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Unlike Pakistan, Yemen Earns American Gratitude

Please master, pleaase let me kiss that ring of yours!

Pretty soon headlines would read "Unlike Pakistan, Yemen Earns American gratitude, and no one in Pakistan cared about it". It's something to aspire for, not be ashamed of.
A.Q didn't exist before 1988 and the taliban before 1994.

Not at all. I freely admit that America provided some $5B in military aid to the mujahideen between 1980-1987. This was matched by others from KSA, PRC, Great Britain, France, and Pakistan. You diminish their roles and at the same time conflate the mujahideen whom comprised Hazaras, tajiks, uzbeks, and turkomen along with pashtu with an all pashtu entity that emerged much later-the taliban.

You may take some time and read to further your education. I've provided an excellently capsulized resource. If you persist with this obstinate clinging to a narrative that is conspiracy ridden and wanders far from the simple facts that is your choice but our conversation will cease.

The taliban and al-qaida are the offsprings of the same mujahideen you know and admit the u.s. supported and propogated.

It is comedic to even claim that this is a narrative which is in any way conspiracy ridden because of the simple fact that the public (u.s. gov) enemy number 1, OBL, was the same mujahid, part of the same mujahideen, which you just admited u.s. supported, very enthusiasticly, and is now the very public figure head of the al-qaida. There is no ceasing away from this plain fact.

What you are doing is trying to put a divider between the taliban, alqaida and the mujahideen. The simple fact is that the taliban and alqaida are offsprings of the same beast everyone created to fight the soviets and then left to their own divices in the Pakistan backyard. They mutated into different factions because the u.s. ran off once they had achieved the objectives in afghanistan. You can give dates for when the taliban or the alqaida officially registered as a seperate organization but the u.s. is just as much, if not more so, responsible for their formation.

I find this argument blaming USA for creation of Taliban and muzzahidins quit funny.

Russia invaded Afghanistan
Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries wanted to defeat Russia so they created these fighters.

Indians who supported Russia during the cold war and this Afghan war and are a reason for which the U.S. thought prudent to take action against the soviets have now switched their views 180 degrees because they want to kiss America's butt at every point. Just look at this stupid crap indians now claim.

the moron even contradicts himself in the very next line.
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"What you are doing is trying to put a divider between the taliban, alqaida and the mujahideen."

The taliban and the mujahideen are entirely different movements. I'm not "trying" anything. It is simply the fact. I make no apology for supporting the mujahideen against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

However, occupation of Afghanistan is not the case here. There is a U.N. mandate to stabilize Afghanistan which is sneered at by Pakistanis who'd prefer afghans to remain enslaved to their taliban proxies. There are more than forty other nations giving their blood, treasure, and time to raise forth a better Afghanistan.

None of these goals are wrong but Pakistan stands in the way for national advantage yet doesn't possess the courage nor integrity to make open war upon those who block its path.

Instead, you resort to proxy armies to achieve Pakistan's goals.

Al Qaeda wasn't formed until 1988 in Peshawar. That's PAKISTAN, btw. It was done so by a rich wannabe jihadi arabian who was a nobody in the afghan-Soviet war but for his money.

America didn't have a clue about OBL.

He is an enemy of America and has been since the early 90s. It's silly, childish equivocation that drives your insistance of some linkage between America and the taliban/OBL.

Funny that you don't suggest such for Pakistan, the PRC, Great Britain, nor France but you've an anti-American agenda that distorts your understanding of even the most basic facts.

and u some how know that? Oh let me guess saw it on STAR NEWS ? lol:hitwall:

I hope you do know that Star TV is headquartered in Hong Kong (read your dear friend China)? So getting something about Pakistan on STAR news should be pretty reliable.. Ain't it?? :smitten::china::pakistan:

Situations are different on both countries, while Pakistan wants to maintain good relationship with Taliban for future, no such thing exists in Yemen.

Oh yes mindreader where did u think of this one your crystal ball sucks time for a new one lol .. i didnt know that you can read the future as well ..plzz make sense when you write something we are against the taliban and fighting the wot wake up to the new age todays world man we want nothing to do with the talban cuz of the same cowardly bastards so many are dieing in Pakistan ! Yemen in the other i would want to worry to me it seems another majoy cell/ base for the taliban has been reopend.
The taliban and the mujahideen are entirely different movements. I'm not "trying" anything. It is simply the fact. I make no apology for supporting the mujahideen against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

The taliban and alqaida are offspring of the mujahideen and nothing will change a historical fact.

None of these goals are wrong but Pakistan stands in the way for national advantage yet doesn't possess the courage nor integrity to make open war upon those who block its path.

Instead, you resort to proxy armies to achieve Pakistan's goals

Maybe Pakistan did not do what it should have done. But it did do what it could after the Soviets left, which is more than the U.S. can claim. And those are coming back to bite everyone now, but atleast Pakistan did something, right or wrong. And spare me the fables of gallentry and path of self righteous b.s. The u.s. has more blood on its hand through the use of proxy regimes than any other country in the world.

America didn't have a clue about OBL.

WHAT? what what what?? America didnt have a clue about OBL? oh dear lord.

The American gov chased obl all around the world in the 90s, thats how he ended up in Afghanistan. And before you suggest that it was the 90s and not the 80s, you dont think the American gov became aware of his thread overnight, do you?

Funny that you don't suggest such for Pakistan, the PRC, Great Britain, nor France but you've an anti-American agenda that distorts your understanding of even the most basic facts.

lmao, I am more pro-American than you think. Just because I try to face reality and shed light on the real historical facts from an impartial point of view doesnt make me Anti-American, infact owning up to the wrongs done by Pakistan and America makes me more of a realist and pro-American than you are by not owning up to history.

I fully admit Pakistan's fault. The reason you didnt hear me harp on about Pakistan because it is what everyone does anyways. you seem to think i am absolving Pakistan of its hand, which is not the case. What i am saying is that other too had their hands in this.

After reading this post of yours I question your impartiality. It seems you are concentrated more on twisting the historical facts of placing blame solely on the Pakistanis to fit an american point of view and flinging the tired old "anti-american" charge around.
"And spare me the fables of gallentry and path of self righteous b.s...The u.s. has more blood on its hand through the use of proxy regimes than any other country in the world..."

Those fables are about Afghanistan and include a considerable number of other countries devoted to the same cause as America and the U.N. Quit pontificating without relevance. It's your proxies at war against a U.N. mandate and forty plus nations in Afghanistan here and now.

That's what matters and that's what's wrong with Pakistan.

"WHAT? what what what?? America didnt have a clue about OBL? oh dear lord.

The American gov chased obl all around the world in the 90s..."

So what part of this sentence missed your reading comprehension-

"He is an enemy of America and has been since the early 90s."

Seems I'm perfectly clear that we didn't know this rich, mujahideen wannabe from KSA during the Soviet-Afghan war thus had no relationship with him.

Read more closely please.

"After reading this post of yours I question your impartiality. It seems you are concentrated more on twisting the historical facts of placing blame solely on the Pakistanis to fit an american point of view and flinging the tired old "anti-american" charge around."

The issue is sanctuary and proxy warfare by Pakistan stemming from such against the U.N. mandate, forty plus interested nations, and the afghan people. All your other entreaties, pontifications about impartiality, etc. by you mean little relative to the subject at hand.

There's no twisting of facts to be had by me, sir. You continue to attempt linkage between the taliban/A.Q. and ourselves when nothing could be further from the truth.

We've lineage reaching back to the Mujahideen. That lineage, though, includes relations with elements of such whom Pakistan have made enemies.

Our break with both was clear in 1989 when we left. We needed the Russians and Indians to intercede with the N.A. to re-enter Afghanistan in 2001. We knew nobody who could provide us a foothold.

Pakistanis act as though America was supposed to stay following the Soviet departure. Why?

You don't wonder about the PRC, Great Britain, France, or the gulf states. The UAE and the KSA didn't return until 1996 when they recognized the taliban government.

America certainly had no historical interest there previously. Had we stayed, we'd been vulnerable though to accusations of neo-imperial ambitions in the region-perhaps accusations made by Pakistan.

Most of all, do you believe the Soviet Union would have ever left Afghanistan if they were promised America would immediately fill the void along their southern tier of Soviet socialist states?

Of course not. Gorbachev would have been strung up and hung from the Kremlin's highest tower for allowing America to encamp along the Soviet southern border.

Twisting facts, indeed.

soon headlines would read "Unlike Pakistan, Yemen Earns American gratitude, and no one in Pakistan cared about it". It's something to aspire for, not be ashamed of.
What "it" are you referring to?
To put all this discussion to rest, let me present to all those who are bent on insulting Pakistan. A video which will clear all the matters being discussd in this thread.

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Funny how the world focus is shifting on Yemen now. American invasion seems unlikely. At this moment in time public poll wise America can not afford another war. While Pakistan and America play tit for tat over the Taliban, Yemen is seeing many uprisings. You see you can not defeat Al Queda. Al Queda is a brand name it just cant be defeated militarily, it does its work through sleeper cells etc. in conventional warfare it knows itl defeated but beutifully lures opponents in to its own style warfare.
Funny how the world focus is shifting on Yemen now. American invasion seems unlikely. At this moment in time public poll wise America can not afford another war.
As the Al Qaeda franchise shifts its focus from country to country, American and allied forces follow to attack and destroy it. The PA is driving AlQ out of Pakistan (given what the Pakistanis have written on this thread, I would guess that Pakistan's surly attitude is the main reason why Pakistan currently isn't getting more credit for the deed) and Afghanistan is no refuge. For example, the U.S. Navy bombed the Islamic Courts in Somalia a couple of years back. It seems U.S. aircraft or drones raided AlQ in Yemen a few weeks ago. I would guess an "invasion" of Yemen by U.S. Special Forces has already occurred, in connivance with rather than opposition to the current Yemeni government. Because they are few in number Special Forces have lesser logistics requirements and thus are comparatively cheap.
Its a one year old clipping and Alex Jones is a certified conspiracy theory nut in the same western Media. He believes, 9/11 was done by the US govt and 7/7 by UK


To me Karen, when he talks about India, Israel, he is right on spot, somehow u Indians keep on trying to dispel the facts when it comes to truth about India.

Now about it being year old, how come he taks about Israeli gen. visiting kashmir, and about yeman.

so please try for once to accept the facts and not refute it with clever talk.
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As the Al Qaeda franchise shifts its focus from country to country, American and allied forces follow to attack and destroy it. The PA is driving AlQ out of Pakistan (given what the Pakistanis have written on this thread, I would guess that Pakistan's surly attitude is the main reason why Pakistan currently isn't getting more credit for the deed) and Afghanistan is no refuge. For example, the U.S. Navy bombed the Islamic Courts in Somalia a couple of years back. It seems U.S. aircraft or drones raided AlQ in Yemen a few weeks ago. I would guess an "invasion" of Yemen by U.S. Special Forces has already occurred, in connivance with rather than opposition to the current Yemeni government. Because they are few in number Special Forces have lesser logistics requirements and thus are comparatively cheap.

Atitude, hay. let us see if it happens in another country where lots of innocent people are killed, what would be their atitude.

solomon 2 some how are u trying to say that A pakistani life has no value and when they are killed, it is o.k. by you.

I do not think that you speak for all americans, specially the leaders, they sympathise with innocent perople being killed.

Watch this video and learn the truth as elequently put by a American soldier.

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These America versus Pakistan versus Taliban threads usually take on the same direction. First an American will usually put up a thread saying that Pakistan isn't doing enough in the WOT and will insinuate that Pakistan is playing a backstabbing game. Then some Pakistanis will chip in and insult the USA and the west and claim that the USA is the terrorist in the whole equation. Then some other Pakistani will come in and ask the American posters to please send in more military aid or helicopters after all the insults at the Americans are exhibited :rofl: Then some Indian posters will join the Americans in pointing out Pakistan's misdirections in the WOT. Then some Pakistanis will post something either about India's inability to design its own weapons or India's involvement in Afghanistan being suspect or sometimes just level allegations that either Israel or India were the actual culprits of the 9/11 and other terrorist blasts in the world. Now in this thread some poster started a new prophesy claiming that some saffron robed sadhu was responsible for 9/11 :rofl: And the hillarious arguments continue :D

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