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United Bengal / Greater Bangladesh : Possible?

You can hear me from the internet?
Schizophrenia much? 😂😂😂😂
begging bowl hypocrisy in last para 😂😂😂
Read your posts on BAF procurement of fighter jets with interest.
I am sure the Indian Air Force Eastern Command was keenly watching too.
After all these are what they have to take on the mighty BAF.

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Bongabandhu Awami League freaks like @Michael Corleone can only talk smack when they're ganged up in a mob against lone Biharis. Did a Bihari harm you or your ancestors personally during 71 you weirdo or you're one of those Joy Bangla losers? You spew venom against them every chance you get.

When Burma whips you and sends millions of Rohingyas your way, you lose all your balls. All bark no bite pansy?
Bongabandhu Awami League freaks like @Michael Corleone can only talk smack when they're ganged up in a mob against lone Biharis. Did a Bihari harm you or your ancestors personally during 71 you weirdo or you're one of those Joy Bangla losers? You spew venom against them every chance you get.

When Burma whips you and sends millions of Rohingyas your way, you lose all your balls. All bark no bite pansy?
Well said ... and that's my point.
The famous Muktijoddhas got walloped by the Shanti Bahini militants in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (and also in limited engagements with the Sarboharas), all through the mid seventies to the early 80s until they had to make humiliating compromises with India.
So if there are any expectations about any benefits of a grand alliance it is best forgotten.

They can't handle Myanmar so any adversary that is bigger is out of the question.
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Well said ... and that's my point.
The famous Muktijoddhas got walloped by the Shanti Bahini militants in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (and also in limited engagements with the Sarboharas), all through the mid seventies to the early 80s until they had to make humiliating compromises with India.
So if there are any expectations about any benefits of a grand alliance it is best forgotten.

They can't handle Myanmar so anything adversary that is bigger is out of the question.
Frankly Dhaka isn't much different than any other city in Pakistan. Their GDP PPP is still lower than Pakistan's.

They've gotten in over their heads with their economy like they're Japan or something.

Best to ignore these Bong nationalists. Weird and anal freaks. Get offended at everything. Always want to bring up Pakistan into every conversation. Hurt pride or something.

This Michael Al Pacino weirdo spews venom about Biharis every chance he gets.
@Cliftonite @mb444
I have to answer mb444 on his claim that post-Bengali Renaissance did not advance Bengali culture.
My "lecture" on post-independence ( post 1947 ) West Bengali culture ( Ritwick Ghatak, Utpal Dutt, Satyajit Ray, Amartya Sen ) is coming up.
Also the West Bengali scientific community achievements .
Just to let you know..,I am no propagandist for West Bengal. I just find Bangladesh so insular. Insular to the point of being racist. It is good to show them the mirror at times.,
Can't write anymore today.
Watch this space tomorrow.
@Cliftonite @mb444
I have to answer mb444 on his claim that post-Bengali Renaissance did not advance Bengali culture.
My "lecture" on post-independence ( post 1947 ) West Bengali culture ( Ritwick Ghatak, Utpal Dutt, Satyajit Ray, Amartya Sen ) is coming up.
Also the West Bengali scientific community achievements .
Just to let you know..,I am no propagandist for West Bengal. I just find Bangladesh so insular. Insular to the point of being racist. It is good to show them the mirror at times.,
Can't write anymore today.
Watch this space tomorrow.
Since that Bong nationalist weirdo Michael Coerleone pissed me off, let me chime in

Hell yeah. West Bengal VASTLY overshadows Bangladesh in cultural output every which way.

I know of Aparna Sen, Satyajit Ray, Sharmila Tagore, Shreya Ghoshal, Amartya Sen, Konkona Sen, Rabindranath Tagore, Rani Mukherjee, Arijit Singh.

Ask me to name a Bangladeshi celeb. I can only name Shakib the cricketer.

Who are these PDF Bangladeshis who think they have the upper hand over WB? Kolkata is still eons ahead of Dhaka in terms of international recognition in cinema, literature and touristic value. Hate to bring it to you my friends but that is the cold hard truth.

Don't get in over your head and start attacking Pakistan. We can show the mirror to you too very well and clear your delusions.
Frankly Dhaka isn't much different than any other city in Pakistan. Their GDP PPP is still lower than Pakistan's.

There is no comparison between :
- Dhaka and Islamabad
- Dhaka and Kolkata
- Dhaka and Delhi

Dhaka stinks !
The population density of Bangladesh is 2,400 + per sq.km.

They've gotten in over their heads with their economy like they're Japan or something.
There are lies damned lies and statistics. Wealth distribution in Bangladesh is appalling. No matter what this brief "moment of glory" they are having the effects on the ground have made little difference.
There is still human powered transport in Dhaka. Beggars still bang on car windows on cars stopped on traffic signals. There are crowds outside a wedding or event venue waiting to pickup the food leftovers.
Ask a Bangladeshi student at Dhaka University what he/she wants to do and the answer is "Bidesh jabo" ( go abroad)
A strange situation for an Asian Tiger.

Best to ignore these Bong nationalists. Weird and anal freaks. Get offended at everything. Always want to bring up Pakistan into every conversation. Hurt pride or something.
No, its not funny, and its not restricted to this forum. There is a far more sinister game afoot.
If you understand the mindset, this population wants the right to migrate to any country anywhere.

Which is why waivers of visas are a big deal. They plan far ahead. With their country sinking they are looking to migrate elsewhere, and Pakistan is one choice. Get in to the country, flood it with a migrant population in a geographically defined area and then make demands. The Barak valley in Assam is one such example. I don't blame them outright. Migration is an international phenomenon, and It wouldn't be so bad if they assimilated or at least showed gratitude to the country that hosts them. But they usually don't and instead promote canards like they created Pakistan.
The Bangladeshi population living in the enclaves in Karachi has an aggressive righteousness that is sickening. Just as Israel is milking Germany for "holocaust reparations" Bangladesh hopes to eventually force Pakistan into "war reparations" of a more permanent type demanding land instead. It is unfortunate that our "peacenik" Prime Minister is allowing Bangladesh to bully and humiliate our nation in the fond hope that Bangladesh will be a strategic counter balance to India in the east. I am beginning to doubt if our Prime Minister even understands how ineffective Bangladesh will be in counterbalancing India.
Scroll to 3:15 in the video below and see the "righteous" indignation of this person.

Bongabandhu Awami League freaks like @Michael Corleone can only talk smack when they're ganged up in a mob against lone Biharis. Did a Bihari harm you or your ancestors personally during 71 you weirdo or you're one of those Joy Bangla losers? You spew venom against them every chance you get.

When Burma whips you and sends millions of Rohingyas your way, you lose all your balls. All bark no bite pansy?
Don’t make me cut off that electricity line on your free accommodation 😂
You better beg me that I don’t
Read your posts on BAF procurement of fighter jets with interest.
I am sure the Indian Air Force Eastern Command was keenly watching too.
After all these are what they have to take on the mighty BAF.

View attachment 705910
You know bangla so let me tell you in bangla
These are nothing in front of our “ottadhunik murir tin” 😂😂😂
Don't stink up my screen with your machar jhol breath. You Bongabandhu freaks are so anal about your Bong pride. Maaf karo bhai. Spare me.
Oh I’m sorry my Machar breath is making you hungry, here pull out that begging bowl, I’ll give you some Bengali grass to eat.
You know bangla so let me tell you in bangla
These are nothing in front of our “ottadhunik murir tin” 😂😂😂
I would much rather go for "oddhonik" 😅but then what have you got to loose?

নেংটার নেই বাটপাড়ের ভয়।


In case you are wondering what I wrote, the gist is that with "palms out stretched" as on the Dhaka Farmgate Signal light there is not much of a choice they have in procurement of aircraft.
I would much rather go for "oddhonik" 😅but then what have you got to loose?

নেংটার নেই বাটপাড়ের ভয়।


In case you are wondering what I wrote, the gist is that with "palms out stretched" as on the Dhaka Farmgate Signal light there is not much of a choice they have in procurement of aircraft.
Ofc 😂 india never dares to fight us nakies because nakies go straight to fcking
Bongabandhu Awami League freaks like @Michael Corleone can only talk smack when they're ganged up in a mob against lone Biharis. Did a Bihari harm you or your ancestors personally during 71 you weirdo or you're one of those Joy Bangla losers? You spew venom against them every chance you get.

When Burma whips you and sends millions of Rohingyas your way, you lose all your balls. All bark no bite pansy?
You have no idea how ferocious the Biharis were during the 1971 war. Apart from siding with the Pakistan forces, they committed horrendous genocides and mass murderers which even the Pakistan soldiers did not dare to commit.

Read this article. In Golahat, some 400 Hindu Marwari and Bengalis were killed with knives and machetes, children were impaled and women were raped. This gruesome act is an example of atrocities committed by the Biharis.

Obviously revenge was taken and the mukti bahini a eventually kicked the arse of the Biharis.

Bengalis should not have any soft corner for Biharis. Let me live in their rugged camps for more years to come.
The Bangladeshi population living in the enclaves in Karachi has an aggressive righteousness that is sickening.
The paanwala outside my office in Karachi was a Bangladeshi.

Yo lungi master @Michael Corleone 1.5 million of your countrymen live in Karachi alone. Way more than there are Biharis in Bangladesh. Your Bongabhoomi land of milk and honey couldn't keep them so they had to escape as economic refugees to our "begging bowl" country.

So before think about trying something funny with Biharis in Dhaka, just know that there are way more of your machar jhol friends in Karachi. Any funny acts will be countered and recompensated in kind. Morality can go fck itself when it comes to dealing with ethnofascist Joy Bangla bigots like you.
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population density of Bangladesh 2020 is
1,115.55 people per square kilometer
Bangladesh really intrigues me. I have this very strong impression that its up and rising and the leadership have so much to prove to the world. They are on fire !
The paanwala outside my office in Karachi was a Bangladeshi.

Yo lungi master @Michael Corleone 1.5 million of your countrymen live in Karachi alone. Way more than there are Biharis in Bangladesh. Your Bongabhoomi land of milk and honey couldn't keep them so they had to escape as economic refugees to our "begging bowl" country.

So before think about trying something funny with Biharis in Dhaka, just know that there are way more of your machar jhol friends in Karachi. Any funny acts will be countered and recompensated in kind. Morality can go fck itself when it comes to dealing with ethnofascist Joy Bangla bigots like you.

The Bangladeshis in your Atlantis Karachi are actually Bengalis and not Bangladeshis.

Most of them are actually Bengalis who sided with Pakistan during the war and hence back Pakistan as their home and not Bangladesh.

Very few are actual economic migrants, the fact that you think threatening their well-being is going to somehow harm us is beyond my understanding and it's quite disheartening as I regarded you as one of the less jingoistic Pak users on here but I guess not.

But it's becoming increasingly clear that in your country that's how you treat your nationals and don't tell me they don't have documents and all that crap, they're Pakistanis, they know **** all about Bangladesh.

But it's not surprising given the history of your country when it comes to religious Minorities and the resentment shown to ethnicities that aren't the prime ones.

So go forth, kill them or whatever, it'll only be one more feather in the cap of a morally bankrupt and quite literally bankrupt nation.
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