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BBC News Pakistan Taliban attacks A soldier's story
27 January 2014 Last updated at 10:47 GMT

Pakistan's parliament has been meeting to discuss a response to a string of militant attacks that have already killed over a hundred people since the new year.

There's huge debate in the country as to whether to talk to the Pakistani Taliban or fight them, but people are growing increasingly frustrated with their leaders for not making a decision.

Aleem Maqbool meets the family of one soldier who, like thousands of others, has perished in the ongoing conflict.

Soldiers like Anwar, are heroes. They gave the ultimate sacrifice for their nation. We salute them and their families. We have to realize that the ruthless terrorists have always, proudly claimed responsibilities for these attacks. Their spokesperson can issue statements calling foreign and local intelligent agencies responsible for attacks on market places and mosques but the truth is that, in the past, they had always claimed responsibilities for those attacks. The enemy has always tried to create confusion by issuing conflicting statements. Now when their backs are against the wall they are again trying to come out all “nice and patriotic” with “we don’t attack mosques and markets” statements. Finally your bluff is called, and people are not falling for it now. The enemy of the people will be dealt with accordingly. We all need to stand united against this cunning enemy.

Abdul Quddus
DET- United States Central Command
Soldiers like Anwar, are heroes. They gave the ultimate sacrifice for their nation. We salute them and their families. We have to realize that the ruthless terrorists have always, proudly claimed responsibilities for these attacks. Their spokesperson can issue statements calling foreign and local intelligent agencies responsible for attacks on market places and mosques but the truth is that, in the past, they had always claimed responsibilities for those attacks. The enemy has always tried to create confusion by issuing conflicting statements. Now when their backs are against the wall they are again trying to come out all “nice and patriotic” with “we don’t attack mosques and markets” statements. Finally your bluff is called, and people are not falling for it now. The enemy of the people will be dealt with accordingly. We all need to stand united against this cunning enemy.

Abdul Quddus
DET- United States Central Command
Go search for some Oil yankee !!!

You are not going to find any on PDF. :lol:

Leave our internal matters to us.

On topic: The whole nation is proud of you Anwar. God bless you !!!!
Allah bless you Anwar. Thank you for your noble fight against these savages. You will never be forgotten brother.
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Mashallah, many more lions like Anwar in Pakistan. I support military action against the TaliTurds! Kill them where you find them, there is no dialogue with monsters.

Me too. Lets butcher all terrorists mercilessly. I am one step angrier than anyone else; I am for giving them slow painful torture, not a quick painless death; their crime is too big for that.

But weed has to be rooted out. Just superficial pruning will be in-sufficient. If you ever worked in garden, superficial trimming of weeds is counterproductive. It results in weed spreading even more because we scatter the seeds.

TTP Terrorist are power-less without a strong backing that is recruiting them; supplying them with weapons, explosives; provide planning & surveillance.

Someone tells them there is an Army convey traveling on so-&-so route. And at the speed they are going, they'll cross so-&-so point at time so-&-so.

Someone told them exact positions of air-crafts and security posts at that air-base in Karachi. Which wall to jump, and all. They received briefing and practiced their attack.

Someone was helping them cross border who came under fire from Pak-Army. That pissed someone off, & they sent Apaches(?) to attack Salalah check-post.

Why are Pakistanis so scared to speak against that someone??? Why we keep talking against fever; the symptom, but no one ever mentions the deep seeded infection; the source??? Lets eliminate TTP goons, lets say we sent 500 of them to hell in next 3 months. Will Pakistan become peaceful place??? Will attacks on Army & schools & markets stop??? Nooo. Because that someone will recruit more & more from angry revengeful acquaintances of those whom we just bombed.

As long as source of infection is sitting in Afghanistan, fever will NEVER go away. So lets deal with Terrorists too, but at the same time make proportionate effort towards removing the source of infection too. Or if we are not powerful enough to rid that infection, at least try to take measure to stop that infection from spreading into Pakistan.

We caught a couple of them red-handed. Raymond Davis & the other guy with french beard. who had even married a Pakistani girl & was running a security agency in Pakistan after faking conversion to Islam??? Why are we blind to likes of those??? Musharaf gave them a free hand & stopped ISI from hindering their activities. Then we released RD free...!!! But are quick to air-bomb tribal areas...

An army officer once told that perpetrators set up security agencies that provide security guards in Pak & posted ads in newspapers that they were recruiting retired and on-service Military men. I myself have read such ads in newspaper. Then during interview they figure out which are "نمك حرام" and try to buy them. Now these guys have served in military and are well oriented with installations.

If we want to win hearts of people towards side of Pak Army, then Army will have to name the real perpetrators aloud & repeatedly. Only then people will sympathize with actions Army is taking. If we kept silent on real-perpetrators, public will gradually turn against Army itself. Because they'll think Army failed, since the terrorism continued. We have to make public aware that terrorism is not stopping because source of infection is continually supporting it from Afghanistan side. Say it out loud for God sake, Army knows it very well. They just don't say it out loud...Kiyani once said "Pakistan will not allow Great Game in the area"... He was referring exactly to that...

Spend more effort on digging up the "handlers"... Increase funding of ISI, IB etc. Ferret out the chain-of-command... Discover the supply-root... Check every-single US-Embassy's vehicles , see if they are misusing their impunity-rights to transport components used in making of IEDs... Just as quick they were to retaliate against Tribals, why spare MQM's minister Babar Ghauri under whose ministry hundreds of NATO containers disappeared. What was in those containers???

Limit movement of Americans and keep a strict check on them. They also use personnel from other countries embassies. Remember that French Ambassador whose a$$ was whipped near our nuclear installations.

I would even suggest a surprise raid on American Embassy and all consulates & confiscate all the records from there. If Army really wants peace in Pakistan.

And on the side lines keep pruning the twigs. :)
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BBC News Pakistan Taliban attacks A soldier's story
27 January 2014 Last updated at 10:47 GMT

Pakistan's parliament has been meeting to discuss a response to a string of militant attacks that have already killed over a hundred people since the new year.

There's huge debate in the country as to whether to talk to the Pakistani Taliban or fight them, but people are growing increasingly frustrated with their leaders for not making a decision.

Aleem Maqbool meets the family of one soldier who, like thousands of others, has perished in the ongoing conflict.

Proud of our army:pakistan::smitten:.....but shit to these coward :guns:politicians
It is tradition or recently adapted a new policy to return the uniform of down soldier. Even if it is bloody

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