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Unnao gold hunt: Modi does a U-turn, says he respects seer

Unnao gold rush: 3 lessons from Narendra Modi and Shobhan Sarkar

A dream about buried gold leads to a treasure hunt.

It sounds like a plot inspired by Satyajit Ray’s Sonar Kella (The Golden Fortress) where little Mukul’s dreams of a past life and a golden fortress sets off a cat-and-mouse chase on camels in the deserts of Rajasthan

But Swami Shobhan Sarkar, the dreamer in question has clarified he is neither Bengali nor dreaming.

“Hearing my name Modiji must have thought I am a Bengali,” quipped the reclusive swami. It is unclear what he meant by that. Bengalis dream too much? The government goes off on wild-goose chases based on Bengali dreams?

Either way the swami who is actually from a Tiwari family near Kanpur has also said he was not dreaming.

He had a “spiritual conversation” with the dead king’s soul about gold under the historical fort in Daudiya Kheda. The king in question is Raja Rao Ram Bux Singh. Kirandeep IBN7 (‏@raydeep), however, has tweeted “Don’t know whether there is gold or not bt Sant Shobhan Sarkar never had a dream. He hs sum maps. That’s y ASI undertook this.”

For those not up to speed with this little gold hunt here are the basic facts.

Sarkar apparently told the government the long dead Raja had appeared in a dream and told him to hand over a cache of gold buried under his fort to the other sarkar aka the government.

The Archaeological Survey of India has started digging though all it has found to date are pottery shards, bangles and toys. Modi scoffed at an election meeting ““The whole world is making fun of us. Someone dreamt and the government has gone hunting for gold.” He added the government should bring back money stashed in Swiss banks instead of gold under old fortresses.

But Sarkar took offence. Modi issued a mollifying tweet sending out his pranaams for his tapasya and tyag. Sarkar’s spokesperson Swami Om ji told the media ““What was the NDA doing when it was in power? Why did it not bring the money back from Swiss banks? It’s easier to lecture people when you are not in government.”

Here are three things we have learned from the golden kerfuffle.

It’s not true that being Narendra Modi means never having to say you are sorry.

Let’s leave aside 2002. Narendra Modi never felt it necessary to apologize to Shashi Tharoor about his comments about his wife as the 50 crore girlfriend. But he rushed to issue a placatory tweet about Shobhan Sarkar whom he had not even mentioned in his comments. Is this a sign of the more flexible Modi?

Politics is the art of denial. Modi denied he was in any way trying to denigrate the swami. The swami denied he had a dream about gold. The Archaeological Survey of India is denying it’s on a dream-inspired gold hunt. It says it’s found pottery shards, glass bangles and toys. “In over 150 years of excavations by the ASI, no one has ever recovered gold of such a huge value as claimed by the sadhu,” ASI additional director-general B.R. Mani told The Telegraph. “Let me be very clear. We are not looking for gold. We don’t believe in dreams.” The swami’s spokesman has denied this is about politics. “You may label Swamiji’s dreams as ‘Feku’; we don’t want to get into a Feku (Modi) and Pappu (Rahul Gandhi) battle,” Om ji told the media.

Godmen trump all. Politics everywhere is happy hunting grounds for gold diggers. But in India, the addition of godmen to the mix adds its own peculiar flavour. For once, even Modi’s opponents would probably not have taken exception to his dig which was about the Congress. But with the Swami taking offence, the game changed. A BJP MLA rushed to the ashram to genuflect before Sarkar and beg forgiveness on behalf of Modi. Contrary to what Modi said at the meeting, the whole world was probably not laughing at the government digging for gold on the basis of a dream because most people didn’t know. But now they ARE laughing at how quickly our politics turns into a divine comedic GoldRush. But consider the golden lining. At least the man wants to turn over the treasure, if found, to the government. And it’s refreshing to find a godman in the headlines without a whiff of a sex scandal.

The Swami apparently had a similar dream about Fatehpur which did not yield anything. Neither for the record was there gold in Ray’s Sonar Kella. But it’s election season and gold diggers are everywhere. Some see a golden opportunity in Sarkar’s snub of NaMo. But those who chortle that Modi has met his match in “Gold Baba” are also chasing fool’s gold. This will blow over soon unless the ASI really strikes the precious yellow metal.

If Modi should learn anything from this, it’s this. Though he is the undisputed master of the sarcastic dig, in this case it just became infra dig. He should have left all the digging to the ASI.

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/politics/u...an-sarkar-1186293.html?utm_source=ref_article
With not-so-saintly note, gold-dreamer gets Narendra Modi to say sorry

Three days after mocking religious guru Shobhan Sarkar whose dream about buried gold has sent the ASI on a bizarre digging expedition in Unnao, the BJP's prime ministerial candidate, Narendra Modi, did a U-turn on Monday, while the party sent its MLA from Maharajpur in Kanpur, Satish Mahana, to Sarkar's ashram in Buxar, Unnao.

This came a day after the "Shobhan Sarkar Ashram" circulated an equally bizarre open letter, targeting Modi on issues ranging from Ram Sethu to Bofors, and promising to "provide 21,000 tonnes of gold to the government".

"Sant Shobhan Sarkar ke prati anek varshon se laakhon logon ki shraddha judi hui hai. Main unki tapasya aur tyaag ko pranam karta hoon (Lakhs of people have reposed faith in Shobhan Sarkar over the last many years. I salute his penance and renunciation)," Modi tweeted on Monday.

"Bharat sarkar se agrah karta hoon ki woh videshon mein jamaa kaale dhan ke sambandh main ek white paper prastut kar desh ki janta ko ashwast karein (I urge the government to come out with a white paper on black money and reassure the people of the nation)," he tweeted.

Addressing a rally in Chennai last week, Modi had said, "The whole world is laughing at us over this bizarre exercise. Somebody dreamt and the government has launched an excavation. The money hidden by thieves and looters of India in foreign banks is worth much more than 1,000 tonnes of gold. If you bring back that money, you won't have to go digging for gold."

Countering Modi, the letter circulated to the media by Sarkar's disciple Swami Om, bearing the address of Sarkar's ashram with "Om" written in Hindi in place of the signature, said, "Shobhan Sarkar has seen the dream of making India the world's most powerful nation. To fulfil this dream, Swamiji had taken a vow to provide India with gold reserves more than the combined gold reserves of UK and USA... He has vowed to provide 21,000 tonnes of gold to the government... If the nation's aspirations are not fulfilled, I will cut off my head."

The letter asked why the then BJP-led government under A B Vajpayee had not brought back the black money from Swiss banks. "The amount of money being spent on branding you and your party, is the money white or black? You are being seen as the next prime minister of this country. The common man and the sant samaj wants to know your views on some issues. I would like to invite you to a public debate," it said.

"Ram Sethu is an issue of faith with your party. I want to say that Lord Ram himself asked Vibhishan... to destroy the Ram Sethu. You can verify this from Padma Purana," said the letter.

"Today you are a votary of social media. Will you make people remember the time when Sam Pitroda was laying the foundation of computerisation in India by launching the C-*** project. At that time, your party was screaming that computerisation would put the nation in an unemployment trap. Do you have the courage to admit that your party's stand at that time was wrong?" it said.

"While raising the Bofors bribes issue, your party raised questions about the efficacy of the Bofors guns that could have affected the morale of our Army. Why didn't your party's government unravel the secrets behind the Bofors bribes? Had the Bofors guns not been there during the Kargil war, what would have been the nation's position?" asked the letter.

"Your party had been opposing the Tehri dam... After the Kedarnath tragedy, this dam proved to a protector and blessing. Had there been no Tehri dam, the plains would have been washed away and you would not have been able to address a rally in Kanpur," it added.

Meanwhile, Mahana, who met Sarkar today, said, "If anybody is saluting any person, it is more than seeking forgiveness. I conveyed Modiji's feelings to Shobhan Sarkar and he was convinced. He has closed the chapter."

With not-so-saintly note, gold-dreamer gets Modi to say sorry - Indian Express
LoL exactly, he thinks those without oxford or harvard education are not fit to rule india or be leaders,but a italian without knowing english can become leader in India:cheers:.Funny, where do these congressis get their standards from italy i guess.

He doesn't know people empathize more with a person who came from a humble background rather than a prince born with a golden spoon in his mouth,India is a democracy not monarchy ,common people empathize with someone who comes from a same background as theirs, in a sense they feel connected to them more.
I always wonder congressis resort to personal attacks about his education, his humble ,poor background renukar choudhary asking if he can spell "DIGNITY",servant,sweeping floors(whats wrong in working a honest living its not like he looted this nation as you guys did for 60 years)you are giving out a message that only rich deserve to be PM of India while rest should serve you as servants, this will only serve as a force multiplier for Modi as people see how biased you and your party are against a person from middle and lower middle class backgrounds .

Middle class and lower middle class are the largest voter population of India.Risk antagonizing them at your own peril as they will wield their voting power in 2014 and rout congress from India.:yahoo:

You hit the nail in the Head.

This 'secular' muslim Indian has no problem with Italian waitress, only with Indian sweepers :lol:
You guys can pick a metaphor that is deep in the story.

You know, indians looking for the hidden gold
Dignity of labor is something our country is lacking when compared to the developed countries.This is one of the essential for development..People should be judged on their hard work and merit rather than the so could glamour jobs or the amount of money they posses.
Even Mahatma Gandhi used to clean his house and toilet on his own and had asked every one to follow this .
I cant even imagine the level of hard work and perseverance of Modi in becoming the PM candidate of India from just a poor OBC class born person who had to work a chaiwala..... Simply amazing and truly inspirational ........

^^^^^^Massive Respect:tup::tup::tup::tup:

Now go and hit ur head with wall if u have even little respect left.

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