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Unknown Pakistani group claims responsibility for Pune blast

First, call was made to "The Hindu" correspondent (Ms Natrajan) in Islamabad, so there is no way RAW can monitor the call.

Ok in that case it may be to divert the attention.

Second, Abu Jindal is always a code name and you will find that in every terrorist attack.

In this case the name Jindal and linking it with LeT sounds a concocted claim because already India had blamed Mumbai attacks on LeT and an Indian Abu Jindal had been claimed as handler of the attackers.

Honestly... even I don't want to come to any conclusion based on this call. Let wait for the investigation to conclude and only then we can say who is involved.

Yes that should be the best policy to wait for the investigation in any such incident.
If someone calls a particular newspaper then obviously all the sources on the earth will originated from the receiver i.e. "The Hindu" newspaper in this case.

:) yes indeed. Understandable
Let there be no asha for the Pak demon

R VaidyanathanFirst Published : 16 Feb 2010 11:27:00 PM ISTLast Updated : 16 Feb 2010 04:30:08 AM IST
It is important to recognise the fact that Pakistan is one of the few places where the army runs the country. The army also owns its economy. This is important since studies have found that a large number of corporates in Pakistan are ultimately owned by the Fauji Foundation (FF), Army Welfare Trust (AWT) Bahria Foundation (BF), Shaheen Foundation (SF), all owned by different wings of the armed forces. At least 70 per cent of the market capitalisation of the Karachi stock exchange is owned by the army and related groups.
Also, a significant portion of its GDP is due to army-controlled entities and one can easily say that Pakistan economy and its army/ISI are synonymous. This implies we should stop talking of a stable Pakistan since a stable Pakistan means multiple attacks on many more cities of India by that rogue organisation ISI which is the core of the Pakistan Army.
Recently some noises were made by a newspaper group as well as Bleeding Heart Liberals (BHL’s) about resuming dialogue with Pakistan. There are three groups in India which are obsessed with friendship with Pakistan. One consists of the oldies born in that part before Partition and who are nostalgic about Lahore havelis, halwas and mujiras. The second category has Bollywood and other assorted groups who look at it as a big market. The third is the candlelight holding bleeding heart liberals who cannot imagine India doing well without its younger brother being taken care of. All the three have been proved wrong but all of them are in the important opinion maker’s role. Shun them, avoid them and ridicule them.
These Wagh Candle Kissers either do not understand the economic power structure of Pakistan or naively hope that it will not be an issue. Their constitution — 1973 version visualises — to quote from its preamble “Whereas sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone, and the authority to be exercised by the people of Pakistan within the limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust; wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed.” It is the army which is the chosen instrument to implement the will of the god. This was recently clearly enunciated by its COAS General Kiyani. Protecting Islam and Pakistan is one of the sovereign duties of the armed forces. Recently the UN (appointed by President Zardari) team probing the death of Benazir Bhutto could interview all civil leaders including the PM and president but not the army brass. When the army objected to the Kerry –Lugar Bill the president had to bring in Kerry himself to talk to COAS.
The candle kissers are doing great disservice to India and to Pakistan since that state has visualised itself as the protector and promoter of the God’s vision. One dimension of that vision is to train the suicide bombers to terminate the unbelievers inside and outside Pakistan. The so-called peaceniks naively believe that that army will go away or the foundations of the state of Pakistan will fade away.
When recently the FICCI produced a well-documented study titled “National Security and Terrorism” to deal with terrorism originating from that country, the Karachi Chambers of Commerce protested. And now the candle kissers want to have a business meet at Karachi. We do not know what results such a meet will produce.
Almost all terror attacks in any part of the world in the last decade have a link with Pakistan. Terrorism is funded by Saudi Arabia, planned in London and executed by Pakistani foot soldiers globally. Its strategic ally, namely the USA, wants to body screen every Pakistani entering the US and also wants to open their entire luggage particularly if it has been packed by them. Its other mentor namely Saudi Arabia has a system of issuing visas to Pakistanis after severe verification. China is worried about Pakistani role in the Xinxiang uprising and quietly hangs the rebels, many of them from the ***. Currently Pakistan is in abyss and it would be beneficial if it is split into many countries — not only for peace in India but also all over the world. The candle kissers are completely wrong in their agenda and timing. One only hopes that the Indian state is not taken in by their sentimental nonsense.
Will the Indian elite go for the jugular or just light more candles and scream at formless /nameless political class before TV cameras? It is going to be a long haul and may be in a decade or so we can find a solution for our existential crisis of being attacked by barbarians from the west. We need to combine strategy and patience and completely throw to the dustbin the ‘Gujral doctrine’ — treating younger brother with equanimity. The doctrine essentially suggests that if we are slapped on both the cheeks we should feel bad that we do not have a third cheek to show. Such is our strategic thinking in this complex world since our political class is not adequately briefed, nor do the elite think through issues.
If we want the world to treat Pakistan for what it is then we should start practising it. Always call it as Terrorist State of Pakistan and never have any illusion that it is going to be different. Completely and comprehensively cut off all our relations with them — economic/cultural/sports and all other aspects. South Africa was treated for its Apartheid; so should Pakistan be punished for practising terrorism as a state policy. Unless we start completely boycotting Pakistan we cannot ask others to do it. Will corporate India start practising it? Then we can see some results in a few years. Otherwise when the next Mumbai attack happens the senile peaceniks may order more candles and try to generate more asha for the demon.
(The author is professor of finance and control, IIM-B. Views expressed are personal. E-mail: vaidya@iimb.ernet.in)
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:what: The author is professor of finance and control, IIM-B. Geeeez we can understand the venom being fed to Indians if this is the level of propaganda your poisoned the hearts of your economy professors then what would be the case with Bigots in India.
i strongly support prof. vaidyanathan's observation

it hurts, when someone speaks the truth without sugarcoat.
:what: The author is professor of finance and control, IIM-B. Geeeez we can understand the venom being fed to Indians if this is the level of propaganda your poisoned the hearts of your economy professors then what would be the case with Bigots in India.

What do you expect?

Our eastern neighbour has perfected the art of using "terrorism" as a universal excuse to justify any previously unjustifiable policy, hate speech or mood swing. We deal with foreign sponsored terrorism every day but don't crib and complain and instead focus our energy on strangling these ba$tard children of foreign intelligence agencies to death.

In contrast, what we hear from across the eastern border is a repeat of the same old story:

Step1: Overt initiative for peace - "Ooo look how nice we are"

Step 2: Act of "terrorism" in quick succession - "HALP! the nasty terrorists are back!!"

Step 3: Blame laid on Pakistan before investigations are over - "We're sure it's those Pakistanis... Just look at us... we're so pure we've never done anything to them. They just hate us 'cause they're jealous of the peaceful, insurgency-free, rich paradise we live in... look at them jewels and gold... oozing out of holes in the ground in the very heart of Mumbai!"

Step 4: Emotion conjured up by right-wing fanatics and media alike finally leading to sabotage of the peace initiative - "Hum to pehlay hi kehtay thay, don't talk to Pakistan other wise they will use the talks to blow up cafe's in Mumbai..."

Step 5: Finally followed up by threats - "Hum Cold Start chala dein gein, air strikes kar dein gay, limited strikes kar dein gay, china aur Pakistan don'on say jang lar lein gay, apna sara koora border kay us paar penkh dein gay... "

How many times do we need to see this movie? Now again, we have a "previously unknown" organization calling an Indian newspaper and tying this incident to Pakistan. Yawn.

The net-net is:

1) Pakistan should not engage with India in the current environment for many reasons. Many of these I've discussed in earlier threads (e.g. Afghan situation needs to be fully played out). But one additional reason is that this pattern of peace initiative-terrorism-sabotage-threat to be undermined and eliminated. Na ho ga baans na bajay gi bansuri. All this nonsense spouted from both sides about "trade" and "open borders" etc. is complete crap. Why would Pakistan want to export to India, which is on the whole, a low-income market. Why wouldn't we focus on countries with 5-20 times the per capita income, such as Iran, Turkey, UAE, China, Saudi Arabia, EU countries and the USA. We are finding better destinations for pretty much everything we produce, so it's not like we have a massive glut of unsold goods waiting to be exported to/dumped in a low-income market.

2) Our yawns are now only getting longer when we hear vitriol and threats emanate from India. In addition to clouds of pollution generated in the East, coming our way (Pakistan body blames India for rising smog - dnaindia.com), we now have this new form of verbal pollution to contend with. Either they make good on these threats, or accept that we have nothing to do with what is going on with the various domestic terror and separatist organizations that are targeting their cities. Finally, they have the choice to continue to expend their energies with nonsense propaganda against us that isn't achieving anything worth a darn.

So for the Pakistanis on this forum... please don't spend too much of your time lending credence to nonsense reports and called-in terror claims like this one... waste of time.
i strongly support prof. vaidyanathan's observation

it hurts, when someone speaks the truth without sugarcoat.

:cheesy::cheesy: the professor needs a psycho test.

AS far that Aman ka tamasha who needs that in the first place. That was a business venture by ToI and Geo. Which had already lost its worth in presence of ToI propaganda against Pakistan. :)
Probably a phone call by a pi55ed up Hindu made from the bar in downtown Kolkata which has become headlines.
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:cheesy::cheesy: the professor needs a psycho test.

AS far that Aman ka tamasha who needs that in the first place. That was a business venture by ToI and Geo. Which had already lost its worth in presence of ToI propaganda against Pakistan. :)

Initiated by GEO TV. Kill em now.
You seem to be an expert in those things.
Initiated by GEO TV. Kill em now.
You seem to be an expert in those things.

We dont need to kill it. The tamasha had already been killed by Indian emotional bouts. :)

I was thinking to have experties from Indians but lately i had changed my mind after reading laughable propaganda from Indians.

I would rather love to read Chunkaya his books are indeed worth reading and learning from.
for all u know "abu jindal" can be a cover name...da one thing i don get is dose damm terrorist know dat indian govt will never bow down 2 dere demands but still dey keep doin dis n wastin everybodys time...terrorist:mps:-"oh v r so jobless lets go kill some innocent civilians n den ltr vll play some fire fite wid the indian army till dey kill us:sniper:..v can pass time like dat its so very fun...atleast v won be wastin any time thinkin of a BTTR WAY 2 ACHIEVE OUR GOALS...iam so happy:victory::victory::victory:..."...like come on man...

P.S:btw me new 2 dis forum so wats up fellow comrades n enemies:smitten::D
We dont need to kill it. The tamasha had already been killed by Indian emotional bouts. :)

I was thinking to have experties from Indians but lately i had changed my mind after reading laughable propaganda from Indians.

I would rather love to read Chunkaya his books are indeed worth reading and learning from.

may be 26/11 was tamasha for u..so ur making such stupid comment s about 'Indian emotional bout'...it was not for us...

and bfore u start complaining that u guys had many 26/11 's...let me remind u...we r not pakistan...we didnt create groups like taliban.....
this type of things dont happen to us DAILY...
If it is a unknown group then in reality your gov doesn't know who it was but rather why not blame it on Pakistan very nice unreal come with facts before talking trash.
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