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Featured UNSC president dismisses US bid to renew all UN bans against Iran

Hmmm... You sound a little too sure about that Immortal.

The tides of influence around the world are indeed changing and whilst I do know where it is you're coming from I wouldn't altogether just say Iran will be thrown under the bus that easily this time around. China has incentive to watch America burn (as it already is domestically) away some more of its credibility and clout with its hegemonic antics.

I do support you though, they very well could just up and screw over Iran again.
he isnt sure, he's wrong.
Please tell me you're being sarcastic?????? I am serious about the question <<<<<<. wtf are you really saying bra????
He is right. At the end of the day the US-China conflict will come to a end. The Chinese have smelled $ for many decades and they are simply not going to sacrifice their whole economy for issues that can be easily resolved. And don't let me start about the Russians.. They were the same country refusing to deliver already paid defensive weapons to Iran under US/Israeli pressure and lets not forget their betrayal in Syria.

Perhaps we might see some cracks here and there but we are not going to witness decline of the US in our lifetime.. future generations yes.
where are great US allies like dominican republic ?????????? :rofl:
He is right. At the end of the day the US-China conflict will come to a end. The Chinese have smelled $ for many decades and they are simply not going to sacrifice their whole economy for issues that can be easily resolved. And don't let me start about the Russians.. They were the same country refusing to deliver already paid defensive weapons to Iran under US/Israeli pressure and lets not forget their betrayal in Syria.

Perhaps we might see some cracks here and there but we are not going to witness decline of the US in our lifetime.. future generations yes.

At least you have some common sense. Unlike some other members here who live in fairy tale land where some WORDS and I stress WORDS not ACTIONS but WORDS make them fall in love with EU and World powers. These same users call Rouhani naive. The irony.

Meanwhile Iran continues to suffer from foreign investment and is exporting less than 250,000 barrels per day. But thank god some world powers said some WORDS...now all of Iran’s problems are solved and everyone will come to iran. (/sarcasm).
not even close. It’s all theater. Everyone is very much in US pocket including Russia and China.

Iran is gonna screwed over again by the world like it did back in 2008.
Huawei and 5G story isn't a theater, it's a real war. and just like Iran in which pro-west thoughts lost their credit, the same thing is happening in China, already happened in Russia. and it's not about a fool named Trump (though he was god's biggest gift to Iran), even Francis Fukuyama the grand master of Globalism defended the war against China and Huawei.

Chinese are realizing the Americans' definition of Globalism.
Huawei and 5G story isn't a theater, it's a real war. and just like Iran in which pro-west thoughts lost their credit, the same thing is happening in China, already happened in Russia. and it's not about a fool named Trump (though he was god's biggest gift to Iran), even Francis Fukuyama the grand master of Globalism defended the war against China and Huawei.

Chinese are realizing the Americans' definition of Globalism.

I have heard this nonsense being preached by naive fools for over a decade.

It’s not personal it’s just business. That is motto here. China cannot survive without trade with the West and vice versa.

Nothing major is going to change and fools sitting here thinking that the world is going to turn on US are simply wishful thinking. That dangerous thinking is why Iran hasn’t made any progress.

There are those who think trust the West and there are those who think wait and watch the East crush the West. Neither route has helped Iran because neither has happened. The West and the East are a long long ways away from being true enemies. They aren’t even Turkey-Iran at this point (frenemies).

Meanwhile celebrate this paper victory, at the end of the day everyone will do business with US and no one will do business with Iran. It’s just that simple.
Huawei and 5G story isn't a theater, it's a real war. and just like Iran in which pro-west thoughts lost their credit, the same thing is happening in China, already happened in Russia. and it's not about a fool named Trump (though he was god's biggest gift to Iran), even Francis Fukuyama the grand master of Globalism defended the war against China and Huawei.

Chinese are realizing the Americans' definition of Globalism.

Nicely said. Now, Iran should make sure not to subscribe to any of the competing models of globalism, as globalism by its very definition means the end of nations, and also the end of established religious traditions, which globalists of any color intend to replace with a unified and ethnically mixed one-world "village-nation" as well as with Noahism, the planned single religion for all humans, respectively.

As for the above reply to your post, some here are trying to suggest that the western bloc's relationship with Russia and China suffered no change whatsoever over the past two decades. They seem to remain blind to obvious evolutions on the global stage, away from unipolarism and towards multipolarism. They appear ignorant of the obvious, multiplying signs of progressive decline of the US empire (which may take another century to fully come to fruition but what matters is to recognize the deep underlying tendency and to proceed accordingly), as well as of the mounting conflicts between the US regime and new emerging powers, which are not going to abate one bit but with time will only increase in intesity and extension.

Acting as if nothing has occurred and failing to adapt and to finetune one's policy to this rapidly evolving global redistribution and rebalancing of power between west and east, would amount to sheer folly. Note that this does not necessarily imply that there will be a major war, nor that Moscow and Beijing are going to be dream allies for Iran. Nonetheless, pretending that all these observable changes on the international scene are not going to be of any consequence for Iran is beyond naive.

Also note they are misrepresenting the alternative options at Iran's disposal, as well as the respective positions of the various political factions within the Iranian governing system: the choice isn't between "trusting the west" on the one hand vs "watching the east crush the west" on the other, but between relying primarily on foreigners (whether western or eastern) vs relying primarily on oneself. While the same users might eagerly dismiss the former formula as a "marxist (sic) delusion", it is precisely this self-reliant mindset that has kept Iran on her feet since 1979 and allowed her expand her power to levels her foes could never gave imagined.

Any incompressible remaining requirements in terms of imports / exports will be satisfied through grey and black market channels which no amount of American sanctioning will manage to eradicate. This too will be greatly facilitated by the rising tensions between the US regime and its Eurasian "partners", if alone for the fact that said partners will seek to prevent Iran's downfall as a means of payback and as a security guarantee against destructive US designs aimed at them.

Users in question often bring up the purportedly negative, sanctions-induced impact of not just reduced foreign trade in general but of oil exports in partiucular, obfuscating the fact that oil sanctions will accelerate Iran's transition towards a fully fledged non-oil economy, which in turn will making Iran more resilient and unsusceptible to US sanctions and bullying. They fail to evoke the fact that to this day Iran has not even made use of the economic ace up its sleeve, namely the introduction of a comprehensive system of tax collection to offset the diminution of oil revenues.

They throw invectives like "corrupt" at Iran, covering up the fact that the very essence and foundation of western and in particular US capitalism is corruption, deceit, integral immorality and brazen indifference to natural and religious law, in quantities unmatched anywhere accross the world and anytime in history.

They claim that in order to ensure her economic survival, Iran will have no choice other than to bow to US conditions, which happen to amount to capitulation complete with the dismantling of Iran's vital deterrence assets (i. e. its network of regional allies and its ballistic missile arsenal), or to "go nuclear". I am surprised no one got struck by the lack of logical soundness on both ends of this equation:

- Indeed, if Iran struck a comprehensive deal with the west by disarming, it would not result in her "survival" at all but on the contrary, this would lead to Iran's destruction exactly like Libya was destroyed before, either through direct military aggression or through the incitement of a civil war via large scale armed rebellion (including all sorts of separatist elements) against the central state.

- Acquiring nuclear weapons will not reduce the US regime's sanctions nor will it have any direct impact on the economy. Such a move might be useful on other fronts, but will not improve Iran's access to international markets, access which the user in question had been portraying as an indispensable condition for economic survival.

So clearly, this proposition by the user conflicts with his other statements.

In conclusion, let those who echo US and Isra"el"i regime narratives talk as much as they want... They've been doing the same for four decades, but not only is Islamic Iran standing strong despite the unimaginable challenges she is faced with, not only is Iran driving her enemies mad, given their utter incapacity and impotence at reaching their goals (goals which are nothing short of Iran's complete destruction by the way, contrary to what has been suggested by some), huge differential in conventional power to the benefit of Iran's enemies notwithstanding, but moreover the challenge posed by forces of righteousness to global oppression will, by the grace of God, go on indefinitely until the collapse of said oppressors.
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It’s pretty simple: until Iran and the US settle their differences and US embargo and sanctions get lifted on Iran then you will have this situation continue.

The majority of the world will not do business with Iran as long as sanctions exist. Even if things return to JCPOA status people seem to forget that before Trump left the deal, Iran was still getting HOSED. Iran was complaining to Obama that it wasn’t getting the full economic benefits its entitled to.

So a return to JCPOA won’t make everything great again from Iran. Even when both parties were following the deal, US was still cheating Iran.

So my point is as long as US unilateral sanctions exist, there is no point to the nuclear deal.

Who cares if US got slapped in the face at UN, Iran’s inflation is still 25%+ year. Political theater and brownie points in Iran’s favor isn’t going to turn around the economic situation on the ground.

Either Iran should become a nuclear power or it should go for a ultimate deal with US that will result in full embargo lift and sanctions in exchange for detente and a peace treaty. Yes, Iran May have to shelve it’s ICBM program and reign in its militias. But as Israel has shown Iran can merely “delay” its ultimate intentions for a period of time (5-10 years) and ultimately still become a nuclear power or ICBM (or both) as long as it can play nice for a while the West.

So the ball is Iran’s court either become a nuclear power or negotiate. Because this current situation is not sustainable. Iran cannot survive in the 21st century cut off from the rest of the world forever.

So the question is it’s tolerating this pain....what’s the endgame?
bro u are make so many fallacios arguments, i will have to address many of them soon . fallacies up the wazzos. u said "china and russia are in US's pocket"?? wtf?? now ur saying the rest of the world wont trade with IRan? well Iran doesnt need that...China will dump $400bn into Iran, consolidate it with Russia and Iran is good to go..Iran does trade diferent nowadays even and u didnt mention that..Iran does alot more of cash and regional trade these days..heavily supply afghanistan..there are so many ways to make money for Iran and any country...you're seeing it thru a simple black and white lens, abut there are so many variables..1 China = more than half the word already so wtf is that trade with "rest of the world" reall worth? so many countries ALREADY trade with Iran today...ill see u later on this soon.
China will dump $400bn into Iran

This is why I don’t bother talking to you. When you make grandiose statements like this.

China has pulled out or been kicked out of nearly every energy deal they have touched by Iran because of Western sanctions they dragged their feet on implementing their side of the deal. They have flooded the Iranian economy with cheap and somtimes harmful products that have only led to local IRANIAN companies to shut down due to not being able to compete. Iran can’t decide if it wants a resistance economy or a China import economy.

But now suddenly magically China is going to “dump 400B” into Iran.

Keep dreaming.

Also please learn how to spell and type clearly. It’s a headache trying to read your thoughts you put into “words”.

It’s funny users on this board make fun of Rouhani for trying to negotiate with West even though history has shown they end up getting burned. Yet the same users say we should negotiate with Russia and China to save us even though history has shown they end up getting burned!

But of course Russian and Chinese apologists on this board swear that this time it’s different that the world has changed that everyone hates US that the empire has fallen....they swear this time is the time that China and Russia will help Iran and be a true ally.

Yeah right. These voices were also loud in 2000’s as well right up until Russia and China voted for UN Security Council sanctions on Iran. Also When Russia delayed S-300 delivery for 8 years. That shut them up real quick. But it seems they are back again.

The only reason Russia and China are supporting Iran even a little is because Iran serves to keep the Empire OCCUPIED. By focusing on Iran, US has less time and energy to focus on Russia and China. That is why Obama wanted to strike a deal with Iran in order to be able to focus on the “the great power games of the 22nd century” which will be tackling China and Russia and establishing the goal of a one rule order.

Other than that Russia and China don’t give a damn about Iran.
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I cn
Persian gulf states really do not matter. Their whole territory will be razed to the ground with missiles.. too small to take on Iran.

I can’t wait for the the day the little minion UAE burns. Dubai, they build a city in a region Of oppression against the Muslims and Arabs by means of treason. Traitors they are. This Khalifah , that khalifah. Worst among all ppl have become so called Khalifas. I Can’t wait to see Dubai and Abu Dhabi invaded and looted and it’s spoil to be distributed among the oppressed and downtrodden. In IRGC we trust .
Also just a CLEAR confirmation that the world opinion is seeing US increasingly as a negative, destabilizing force in the world..can you imagine the current UN "siding" with Iran over the US??? THINGS HAVE CHANGED(for the stubborn PDF members who choose to play blind and deaf to the new world realities)..
US is now at its weakest than its ever been in history. Look at the state of US mainland politics. The damn country is going thru some sort of a civil war. These scumbags used to divide the ppl of the Middle East, but now they ended up being divided themselves.

things cud well be worse In the future as Tranny (Michael Obama) said a week ago.It may happen that many of American blue states end Up seceding From the federal government. They tried to divide others Nd plotted for seperate autonomous entities in many different countries. And now here they are. God is taking its revenge in America.

One can only admire the great determination showed by the Iranian nation in the face of severe oppression and unjust bullying by world powers. Iran had already won against them a long time ago . I bet is that attempt expand the arms embargo will fail. Iran shud make the most of the fruits Of their hard work and purchase great weaponries.

It’s pretty simple: until Iran and the US settle their differences and US embargo and sanctions get lifted on Iran then you will have this situation continue.

The majority of the world will not do business with Iran as long as sanctions exist. Even if things return to JCPOA status people seem to forget that before Trump left the deal, Iran was still getting HOSED. Iran was complaining to Obama that it wasn’t getting the full economic benefits its entitled to.

So a return to JCPOA won’t make everything great again from Iran. Even when both parties were following the deal, US was still cheating Iran.

So my point is as long as US unilateral sanctions exist, there is no point to the nuclear deal.

Who cares if US got slapped in the face at UN, Iran’s inflation is still 25%+ year. Political theater and brownie points in Iran’s favor isn’t going to turn around the economic situation on the ground.

Either Iran should become a nuclear power or it should go for a ultimate deal with US that will result in full embargo lift and sanctions in exchange for detente and a peace treaty. Yes, Iran May have to shelve it’s ICBM program and reign in its militias. But as Israel has shown Iran can merely “delay” its ultimate intentions for a period of time (5-10 years) and ultimately still become a nuclear power or ICBM (or both) as long as it can play nice for a while the West.

So the ball is Iran’s court either become a nuclear power or negotiate. Because this current situation is not sustainable. Iran cannot survive in the 21st century cut off from the rest of the world forever.

So the question is it’s tolerating this pain....what’s the endgame?
Btw wat a great post Immortal. Absolutely agree with ur assessment in regards to how the approach shud be towards the JCPOA.
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Oh Well, time for US to put sanctions on the countries within the security council. How dare they defy the United States of America?
World's politic is entirely base on its powerful players' interest so don't expect others sacrifice theirs for you as for instance EU has not done it regarding JCPoA even though it's been a participant of that ... the law is merely out there to moderate power in the hands of powerful and prevent anarchy in order to maintain the current status que and system therefore powerful states could still profit ... so if a player doesn't act accordingly and try to disturb it then there would be consequences. America right now is undermining all these frameworks and norms and heading towards unilateralism which others wouldn't like it ... you could use force and coercion to some extend more than that there will be reactions ... China and USA relations is partly & not all about business .. sure west can not tolerate China getting more powerful economically and militarily that's why no matter whom would have won 2016 election Donald or Hillary American policy had been the same towards China which is containment Obama policy of China appeasement was wrong .. as matter of fact it's as same as what happened btw the USA and the USSR ... even more, for example Pakistan should have been defeated in war against India and lose Bangladesh so India could boosts its morale against bad evil China though Pakistan was American ally ...

One the other hand even if we assume that Russia and China would stand firmly for Iran and America insists on triggering DRM then we would see a situation which in the UNSC would be split up in 2 parts eventually weakening the council and its veto right that are one of these 2 aforementioned countries sources of power ... Iran & China don't want to see Trump in oval office after November but Putin prefers him over Biden ... so its more complicated than what we expect ... like corona virus that hit American economy etc etc .... EU is not sure if Trump would be in office after election or not and doesn't want to destroy JCPoA for just 2 months but certainly they would team up with Trump if he get reelected ...which put Russia and China in a hard position to defend Iran .

Iran current administration doesn't seem to have another plan beside the the ND just JCPoA and considers it as its own achievement so it tries its best to keep it alive it till November ... but it's somehow a very risky bet and indeed stupid as Biden ain't stupid to lift sanctions overnight or even if he wants it takes a long time to see them removed due to the complexity of them which many need congress approval ....

What is important is Iran must decide ...
Now here is a question I have been thinking about...

Lets suppose that US after election wants to come back to JCPOA... then the question is what to do with the current stockpile of enriched Uranium that Iran has processed beyond the 300 kilo permitted under JCPOA....Also what to do with any non-R&D centrifuges that Iran has built since US quit the deal.

I have this bad feeling that Iran's "Traitor", "incompetent" ,"as*hole" president and his sidekick Zarif will volunteer to destroy any excess stockpiles if US comes back to the deal..

Considering that Iran has paid a heavy price to have these additional stockpiles in the past three years then what should be done...EU and Russia and China will not be happy with any excess stockpiles...

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