. Even with a European government backed banking channel, no one still stood up to do trade.

Thus Iran will continue to get zero benefits from nuclear deal. But of course Zarif and the goon squad will say how the entire world “stood up” to the US. Yeah “stood up” on paper maybe, meanwhile they will continue to not do business with Iran.

US is too important in the world and the Iranian economy to insignificant for anyone to help out Iran. This is largely the fault of Iran, instead of following the China route and integrating so deeply into the global economy that you can’t be cut out, Iran did the opposite.

Iran largely relied on oil revenues and a “domestic resistance economy”. Well an economy that was never really part of the world can then be easily cut out with no real side effects/consequences. Whereas an economy that was deeply integrated with the world would cause pain to all parties in order to cut out.

Go read what the former Iranian ambassador to China (forgot the country?) said in an interview. He said 10 years ago China came with a strategic partnership vision and Iran didn’t pull the trigger. Instead it waited to see what would happen with Europeans and US. Now he says Iran wants a partnership with China, but in those 10 years China invested in Pakistan and other countries around Iran instead. Now Iran is getting less favorable deal and importance in China vision because China got impatient waiting for an answer and found other sources and avenues.
Is that why China just reaffirmed their support for US trade deal? Is the world gonna throw away access to the US markets or US sanctions for the ~350B corruption filled economy of Iran?

Wake up man. Iran is radioactive. In order to get any benefits from nuclear deal, companies need to be willing to invest in Iran. Right now no major companies that have exposure to US markets or trade in the dollar will risk sanctions over Iran. Even with a European government backed banking channel, no one still stood up to do trade.

Thus Iran will continue to get zero benefits from nuclear deal. But of course Zarif and the goon squad will say how the entire world “stood up” to the US. Yeah “stood up” on paper maybe, meanwhile they will continue to not do business with Iran.

US is too important in the world and the Iranian economy to insignificant for anyone to help out Iran. This is largely the fault of Iran, instead of following the China route and integrating so deeply into the global economy that you can’t be cut out, Iran did the opposite.

Iran largely relied on oil revenues and a “domestic resistance economy”. Well an economy that was never really part of the world can then be easily cut out with no real side effects/consequences. Whereas an economy that was deeply integrated with the world would cause pain to all parties in order to cut out.

Go read what the former Iranian ambassador to China (forgot the country?) said in an interview. He said 10 years ago China came with a strategic partnership vision and Iran didn’t pull the trigger. Instead it waited to see what would happen with Europeans and US. Now he says Iran wants a partnership with China, but in those 10 years China invested in Pakistan and other countries around Iran instead. Now Iran is getting less favorable deal and importance in China vision because China got impatient waiting for an answer and found other sources and avenues.

Okay, what's next?

Obviously Iran can't afford to just bend to whatever it is the Americans want from them but they do need (presumedly) to reach some sort of "accord" with the United States. Yet the prospects of such an eventuality are totally bleak given the recent events that has transpired between the two nations. Just speaking personally here man, I really don't think Khamenei wants to give America, at least Trump's America, a deal. Furthermore I think I speak for most Iranian users on here by saying that Iran getting into another dubious phony baloney deal with an American administration that can only be best described as "fair weather" isn't beneficial for Iran in the long-run. We need something, some deal that can't be outright nuked by one-party just because they will it to be so. In this line of thought I will call out China's inability to stand up for others as well as itself on the world stage in spite of reckless American unilateralism. But they have their own goals and Iran isn't their responsibility.

I won't argue against that the U.S. is way more important than Iran on the global stage (it is), I really don't have any rebuttal or comment on it to be honest.

Seems like an altogether shit situation.
Okay, what's next?

Obviously Iran can't afford to just bend to whatever it is the Americans want from them but they do need (presumedly) to reach some sort of "accord" with the United States. Yet the prospects of such an eventuality are totally bleak given the recent events that has transpired between the two nations. Just speaking personally here man, I really don't think Khamenei wants to give America, at least Trump's America, a deal. Furthermore I think I speak for most Iranian users on here by saying that Iran getting into another dubious phony baloney deal with an American administration that can only be best described as "fair weather" isn't beneficial for Iran in the long-run. We need something, some deal that can't be outright nuked by one-party just because they will it to be so. In this line of thought I will call out China's inability to stand up for others as well as itself on the world stage in spite of reckless American unilateralism. But they have their own goals and Iran isn't their responsibility.

I won't argue against that the U.S. is way more important than Iran on the global stage (it is), I really don't have any rebuttal or comment on it to be honest.

Seems like an altogether shit situation.

It’s pretty simple: until Iran and the US settle their differences and US embargo and sanctions get lifted on Iran then you will have this situation continue.

The majority of the world will not do business with Iran as long as sanctions exist. Even if things return to JCPOA status people seem to forget that before Trump left the deal, Iran was still getting HOSED. Iran was complaining to Obama that it wasn’t getting the full economic benefits its entitled to.

So a return to JCPOA won’t make everything great again from Iran. Even when both parties were following the deal, US was still cheating Iran.

So my point is as long as US unilateral sanctions exist, there is no point to the nuclear deal.

Who cares if US got slapped in the face at UN, Iran’s inflation is still 25%+ year. Political theater and brownie points in Iran’s favor isn’t going to turn around the economic situation on the ground.

Either Iran should become a nuclear power or it should go for a ultimate deal with US that will result in full embargo lift and sanctions in exchange for detente and a peace treaty. Yes, Iran May have to shelve it’s ICBM program and reign in its militias. But as Israel has shown Iran can merely “delay” its ultimate intentions for a period of time (5-10 years) and ultimately still become a nuclear power or ICBM (or both) as long as it can play nice for a while the West.

So the ball is Iran’s court either become a nuclear power or negotiate. Because this current situation is not sustainable. Iran cannot survive in the 21st century cut off from the rest of the world forever.

So the question is it’s tolerating this pain....what’s the endgame?
It’s pretty simple: until Iran and the US settle their differences and US embargo and sanctions get lifted on Iran then you will have this situation continue.

The majority of the world will not do business with Iran as long as sanctions exist. Even if things return to JCPOA status people seem to forget that before Trump left the deal, Iran was still getting HOSED. Iran was complaining to Obama that it wasn’t getting the full economic benefits its entitled to.

So a return to JCPOA won’t make everything great again from Iran. Even when both parties were following the deal, US was still cheating Iran.

So my point is as long as US unilateral sanctions exist, there is no point to the nuclear deal.

Who cares if US got slapped in the face at UN, Iran’s inflation is still 25%+ year. Political theater and brownie points in Iran’s favor isn’t going to turn around the economic situation on the ground.

Either Iran should become a nuclear power or it should go for a ultimate deal with US that will result in full embargo lift and sanctions in exchange for detente and a peace treaty. Yes, Iran May have to shelve it’s ICBM program and reign in its militias. But as Israel has shown Iran can merely “delay” its ultimate intentions for a period of time (5-10 years) and ultimately still become a nuclear power or ICBM (or both) as long as it can play nice for a while the West.

So the ball is Iran’s court either become a nuclear power or negotiate. Because this current situation is not sustainable. Iran cannot survive in the 21st century cut off from the rest of the world forever.

So the question is it’s tolerating this pain....what’s the endgame?

Indonesia do trading with Iran although quite small. I dont know wheter Indonesia buy Iran oil or not, but there is non oil trading data here

Iran-Indonesia non-oil trade up by 10.28 pct in 10 months

Source: Xinhua| 2019-03-13 21:55:24|Editor: xuxin

TEHRAN, March 13 (Xinhua) -- Iran and Indonesia traded 1.85 million tons of non-oil commodities worth 767.24 million U.S. dollars during the first 10 months (March 21, 2018-Jan. 20, 2019) of the current Iranian calendar year, Eghtesad online news website reported on Wednesday.

The figures registered a 5.3-percent rise in weight and 10.28-percent growth in value compared with the corresponding period last year.

Iran's exports to Indonesia stood at 1.72 million tons worth 643.52 million dollars. Indonesia was Iran's ninth export destination during the period.

Iran mainly exported non-alloy semi-finished iron/steel products, non-alloy iron/steel ingots and liquefied propane to Indonesia during the 10-month period.

Indonesia exported 134,000 tons of goods worth 123.72 million dollars to Iran. Indonesia was the 26th exporter of goods to Iran over the 10 months.

Iran's imports mainly included paperboard, aluminum oxide and coconut.

It’s pretty simple: until Iran and the US settle their differences and US embargo and sanctions get lifted on Iran then you will have this situation continue.

The majority of the world will not do business with Iran as long as sanctions exist. Even if things return to JCPOA status people seem to forget that before Trump left the deal, Iran was still getting HOSED. Iran was complaining to Obama that it wasn’t getting the full economic benefits its entitled to.

So a return to JCPOA won’t make everything great again from Iran. Even when both parties were following the deal, US was still cheating Iran.

So my point is as long as US unilateral sanctions exist, there is no point to the nuclear deal.

Who cares if US got slapped in the face at UN, Iran’s inflation is still 25%+ year. Political theater and brownie points in Iran’s favor isn’t going to turn around the economic situation on the ground.

Either Iran should become a nuclear power or it should go for a ultimate deal with US that will result in full embargo lift and sanctions in exchange for detente and a peace treaty. Yes, Iran May have to shelve it’s ICBM program and reign in its militias. But as Israel has shown Iran can merely “delay” its ultimate intentions for a period of time (5-10 years) and ultimately still become a nuclear power or ICBM (or both) as long as it can play nice for a while the West.

So the ball is Iran’s court either become a nuclear power or negotiate. Because this current situation is not sustainable. Iran cannot survive in the 21st century cut off from the rest of the world forever.

So the question is it’s tolerating this pain....what’s the endgame?

I can get behind this bro, no argument from me here on this one.

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