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Unjust War Is A Thankless Job

If not now, then when? The tide is high and rising.

:) the tide is not very high for us , its really high for US... look at the number of US people coming to Pakistan and meeting civil and military personal but no visit from Pakistan side ?????
:) the tide is not very high for us , its really high for US... look at the number of US people coming to Pakistan and meeting civil and military personal but no visit from Pakistan side ?????

That may also be indicative of the failure of the Pakistani leadership to tackle the challenges that befall them. It may be that nobody wants to tackle the national issues that need to be resolved because both the military and civil groups are more busy fighting with each other than looking after their responsibilities.

PS: The height of the tide is worrisome only relative to one's height. ;)
OBL - CIA conspiracy
Balochistan- RAW-CIA--blackwater-RAAM-MI6 conspiracy
Karachi Target Killings- RAW conspiracy
TTP- RAW conspiracy
PNS MEHRAN- RAW conspiracy
PPP- American Agents/puppet
Karzai- RAW/CIA Puppet

Knight in Shining armor, innocent as a Dove- Pakistan Army (and of-course the COAS)
The US forgets that it forced Pakistan to betray its friendly Muslim neighbor by ditching it and becoming a coalition member of aggressors.

Pakistan also has enough proofs of involvement of CIA, RAW, MI-6, RAAM and Blackwater in Balochistan.

RAW and CIA are also actively involved in Karachi where the heinous practice of target killings is going on for the last three years. Purpose is to bring the economic activity in the economic hub center to a complete standstill. RAW has a hand in Gilgit-Baltistan sectarian tensions as well.

Despite having learnt that the US was insincere and duplicitous and was heavily leaning towards India, Pakistan has been providing full support to it. It had placed its seaport, airports, four airbases and supply routes at the disposal of ISAF without charging any fee. Pak security forces are fighting the US dictated global war on terror (GWOT) against their own people relentlessly. Pakistan has offered numerous sacrifices to fight the menace of war. It suffered exceptionally serious losses in terms of human resource victims, devastation of valuable property, impulsive political instability, bursting social disorder, divisive mindset, and poor law and order situation leading to creation of threatening environment filled with sense of fear and uncertainty in the country.

The US callously betrayed Pakistan and then remorselessly rejoiced the event by demeaning Pakistan. It rubbed salt in the wounds of Pakistan by unleashing a despicable propaganda soon after the attack and became more aggressive. Drone war was further intensified. It forgot that if the Army/ISI had a hand in hiding OBL, why did they arrest all the wanted al-Qaeda high-value leaders with head money and promptly handed them over to USA. If today al-Qaeda has become a non-entity in Afghanistan, the entire credit goes to Pak Army/ISI and none else. Having given a crippling blow to the fighting ability of al-Qaeda, it was inane to keep its chief in such a prominent place, with head money of $25 million, non-operational since December 2001 and a liability.

Ref the underlined parts..

Pak was ' forced ' to betray ?.. can anyone who betrays ( as admitted by the author) complain ? It is done with complete knowledge of the consequences.. Mush took a considered decision . Why crib when the ' desired results' for the nation did not happen. It did increase the longevity of Mush .

No offence meant, if as admitted by the author, Pak did betray why feel the pinch when what goes around comes around ? US as claimed by the author is doing to Pak what Pak did to the Taliban.

It is strange that Pak opened its ' doors ' and feels sorry that those who entered through the open doors did not follow the script and had a mind ( agenda) of their own.

All in all it seems an attempt to justify things to ones own self rather anyone else, least of all a reader from outside pak.
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