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Unemployment Rate Highest In 45 Years, Reveals Stalled Report: 10 Points

It is . You just need to take your Indophobic glasses off . As of last year India is not the country with with largest number of poor and in next few years poverty rates in India will fall to single digits .

India halved the poverty rates in this decade and next it will be even more than that ( percentage wise )
You can believe whatever number you claim, but what you can see on the ground all across India tells another story.
Says a person who has never been to India .
OK, as an Indian yourself, do you think development is changing India dramatically every year and landscape in cities becomes unrecognizeable every a couple of years? That's what a 7-8 % growth should be.
OK, as an Indian yourself, do you think development is changing India dramatically every year and landscape in cities becomes unrecognizeable every a couple of years? That's what a 7-8 % growth should be.

It is not unrecognisable but I see progress every year ( I visit Annually to different parts) . SUrely it could have been much better but it is undeniably happening .
It is not unrecognisable but I see progress every year ( I visit Annually to different parts) . SUrely it could have been much better but it is undeniably happening .
Progress every year can be seen in every country, but a 7-8% growth is far more than simply progress every year.
Or, as Mark Twain said, "there are lies, damned lies and statistics". :D

In my opinion, there are two ways to use statistics. One is to look at all the available data and try to decipher what they mean in context. The other way is to make up one's mind first and then go looking only for those data that support the preconceived conclusion. The former is hard to do correctly; the latter is the one used almost exclusively on PDF.

Close to 12 Million Indians join the work force annually. And this number keeps rising every year.

This is the "demographic dividend".

So unless the economy adds MORE than 20 million NEW jobs every year, the size of unemployed youths is only going to grow every year.

Modi or no Modi.
I am sure there were some colonial hang-overs in the west in those early days, but after that, India has been the darling of both Free World and Iron Curtain, and never had to go through the scrutiny that China was subjected to. Any bad news from India either got ignored or you got a slap on the wrest. China wasn't so lucky.

Fast forward to 21st century, against the backdrop of China's fast track development, the main stream West economists have been firmly on the side of India, they constantly churn out reports and predictions to put India in positive light, and they even come up with terms like "slow and steady" or "demographic dividend" to comfort and cheer Indians up. Many Indians buy into their theories because they sound good. They believe India's lagging behind China was due to its economy opening up 13 years later than China. Recently some people pointed out the main reason was the poor quality of education, which I believe we had some discussion 3 years ago. I think India's problems are much deeper than that, but let's just leave it.

On topic, if an economy is growing at the annual rate of 7-8%, but employment growth is stagnate, something doesn't seem right.

I don't agree with most of this. Darling? LOL. We had a US carrier group sail up to us threatening military intervention at one point...the same US that asked you if you wouldn't be so nice as to intervene as well in the North East....or gave you ample backing to invade Vietnam in 1979....as @Viva_Viet often describes in this forum :P

You simply perceive something as you choose to do so. You have no absolute vantage point, no one does. 13 years later is definitely a significant part of it (especially with capital good/capacity inertia taken into account)....that cannot exactly be underplayed either.

There are many deep problems in China as well, like there is with any large country....or even medium sized ones and good number of small ones. What you pick and choose as some priority of what is and isn't is different what others do.....be they western, India, Vietnamese, Japanese, African or whatever.....or even other Chinese....like the one that got jailed severely for putting graffiti of "Down with CPC" or whatever. Big priority for you guys (or at least govt) to go after ppl like that, not so much one outside of China. See what I mean?

If you want to try prove anything, bring the data and logic...the more standardised it is, the more conclusive it will be.....I do not care for vague identity politics and emotional superiority/inferiority projection. But that is what majority of this forum operates on.
India has many problems , superstitious and factious caste culture are the top fundemental ones.
Please bear with my fluid physics analogy as much as you can (It was something of a first love for me in college, one I can never forget...and somewhat highly relevant too given a fluid is a macro-entity of many much more individual constituents and the forces that govern them):

All "stats" are not the same rubbish. Rather they are different levels of rubbish (and have to be qualified, sorted as to which ones are less toxic to play around in)...some even stop being rubbish all together if certain criteria can be met. If you go to a landfill, you can sometimes find stuff that should never have been thrown away for example and are worth huge amounts of value still etc....but again you need a criteria to go about finding such things.

I for one very much find the ones specified by the GDDS (IMF standards) to be fairly credible because they are quite upstream (laminar) data that is highly standardised (and cross-verified)....i.e the good relevant balance of enough distance from the source introduction (which is hidden from us and we want to measure in some way)... but not too far down with data disturbances/entropy effects.

Downstream (turbulent, disturbed) data has some level of signal loss (no longer laminar flow). Also streams that are not even that developed and broad do not have the requisite developed flow to sample effectively in first place (the signal just was not good and coherent enough to begin with)....so it would be foolish to compare apples to apples with those that have developed flow and much higher SNR. This would be why comparing unemployment data of India is silly compared to unemployment data of say France, UK, US, Japan etc.

This is why I say the data streams have to be broadened (before our dippy stick strategy to measure elements of the flow becomes sufficiently relevant and broadly standardised and comparable with the original concept/reason of measuring it)....but in many ways that needs the source flow (economy) to also broaden much more. Something of a catch 22 situation....which is why we have to debate and discuss which stats are most relevant to India's particular stage of development right now and what are the best priorities for measuring and debating on. Its broadly the more simple, directly sampled stuff that India is already big/coherent enough on right now...to measure and standardise with others and for policy goals. The more indirect and micro-derived level you go....the worse the signal loss and thus relevance. They will broaden and gain relevance down the road....its not a case of India is a country that should focus on every statistic possible....we must be choosy....we are growing the cake still....rather than deliberating on the icing and presentation and number of candles to put on it and what our next cake should be like etc.

This applies to every country/macro-entity in the world.

@VCheng @GeraltofRivia @Chak Bamu @Oscar @Jungibaaz @RescueRanger @farhan_9909 @That Guy @Indus Pakistan @Joe Shearer @waz @Arsalan @WAJsal
I am full time data analyst and you my friend are on another level. This thread is nothing but political scoring and some people crusades against the POP.

India has many problems , superstitious and factious caste culture are the top fundemental ones.
That just proves you look India from western lenses and try to pull down same lenses while viewing China.

You sir are a level A hypocrite.
That just proves you look India from western lenses and try to pull down same lenses while viewing China.

You sir are a level A hypocrite.
When is that a western lense? It's a fact and you know it yourself, don't you.
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