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Unholy India- America -Israeli Axis..........

If you believe that why do you come on this forum??

We are here to point you the truth.....to take you out of your delusion...against all adversaries....

....Back to topic why are some of you Indians whining so much about truth coming out??

You should ask this to yourself and to the MODS......why do they delete posts and ban Indian members when they speak the truth??

You cannot hear the truth yourself.....and you are talking about "truth coming out" :lol:........this is the delusion we are talking about.....you see.
Look at the following cases of our Indian diplomacy:-
1) Good Relations with Both Israel and Palestine. Still neither Israel or the Arab world has issues with it.
2) Good Relations with both US and Russia still neither have issues with our growing relations with it. Helping US against China but still Russians have no objection with it.
3) Iran or Russia has no objections India's presence in Afghanistan and CAR and Iran offered a free port and investment to India.

Whatever people brand it, but I am proud they way our government has formed balancing foreign policy keep friendship with all and not collaborating with one friendly country against another friendly country.
i'm not sure why some people think India is now somehow aligned with some countries.

we continue to be non-aligned, and we don't mind cooperation with other countries (even with china) when our interests match.
If you believe that why do you come on this forum?? Back to topic why are some of you Indians whining so much about truth coming out??

Its not truth, its opinion. And a jihadi apologist throwing mud on India is hardly worthwhile opinion. But an opinion is not a fact - like Pakistan was officially aligned with nato for decades, that nato spy planes were taking off from peshawar within 3-4 years of pakistani getting their constitution. And its a fact that THAT unholy alliance backfired and really scre*wed up ur country and thats why you are so bitter :lol::lol::lol:

Its rather easy for us to relish facts, don't worry about us :lol::lol::lol:
Nothing bad in taking US help to make our arch-rivals whine, but still we Indians do what we wish and I am proud of our government's foreign policies.

Ya Indian foreign policy is much better than Pakistan we are friend of USA, Russia, European Union, Australia at Same time, everyone wants to be friend of India.
Islamists like Taliban and Al-qaeda believe the same too.

Both of those entities were created by the CIA, don't forget that! I don't know who created RSS but that is another one, of course,you won't mention that.
i dont get itsome ..il say most f pakistani members say terrorism was created by america but never say who helped them & how much and why ....& who nourshed them over the years & who kept boxes in markets to collect funds for them ???
its very easy to deny & brush aal the ugly things under the carpet but its very difficult to say the truth or at least acknowledge it???
as long as people keep abusing US-Isreal AXIS for evry incompetence & treachery of there leaders ...things will only go bad to worse
as long as people keep abusing US-Isreal AXIS for evry incompetence & treachery of there leaders ...things will only go bad to worse

Now, who is there to 'abuse' the holy alliance of israel-US-india? You have changed the very meaning of the word abuse. As for things going from bad to worse, the world, especially Iran, doesn't give a hoot to what the warmongers in Tel Aviv or india say.
it's an unholy trio against all organizations like taliban, let & alqaeda......world needs holy people who could kill zionists(all those people who are against terror doesn't matter wheather they are muslims or not) to get into the heaven on the name of jihad
If India had not actively supported Srilanka against LTTE, the sinhalese had snowballs chance in hell to take back the Tamil territories in north and east. Even if India had stayed neutral in the civil war, LTTE would have prevailed for a long long time. Only once India blocked all financing and arms supply to the LTTE and covertly provided the Lankan military with force multipliers and intelligence, did Srilanka start defeating the LTTE. If India had decided to actively support the LTTE, there was no power on earth which could prevent the creation of a seperate Tamil homeland in Srilanka. Srilanka should be grateful to India for what it did, inspite of a huge domestic opposition, to side with the sinhalese. If Srilanka thinks it can play the big boys games in the region (eg. bringing in China), then India too play the same game, which could be too costly for Srilanka.

agreed. Sri Lanka isn't even the size of an average state in India. They are definitely trying to bite off more than they can chew. They gotta learn to fix their own issues first before worrying about India. They may have won the war against the minority Tamils, but they are far from winning peace.

Ya Indian foreign policy is much better than Pakistan we are friend of USA, Russia, European Union, Australia at Same time, everyone wants to be friend of India.

Very true. Why do u think we Singaporeans are sitting on the Gwadar port thingy and not doing anything about it? We'd rather piss off Pakistan than to annoy India. Something I know, Pakistanis are not entirely happy about either.
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