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Unlike Pakistan, Yemen Earns American Gratitude


Dec 12, 2008
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United States
A few days ago passengers foiled an Al Qaeda attack on a U.S. airliner. The perpetrator was sent by the Arabian Peninsula branch of the organization.

Instead of sheltering those who brainwashed their puppet into doing the deed, Yemen responded almost immediately:
Yemeni forces storm al-Qaida hide-out, arrest 1

SAN'A, Yemen – Yemeni security forces stormed an al-Qaida hide-out Wednesday in a principle militant stronghold in the country's west, setting off clashes, officials said, as a security chief vowed to fight the group's powerful local branch until it was eliminated.

A government statement said at least one suspected al-Qaida member was arrested during the fighting in Hudaydah province. The province, along Yemen's Red Sea coast, was home to most of the assailants in a bombing and shooting attack outside the U.S. Embassy in 2008 that killed 10 Yemeni guards and four civilians.

"The (Interior) Ministry will continue tracking down al-Qaida terrorists and will continue its strikes against the group until it is totally eliminated," said Deputy Interior Minister Brig. Gen. Saleh al-Zawari.

He was speaking to senior military officials at a meeting in Mareb, one of three provinces where al-Qaida militants are believed to have taken shelter.

The group's growing presence in Yemen, an impoverished and lawless country on the edge of the Arabian Peninsula, has drawn attention with the attempted attack on a U.S. airliner on Friday. U.S. investigators say the Nigerian suspect in the attack told them that he received training and instructions from al-Qaida operatives in Yemen.

Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula set up its Yemen base in January when operatives from Saudi Arabia and Yemen merged.

A security official who gave more details on Wednesday's raid said it resulted from a tip and targeted a home five miles (eight kilometers) north of the Bajil district. He said one suspected al-Qaida member was injured and several who fled were being pursued.

The owner of the home, a sympathizer of the group, was arrested, he said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

Yemen will continue to coordinate its military efforts with the United States to track down al-Qaida in several areas of the country, said Tarek al-Shami, spokesman of the ruling National Congress Party.

The U.S. has increasingly provided intelligence, surveillance and training to Yemeni forces during the past year, and has provided some firepower, a senior U.S. defense official said recently, speaking on condition of anonymity in order to discuss sensitive security issues. Some of that assistance may be through the expanded use of unmanned drones, and the U.S. is providing funding to Yemen for helicopters and other equipment.

The Pentagon recently said it poured nearly $70 million in military aid into Yemen this year — compared with none in 2008...
Tens of millions of dollars given before any of this happened. Can you even imagine the gratitude us Americans feel towards Yemen for fighting Al Qaeda and how we will choose to express it?
A few days ago passengers foiled an Al Qaeda attack on a U.S. airliner. The perpetrator was sent by the Arabian Peninsula branch of the organization.

Instead of sheltering those who brainwashed their puppet into doing the deed, Yemen responded almost immediately:

Tens of millions of dollars given before any of this happened. Can you even imagine the gratitude us Americans feel towards Yemen for fighting Al Qaeda and how we will choose to express it?

Yemen has no way of defending it self, since being a smaller country, so it gave into American pressure.
A few days ago passengers foiled an Al Qaeda attack on a U.S. airliner. The perpetrator was sent by the Arabian Peninsula branch of the organization.

Instead of sheltering those who brainwashed their puppet into doing the deed, Yemen responded almost immediately:

Tens of millions of dollars given before any of this happened. Can you even imagine the gratitude us Americans feel towards Yemen for fighting Al Qaeda and how we will choose to express it?

Going after AQ in Pakistan is a thankless job.
Situations are different on both countries, while Pakistan wants to maintain good relationship with Taliban for future, no such thing exists in Yemen.
yes, because earning american gratitude is all that counts for anyone.
Situations are different on both countries, while Pakistan wants to maintain good relationship with Taliban for future, no such thing exists in Yemen.

You dude are assuming that AQ is somehow suported by Pakistan is a shame, Pakistani people have sacrifces more than any other country on the face of this earth, and u dude point fingure at pakistan, not nice.
Situations are different on both countries, while Pakistan wants to maintain good relationship with Taliban for future, no such thing exists in Yemen.

Taliban DNE AQ. Please learn this distinction.
"Pakistani people have sacrifces more than any other country on the face of this earth..."

I beg to differ. While your sacrifices have been notable, I don't think you've sacrificed as much as the afghan people-by far.

Pakistan has been neither alone nor the worst afflicted in my view.
"Pakistani people have sacrifces more than any other country on the face of this earth..."

I beg to differ. While your sacrifices have been notable, I don't think you've sacrificed as much as the afghan people-by far.

Pakistan has been neither alone nor the worst afflicted in my view.
Afghan havedone so without any choice as they were draged inot proxy wars by big guns, Pakistan had to also do the same but was not made the escape goat due to a very dicipline armed forces.

some anti Pakistan element of the world started disinformation about breaking of Pakistan by 2009, as they did for east pakistan, in the case of east pakistan we had logistical problem, but in our back yard, we will not let it happen and will make lier of those who throw out these theories.

to make matters hard for Pakistan these anti Pakistan elements also spread rumours about pakistan being the failed state due to few billion it owed to world bank, but these elements did not know that the whole world runs on debts and there are countires which owe trillions. so again is not a nice thing to do to single out Pakistan, for what it matters these debts owed by various countries is how the finacial system works in this world and no one should make big deals out of it by singling one country and not others.

When and where have pakistan's sacrifices been noted and to say noted is a insulting word, one should say respectfully honourably accepted.

Pakistan has spent most of its income on wars which is much more than allies has provided, our submission from Pakistanis abroad is arround 7 billion or more a year and most of it is going on war efforts, so don't go blowing your own trumpet about how Pakistan has been helped.

In the case of Afghanistan it does not have this kind of income from its expatriots so it is soley dependant on allies, and by saying this I am not trying to forgo the sacrifices great Afghans have made. but the truth should be the the foremost thing to tell.

Having said that we believe that there should be peace on earth based on U.N. charter and solutions to all problems such as kashmir and Palistine based on simple rule of Democracy and of good faith and respect for human dignity.

ps. What puts Pakistan in sacrifices ahead of all is the 3 million refugees living as guests in pakistan for more than 30 years, let us see if another country on this earth will do that, no body on this earth would have tolrated so many refugees for so long.
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Unlike Yemen, Pakistan doesn't give 2 shits about American Gratitutde. Well maybe Yemen doesn't either.
A few days ago passengers foiled an Al Qaeda attack on a U.S. airliner. The perpetrator was sent by the Arabian Peninsula branch of the organization.

Instead of sheltering those who brainwashed their puppet into doing the deed, Yemen responded almost immediately:

Tens of millions of dollars given before any of this happened. Can you even imagine the gratitude us Americans feel towards Yemen for fighting Al Qaeda and how we will choose to express it?

Who are CIA is trying to fool? the world? This guy (Omar) was a CIA puppet, they used him. USA/CIA is needed a reason to attack Yemen. How are they going to sell this war to American people? There has to be a reason. Right?
We Muslims are thinking about next day and American are thinking about next decade. American/British will do whatever it takes to protect Saudi (royal family) stooges.

American will do only if involve their interest, if means bring Taliban to power, fight Taliban when they are not needed and make friendship again with Taliban, bring Saddam Hussien into power and use him against Iran and when don't need him hang him just like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
Guys, forget 9/11, that was a clear-cut false-flag espionage operation, this one is no different.

According to Kurt Haskell, an attorney with the Haskell Law Firm in Taylor, Michigan, “He and his wife were sitting on the ground near their boarding gate in Amsterdam, which is when they saw Mutallab approach the gate with an unidentified man.”

Mutallab was a poorly dressed, young looking individual, but he was accompanied by a man in an expensive suit, Haskell told MLive.com.

“He says the suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab could board without a passport. “The guy said, ‘He’s from Sudan and we do this all the time.’”

Although Mutallab is Nigerian, Haskell said the well-dressed man portrayed him as a desperate Sudanese refugee in an attempt to elicit sympathy and as a way of bypassing his lack of documents.

“The ticket agent referred Mutallab and his companion to her manager down the hall, and Haskell didn’t see Mutallab again until after he allegedly tried to detonate an explosive on the plane,” states the report.

Crucially, Haskell said that after the plane landed he saw another man being taken into custody by the FBI along with Mutallab.

“On the one hand, it seems he’s been on the terror watch list but not on the no-fly list,” he said. “That doesn’t square because the American Department for Homeland Security has pretty stringent data-mining capability. I don’t understand how he had a valid visa if he was known on the terror watch list,” Dr Magnus Ranstorp of the Center for Asymmetric Threat Studies told the London Independent

Flight 253 passenger: Sharp-dressed man aided terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab onto plane without passport (MLive.com exclusive) | Detroit News - - MLive.com

It's really sad to see people buying everything their governments say at face value and not thinking critically about what's going on.
Guys, forget 9/11, that was a clear-cut false-flag espionage operation, this one is no different.
You judge matters so quickly! How do you do that? Was it part of your schooling?
Solomon2, I suggest you read what Adm. Mike Mullen and Richard Holbrooke have to say about Pakistan's contributions. Just goes to show that not all Americans are arrogant ingrates, that's probably because some Americans can't forget about the war once their computer's shut-off, they've got to live with it every day, much like the entire population of Pakistan.

As for American gratitude, save it. The US didn't bring War to Yemen's doorstep, the US isn't playing double-games with Yemen, and 40+ Yemenis weren't killed recently in suicide bomb attacks. American gratitude? try American hubris and ingratitude.

Anyway, enjoy your new-year's eve. I bet there are many gatherings in the city you live in. Guess where there won't be huge gatherings because the people fear for their lives? Yep. Please accept our gratitude for that.
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