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Unregistered VPNs getting banned in Pakistan


Jan 15, 2015
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The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has issued a public notice stating that all users must register their Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) by the end of June. Failing to do so could result in IP addresses being blacklisted and other “legal actions,” being taken against users.

Sources have confirmed that many corporate connections have been found to be using VPNs to generate grey traffic and/or provide illegal or unregistered Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. These connections were allegedly working as call centres and providing data entry operational services and have since been blocked by the PTA.

Grey Traffic is defined as the use of illegal telephone exchanges which bypass the legal route to make international calls. Presently, several companies are running call centres in Pakistan using VPNs to make it look like they are in the US (or any other country).

The PTA aims to eliminate Grey Traffic in Pakistan as soon as possible and have started blacklisting and blocking many corporate clients of specific Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These ISP have been notified of the illegal activities and have been instructed to notify their clients. These clients must then, either register their VPNs with the PTA before the 30th of June or face the disconnection of their services alongside other legal actions.

The public notice issued states that the, “Use of any mode of communication such as VPN by means of which communication becomes hidden or encrypted is a violation of PTA regulations.” Users are urged to, “register their VPN with PTA through their respective Internet service provider till 30-06-2020.” The full public notice is available on the PTA website.
Burgers are busy protesting for a country that would've bombed them to the stone age instead of raising awareness of this
What is this bs?
I use vpn sometime to access services not available in Pakistan.
Privacy is the fundamental human right. How it is violation of PTA regulations? Don't want us to find the truth?
It seems like you didn't bother reading the article, PTA isn't concerned about any individual using vpn's they are concerned when illegal businesses are using them for illicit activities which brings the whole country a bad name, oh and still they are not banning them all they want them to be registered with the state to monitor their traffic.
Guys lets all complain about this to the govt. Just because one of the pta boomers found his sons homework collection doesn't mean we lose our rights.
Vpn is not only for ****.
Many times companies offer USA only or regions only digital products wich users cannot get without using a vpn or ip adress of that country they offer the products.
These are like free games like epic offered gta 5 premium edition which was not for Pakistan but i got it with using a vpn.this include many things companies offers with regions restrictions.
I am using vpn for Spotify also which is my favourite.
What if I tell you a bill was passed through which anyone`s device could be checked without any warrant or permission?
To be honest I used VPN throughout my stay in Pakistan so the kids could watch BBC iPlayer and UK/USA Netflix
What if I tell you a bill was passed through which anyone`s device could be checked without any warrant or permission?

This is already happening world wide. I think this also already happens in Pakistan. A bill would only be a formality.

Privacy is the fundamental human right. How it is violation of PTA regulations? Don't want us to find the truth?

When you don't understand technology it is better to learn instead of worrying about privacy. Privacy is important, but so is the security of a nation. Although this is a symbolic move, it is a clear signal to outside world. Control is the most important tool for any nation. This is a good move by the concerned authorities. All companies including legitimate VPN service providers must register and go through a vigorous approval procedure. If you got nothing to hide, you got nothing to fear.

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