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United States of Europe? That notion is not appealing to British PM

Fulfilling his poll promise.

He is obviously stalling.

Plan so far is, negotiate for better terms, make referendum after election. Which by all i understand from my interaction with UK posters is not going to happen. And the other party won't offer the same chance.

They all counting that the economic downturn eases up until 2015 and selling then idea of staying wont be seen as impossible.
In the end, more political union is necessary to watch over the fiscal union so it doesnt fail, like it did in 2008.
It doesn't.

London wants to remain the go-to spot of all euro traded "products", but without oversight and regulation from the people who created the currency.

There is no such thing on the cards where Brussels would announce war on someone in England's behalf.

Sinking ship needs kebapci's.

Yes maybe but the kebabci doesnt need the sinking ship.
He knows Europe is gonna be EUROBIA with 50 million Muslims and growing with multiple numbers from within and liberal Immigration policies of the west - Britain included.

Islam will take over Europe without violent force within a
few decades, said Libyan Leader Moammar Gadhafi in a
speech aired on the Arab satellite network Al Jazeera. ‘We
have 50 million Muslims in Europe,’ Gadhafi said. ‘There are
signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe – without
swords, without guns, without conquests. The 50 million
Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within
a few decades. Europe is in a predicament, and so is America.
They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or
else declare war on the Muslims.’

Guys get ready and buckle up for the final world war....
He knows Europe is gonna be EUROBIA with 50 million Muslims and growing with multiple numbers from within and liberal Immigration policies of the west - Britain included.

Guys get ready and buckle up for the final world war....

Funnily you mention Gaddafi, his death was hastened by the very people he speaks of in your quote.
Funnily you mention Gaddafi, his death was hastened by the very people he speaks of in your quote.

Learn Islam 101 please.....
Same thing happened in Egypt.
Syria is Going on...
Saudi is next...
Its Islamic wave and not Arab Spring...

I am outspoken and not a sugar coated...
I call a spade a spade...
Not possible. Britain , france & germany R too much industrialized for the rest of Europe. And would the former soviet republics join this Union? As far as I know Britons R totally opposed to EU union & also they kept their original currency which is still stronger than Euro. Germans were also against the Euro at first and now they R not really happy about bailing out greece.

This man has failed miserably on all his election pledges and now trying desperstely to win back some public support for next elections.
His party has lost in every interim and local body elections in recent years. That is evidence that his popularity is at rock bottom.

He can say what he wants and be a desperate as he can,but he wont win next elections as all if his policies since he won elections,have direcltly effected the lives of poor and average British people....for the worse...

Bro, what britons think about this Union?
theoretically,it is possible.with perhaps 3 official languages,english,french,german.

but practically,it is impossible.majority people wont accept it.

c'mon dude language is not a criterion to form a nation..how many national languages do we have???
Learn Islam 101 please.....

I heard it's a religion of peace, i agree with it on the issue of pork and poligamy.

Same thing happened in Egypt.

Egypt is at the whims of the IMF, they will literally starve if they don't get loans and US cuts off grain supply.

Syria is Going on...

Syria is not ending anytime soon, and in any case the best case scenario is a fragile federation ala Iraq, which is already falling apart. Kurds and Maliki's troops are staring at each other down the barrel of a tank gun.

Saudi is next...

Saudi rebellion will be crushed (bloody or not, but most likely the former) by the Saudi army with tacit support of US and allies. China, India too, they definitely do not want to see any fluctuations of import from the biggest seller. At best i see some lip service for the would be rebels...

Its Islamic wave and not Arab Spring...

Looks more like the whole region (Middle East) is going down the drain in sectarian turmoil.
I know of the Eurabia myth, it says the Muslims in Europe will be it's fifth column creating diversions to soften terrain for the glorious invaders. Right now, the 1 to 4 columns don't look so good.

IMHO, my 2 cents.....
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