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Uniform Civil Code can be the real unifying force in India. Critics must think again

India needs 2 reforms
This (although any "universal civil code" you make should keep the relgious sensitivities of every minority religion and ethnicity in mind, and it should be a more "flexible" civil code - if you know what I mean)
A diverse country should be very careful with anything named universal (even though personally I think it's the step in the right direction provided your intentions are noble)

B- end caste based quotas and replace em with income based quotas
Your society is reinforcing caste based identities through these quotas
Quotas are not poverty elimination program. They seek to guarantee the representation which was denied by systemic discrimination.

For e.g Representation of Muslims was the reason of Pakistan creation. Not because Muslims were poor in 1947 compare to Hindus.
Yeahhhhhh the Muslim community is quite resilient,, their is no tolerance for bakhts and sanghis and other Hindu extremists further targeting Indian Muslims values, faith and culture

By all means enact whatever laws you want in Hindu areas away from Muslim areas

Giving Muslim women a right to alimony is not about being intolerant. It’s only about doing away with Stone Age mentality. That’s what we will do with UCC and give equal rights to all.

You said Islam promotes Socialism. If this was true, everyone in Pakistan would have been eligible to become a PM or President. Unless you say that this law in Pakistan is anti-Islamic, your claim of ‘Islam promoting Socialism’ is quite untrue.

The concept of Alimony comes from Islam. It is called Mahr and was later adopted by Europe and then was adopted in India. :) Please read post# 30.

I just have one thing to reply to this: Shah Bano case.
Giving Muslim women a right to alimony is not about being intolerant. It’s only about doing away with Stone Age mentality. That’s what we will do with UCC and give equal rights to all.

Didn't you read the article I linked in post# 30 ??? Why are you saying the same misunderstood thing again and again ??? I am not being hateful here but just being factual : Seventh century Islam was more liberating to women and to humans in general than Hinduism in 2023.

You said Islam promotes Socialism. If this was true, everyone in Pakistan would have been eligible to become a PM or President. Unless you say that this law in Pakistan is anti-Islamic, your claim of ‘Islam promoting Socialism’ is quite untrue.

1. Did I say Pakistan or Iran or Taliban rule are based on true Islamic principles ? Did I say that Zia ul Haq was a true Muslim ?

2. Socialism is considered by some as a half-step towards Communism. In Communism there is no president or prime minister because that is not democracy. Communism desires the end of the State and proclaims the governance of the people by the people via direct participatory democracy.

I just have one thing to reply to this: Shah Bano case.

1. Yes, Shah Bano was ill-treated by the mullahs and the Rajiv Gandhi government conceded to the mullahs' stand on this case. But what can you tell us about the case ?

2. Mullahs have no legitimacy in true Islam because mullahs are simply priests and priesthood has been abolished in Islam.
Giving Muslim women a right to alimony is not about being intolerant. It’s only about doing away with Stone Age mentality. That’s what we will do with UCC and give equal rights to all.

You said Islam promotes Socialism. If this was true, everyone in Pakistan would have been eligible to become a PM or President. Unless you say that this law in Pakistan is anti-Islamic, your claim of ‘Islam promoting Socialism’ is quite untrue.

I just have one thing to reply to this: Shah Bano case.

No bruv,, it's the usual hindutva extremist plotting against Indian Muslims

From targeting their history, to their culture, to economic boycotts

They don't need sanghis and bakhts and their stupid laws,, like I said keep this shit for Hindu areas ONLY
Didn't you read the article I linked in post# 30 ???
No. Please give me the link here. Kinda lazy to go back and search for that post. Apologies in advance.
Seventh century Islam was more liberating to women and to humans in general than Hinduism in 2023.

Denying alimony to a divorced woman is liberating experience in 2023? Well, I don’t know what to say buddy.

Did I say Pakistan or Iran or Taliban rule are based on true Islamic principles ? Did I say that Zia ul Haq was a true Muslim ?

Not you. It was just a question.

Communism desires the end of the State and proclaims the governance of the people by the people via direct participatory democracy.

Interesting. There has to be one person who leads , manages, governs right? Or you are saying there is no President, no chief no nothing?

What is that person called, if not President? Is he called a ‘chief comrade’ may be?

Can you be of any religion and still be a chief comrade ? Or is there a ban for it?

1. Yes, Shah Bano was ill-treated by the mullahs and the Rajiv Gandhi government conceded to the mullahs' stand on this case. But what can you tell us about the case ?

2. Mullahs have no legitimacy in true Islam because mullahs are simply priests and priesthood has been abolished in Islam.

That’s what I’m saying.
Shah Bano case was a perfect example, all got together to keep Muslim Women away from their right to alimony. Let’s end this BS with UCC.

No bruv,, it's the usual hindutva extremist plotting against Indian Muslims

From targeting their history, to their culture, to economic boycotts

They don't need sanghis and bakhts and their stupid laws,, like I said keep this shit for Hindu areas ONLY
How is giving equal rights to Muslim Women is plotting against Indian Muslims?
No. Please give me the link here. Kinda lazy to go back and search for that post. Apologies in advance.

This is the link and you replied to that post in the very next post ( #31 ).

Interesting. There has to be one person who leads , manages, governs right? Or you are saying there is no President, no chief no nothing?

What is that person called, if not President? Is he called a ‘chief comrade’ may be?

Can you be of any religion and still be a chief comrade ? Or is there a ban for it?

No one person. In Libya the largest democratic structure was called General People's Congress which was a collection of the secretariats of 800 Basic People Congresses and the BPCs were elected directly by the people from amongst themselves and they were composed of secretariats and work executive committees. So the GPC was a true representation of the people of that country in a simple way.

In Libyan Jamahiriya there were no parties, no elections and no voting. And no president, vice president, prime minister, chief ministers, deputy chief ministers, governors and all that complicated structure that India has and suffers from.

This thread of mine will explain more.
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No. Please give me the link here. Kinda lazy to go back and search for that post. Apologies in advance.

Denying alimony to a divorced woman is liberating experience in 2023? Well, I don’t know what to say buddy.

Not you. It was just a question.

Interesting. There has to be one person who leads , manages, governs right? Or you are saying there is no President, no chief no nothing?

What is that person called, if not President? Is he called a ‘chief comrade’ may be?

Can you be of any religion and still be a chief comrade ? Or is there a ban for it?

That’s what I’m saying.
Shah Bano case was a perfect example, all got together to keep Muslim Women away from their right to alimony. Let’s end this BS with UCC.

How is giving equal rights to Muslim Women is plotting against Indian Muslims?

Because it's a cover, with the real intention of targeting Indian Muslims faith, values, family and laws
Because it's a cover, with the real intention of targeting Indian Muslims faith, values, family and laws
Arre bhai..
how equality gonna destroy Muslim faith, values, family and law?

This is the link and you replied to that post in the very next post ( #31 ).

No one person. In Libya the largest democratic structure was called General People's Congress which was a collection of the secretariats of 800 Basic People Congresses and the BPCs were elected directly by the people from amongst themselves and they were composed of secretariats and work executive committees. So the GPC was a true representation of the people of that country in a simple way.

In Libyan Jamahiriya there were no parties, no elections and no voting. And no president, vice president, prime minister, chief ministers, deputy chief ministers, governors and all that complicated structure that India has and suffers from.

This thread of mine will explain more.
I’m reading the links, give me sometime.
. .
This is the link and you replied to that post in the very next post ( #31 ).

Bro this is a long post. That’s why I only read the first few lines which I quoted. You have also provided a couple of links there so not sure what specifics you want me to read.

I was only talking about a Muslim women’s right to alimony.

ucture was called General People's Congress which was a collection of the secretariats of 800 Basic People Congresses and the BPCs were elected directly by the people from amongst themselves and they were composed of secretariats and work executive committees. So the GPC was a true representation of the people of that country in a simple way.

In Libyan Jamahiriya there were no parties, no elections and no voting. And no president, vice president, prime minister, chief ministers, deputy chief ministers, governors and all that complicated structure that India has and suffers from.
Can you show me one legal / national document from Libya where it says that a non Muslim can become a member of BPC or GPC?

Also, in this system you described, what was the post of Gaddafi ?
And can you see what that has done to the demographics of the PRC?

Do you realise that it would be a damn' good thing for governments to get out of thinking for its citizens, to get out of deciding what emotions are appropriate, what clothing is appropriate, what speech is apparent, and what manner of interaction is appropriate?
What do you think of Muslim women getting half of her male siblings get in inheritance?
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Arre bhai..
how equality gonna destroy Muslim faith, values, family and law?

I’m reading the links, give me sometime.

Because it's not equality,, it's ploy to target Indian Muslims

Like I said if fair minded people tried to enact a law like UCC it may have some merit, however in a biased communal state like india that is not possible

Because the law is not being bought in for equality reasons but to utilize law to target Indian Muslims
Because it's not equality,, it's ploy to target Indian Muslims

Like I said if fair minded people tried to enact a law like UCC it may have some merit, however in a biased communal state like india that is not possible

Because the law is not being bought in for equality reasons but to utilize law to target Indian Muslims
Okay but my question is: How is bringing equality for all is targeting Islam and Indian Muslims? Is equality Haraam?
Okay but my question is: How is bringing equality for all is targeting Islam and Indian Muslims? Is equality Haraam?

But it's NOT equality

It's a plot, a plan by hindutva/sanghis/bakhts to utilize UCC to target Indian Muslims

So everything about Indian Muslims which Hindus have a bee up the azz about from hijab to Muslim property boards,, they will try to target through the law

This is dangerous for Indian minorities in general but especially Indian Muslims
But it's NOT equality

It's a plot, a plan by hindutva/sanghis/bakhts to utilize UCC to target Indian Muslims

So everything about Indian Muslims which Hindus have a bee up the azz about from hijab to Muslim property boards,, they will try to target through the law

This is dangerous for Indian minorities in general but especially Indian Muslims

There are certain practices in all religions that are outdated. These need to be contained.

For example, caste system. It has to be eradicated completely. May be a few people will not like it, and will find UCC as a threat, but we all will have to fight such people and get over the ‘bad things.’

Similarly, a Muslim woman will be entitled for equal share when it comes to inheritance. And a divorced Muslim women will have a right to alimony. Since Muslim Practices don’t provide these rights, they will surely find UCC as a threat. Which is okay.

But then again, we will need to fight such people and get over the bad things in society.

Moreover, these laws are already prevalent in a few of the Indian States. So this is not new for us.

I’m glad we at least never had a law which stopped non Hindus to become a President or PM.
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