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“Unexpectedly” strong stand taken by Prime Minister Singh on Syria : Putin

House Whip Count: Vote to Authorize Military Strike on Syria

By RealClearDefense

RealClearDefense has assembled a “whip count” analyzing how House members are likely to vote on the authorization for use of military force in Syria. RCD's count is based on public statements, discussions with staff, and past votes. This count will change and will be continually updated by RealClearDefense to reflect new information.

NO : Republican -78 , Democrat - 25 , Total -103
Lean NO: Republican - 90, Democrat - 31 , Total -121
UNDECIDED: Republican - 55, Democrat - 119, Total -174
YES: Republican - 8, Democrat - 17, Total - 25
LEAN YES: Republican - 2 , Democrat - 8 , Total - 10

Updated: September 6, 7:25pm

433/433 Representatives Shown

RealClearDefense - House Whip Count: Vote to Authorize Military Strike on Syria

As of this evening it is 224 against versus 35 in favor with 174 undecided. It takes a simple majority vote to pass an authorization for the military strike on Syria, i.e a vote of 218 if all 435 Representatives are available to vote.

Senate Whip Count: Vote to Authorize Military Strike on Syria

By RealClearDefense

RealClearDefense has assembled a “whip count” analyzing how senators are likely to vote on the authorization for use of military force in Syria. RCD's count is based on public statements, discussions with staff, and past votes. This count will change and will be continually updated by RealClearDefense to reflect new information.

Updated September 6, 3:00pm

NO : Republican -11 , Democrat - 4 , Total -15
Lean NO: Republican - 8, Democrat - 1 , Total -9
UNDECIDED: Republican - 12, Democrat - 23, Total -35
YES: Republican - 8, Democrat - 15, Total - 23
LEAN YES: Republican - 7 , Democrat - 10 , Total - 17


The Senate count is 24 NO, 40 YES and 35 Undecided. If either side invokes a filibuster it requires 60 votes to end the filibuster in order to vote on the actual issue. Then it takes 50 Senator votes plus Vice-President Biden to pass it.
President Obama is trying to rally support in Congress for a limited strike. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed a resolution this week on a 10-7 vote that would give Mr. Obama 90 days to carry out a limited strike and push for him to offer more support to the rebel forces fighting against the Assad regime.

If US congress is convinced about the use of Serene gas on Syrian citizens, President Obama holds a high ground and justification for strike. IMHO it must be seen in that way only not as an attack on some Islamic country. If left to go unpunished, some others, facing rebellion, too may resort to use of chemical weapons in pre-text of domestic terrorism.

The world opinion however is very different though and i don't think many countries can afford this situation and its ramifications. hence the dissenting voices against US.
If US congress is convinced about the use of Serene gas on Syrian citizens, President Obama holds a high ground and justification for strike. IMHO it must be seen in that way only not as an attack on some Islamic country. If left to go unpunished, some others, facing rebellion, too may resort to use of chemical weapons in pre-text of domestic terrorism.

The world opinion however is very different though and i don't think many countries can afford this situation and its ramifications. hence the dissenting voices against US.

SARIN gas...............and its not at all serene
If US congress is convinced about the use of Serene gas on Syrian citizens, President Obama holds a high ground and justification for strike. IMHO it must be seen in that way only not as an attack on some Islamic country. If left to go unpunished, some others, facing rebellion, too may resort to use of chemical weapons in pre-text of domestic terrorism.

The world opinion however is very different though and i don't think many countries can afford this situation and its ramifications. hence the dissenting voices against US.

Please provide evidence that US govt is not lying.

SARIN gas...............and its not at all serene

President obama is talking ****... And emercom here buddy.
Actually Putin's use of the word 'unexpected' says a lot about what he thinks of Indian leadership's relations with the West. Just ponder the meaning.

India is doing to the right thing by not supporting the strike against Syria: The considerations are mostly for the economy. Secondary to that is the fear that the toppling of Assad will embolden the Sunni Jihadis...

About Pakistanis: Except for, PERHAPS, 10% of Pakistanis on PDF and the sectarian ones in Pakistan, most Pakistanis are opposed to any strike against Syria. Reasons are a combination of: A knee-jerk anti-Americanism + Pakistanis, even now, are not largely divided along sectarian lines + economic disaster + Pakistanis neither love nor hate Assad.
They intended to give it to Mr Osama but a typing mistake by Swiss Academy....................

Ha ha ha!
Off-topic but:
Even before OBama had barely settled into the US Presidency the most honorable of all Awards in the modern world bestowed on any human dead or alive--the Nobel Peace--was granted to Obama with the 'hope' that he would bring 'peace'.

Little the Academy knew that a US Presidential Nomination comes after a grueling 18+ month long process of careful approval by various 'lobbies' and pressure-groups. A Nader, a Ron Paul, and Kucinich is never allowed the media 'exposure' and the money to be able to make to the nomination stage.

There are so many people--let's just say Pakistan's Edhi as an example--who would qualify much, much better than Obama because of proven lifelong service to humanity. SHAME ON THE NOBEL ACADEMY!
What will India or any other country will do in the case of attack ??? It will only be public lip service.

I bet even Russia wont fight a war. If Russians were serious about that at-least few of Russian Air force Sqds would have been in Syria.

The most likely situation will be Obama will go ahead with Strike and rest of world will condemn US for unilateral action like everybody did it last time.

And really whats wrong with Putin ??? Its a standard stance taken by India on every issue. Nothing new. Or Did he said it deliberately ??? Just to poke US that Indian policy is on his side ???
Putin didn't expect so much from Sonia's poodle.
@Jon Snow

Bhai when is the new season coming??(game of thrones)
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