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Unlike Pakistan, Yemen Earns American Gratitude

^^ I can sense bias in your so-called neutral plea. You forgot to mention where the Pakistanis rightfully blame the Americans for backstabbing during the Cold War and leaving Afghanistan high and dry. Very important!

Now, explain to me in a few sentences how a bunch of Torah Borah loonies are able to bypass the world most sophisticated agencies and mount such a spectacular attack by flying 747s razor sharply into the twin towers?
These America versus Pakistan versus Taliban threads usually take on the same direction. First an American will usually put up a thread saying that Pakistan isn't doing enough in the WOT and will insinuate that Pakistan is playing a backstabbing game. Then some Pakistanis will chip in and insult the USA and the west and claim that the USA is the terrorist in the whole equation. Then some other Pakistani will come in and ask the American posters to please send in more military aid or helicopters after all the insults at the Americans are exhibited :rofl: Then some Indian posters will join the Americans in pointing out Pakistan's misdirections in the WOT. Then some Pakistanis will post something either about India's inability to design its own weapons or India's involvement in Afghanistan being suspect or sometimes just level allegations that either Israel or India were the actual culprits of the 9/11 and other terrorist blasts in the world. Now in this thread some poster started a new prophesy claiming that some saffron robed sadhu was responsible for 9/11 :rofl: And the hillarious arguments continue :D

Hay P.W. did u see the videos or just want to make browny points.
It will bring things to peacefull solutions if u or other of the same thoughts try to see the truth and work for peace, war will not solve anything, it usualy esclates and more innocent die.
To me Karen, when he talks about India, Israel, he is right on spot, somehow u Indians keep on trying to dispel the facts when it comes to truth about India.

Now about it being year old, how come he taks about Israeli gen. visiting kashmir, and about yeman.

so please try for once to accept the facts and not refute it with clever talk.

It is an year old video. The date on the video at Your Tube is 20 Dec 2008 . Go to youtube hyper link that you pasted and scroll down to the last comment(482) on the video. That comment itself is 1 year old.

About him being right on India and Israel, every one has a right to their opinion and I will not challenge that at all. I was just commenting on his reputation in the same western press.
Hay P.W. did u see the videos or just want to make browny points.
It will bring things to peacefull solutions if u or other of the same thoughts try to see the truth and work for peace, war will not solve anything, it usualy esclates and more innocent die.

What videos

the 1st one is a view of an individual who says CIA planned 9/11 and USA along with Israel was behind attack on USS Liberty and UK govt planned the attacks on their subway system.

the 2nd one is a bunch of pictures put together with a background commentary in an american accented voice.

what does that show.. zilch.. i can put up 50 videos from youtube talking all sorts of nonsense about Pakistan and a lot of them will be from the same western media that you talked about in your Alex Jones post. Similarly there are videos where an Afghan is thanking US for coming in and kicking pakistan backed taliban out.

None of this proves anything just like the videos that you put in. All this is pure hype/posturing and media making quick bucks by stroking the fires..

I fully agree with you on second point that all of us (and that includes you and your nation) along with India, US face the truth, face our follies of the past and work towards peace and not war.
What videos

the 1st one is a view of an individual who says CIA planned 9/11 and USA along with Israel was behind attack on USS Liberty and UK govt planned the attacks on their subway system.

the 2nd one is a bunch of pictures put together with a background commentary in an american accented voice.

what does that show.. zilch.. i can put up 50 videos from youtube talking all sorts of nonsense about Pakistan and a lot of them will be from the same western media that you talked about in your Alex Jones post. Similarly there are videos where an Afghan is thanking US for coming in and kicking pakistan backed taliban out.

None of this proves anything just like the videos that you put in. All this is pure hype/posturing and media making quick bucks by stroking the fires..

I fully agree with you on second point that all of us (and that includes you and your nation) along with India, US face the truth, face our follies of the past and work towards peace and not war.

my inquiry was that does this videos depicts truth or not, not your anylasis.

donot beat arround the bush. state clearly if this video is based on truth or lies, it does not matter who made it, it is not about presenter, it is about truth.

Ler us see if u can put up one video like this, never mind about 50 videos. Dude

I be waiting to see what your video look like. Can u base it on truth or just heresay
my inquiry was that does this videos depicts truth or not, not your anylasis.

donot beat arround the bush. state clearly if this video is based on truth or lies, it does not matter who made it, it is not about presenter, it is about truth.

Ler us see if u can put up one video like this, never mind about 50 videos. Dude

I be waiting to see what your video look like. Can u base it on truth or just heresay

I think the only thing the 1st video depicts is nonsense. The second video is more of a promo material of an anti war group within US. It is a point of view of a group of people. Its a speech. Cant equate it with Truth or Lies

On videos, I dont want to get into video slinging in this thread, but if you want, go to you tube and search on key words, Pakistan Terroris state and you will get all the videos you can watch which depicts the other side..

The videos about Pakistan are an old story produced pre American elections and it shows the speaches by the candidates from democrats and republicans. Watch how they talk about protecting of, only Israel, being a world power, the world power should dispanse equity and justice and should not prefer one sate over another.

No body talks about poor Palistenians and suffering they endure, so your intention of drawing my attention to these videos was a futile try, no actualy it is refuting your claims and not mine.

Now the elections have passed almost a year and real picture is infront of all of us and it shows that India must talk about all out standing problems with Paksitan and this is exectly my point. Also watch this video and see how Indians are so full of venom and lies when it comes to Muslims of India, the Kashmiris and the minorities in Pakistan. And how cleverly he spews the lie, An Inidan with his deceptions.

One question, How come alwys an HIndu talks about how happy Muslims are in India, I have yet to see a prominant Muslim of India say that.

On top of it all he has the galls to put a Pakistani map which is concoctioned by enemies of Pakistan, what right does he has to do this on internet, As for as I ma concerned, he is a nut doing this dipicable act.

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Solomon, that is all that you have to say. In other posts I see that u r not short of wrods but when it comes to Muslim deaths u r so short on words.

Now that tells me about real u.
The videos about Pakistan are an old story produced pre American elections and it shows the speaches by the candidates from democrats and republicans. Watch how they talk about protecting of, only Israel, being a world power, the world power should dispanse equity and justice and should not prefer one sate over another.

As old as the one year old video you put in???

No body talks about poor Palistenians and suffering they endure, so your intention of drawing my attention to these videos was a futile try, no actualy it is refuting your claims and not mine.
Just like you tube, you are also not a source of Univrsal truth. So just your saying it doesnt make it true..

Now the elections have passed almost a year and real picture is infront of all of us and it shows that India must talk about all out standing problems with Paksitan and this is exectly my point.
I agree 100% on us talking

Also watch this video and see how Indians are so full of venom and lies when it comes to Muslims of India, the Kashmiris and the minorities in Pakistan. And how cleverly he spews the lie, An Inidan with his deceptions.

One question, How come alwys an HIndu talks about how happy Muslims are in India, I have yet to see a prominant Muslim of India say that.

On top of it all he has the galls to put a Pakistani map which is concoctioned by enemies of Pakistan, what right does he has to do this on internet, As for as I ma concerned, he is a nut doing this dipicable act.

H3jtgqDZpS8[/media] - TIME magazine's slander against India and support to Pakistani Terror - 1

He is no nuttier than Alex Jones.. Is he??

My point was that you tube videos can not form a basis of a logical argument because you can get a you tube video for virtually any topic and any point of view. So while discussion is fine, showing a youtube video as a proof doesn't hold too much water..

On your second comment, I am also attaching a you tube video (no pun intended) of a discussion between an India MP (Muslim) and Gen P Musharraf on the same lines as an example. Again I am sure there will be hundreds of videos which will show exactly the opposite and both this video of those as well can be discredited in number of ways. So back to my original point...Lets not try and use You tube as a sourceo of universal truth because it is not


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We are fighting our own war. We are not fighting the war of americans.
We do not expect gratitude from americans. americans can go die in the Grave Yard of Empires AKA Afghanistan.
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