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Uncovered an al-Qaeda plot to use chemical weapons


Feb 10, 2013
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BAGHDAD (AFP) - Iraq's defence ministry said on Saturday it has broken up an Al-Qaeda cell that was working to produce poison gas for attacks within the country as well as in Europe and North America.

The group of five people built two facilities in Baghdad to produce sarin and mustard gas, using instructions from another Al-Qaeda group, spokesman Mohammed al-Askari told a news conference.

The members of the cell were prepared to launch attacks domestically, and also had a network to smuggle the toxins to neighbouring countries, and further afield to Europe and North America, Askari said.

The arrest of the cell members was possible because of cooperation between Iraqi and foreign intelligence services, he added.

The United Nations said last month that sarin nerve gas may have been used by rebels fighting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad in neighbouring Syria.

Iraq and Syria share a 600-kilometre (375-mile) border, and officials have warned that Al-Qaeda-linked Sunni militants opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the Shiite-led government in Baghdad have set up camp in Iraq's western desert region.

Al-Qaeda front group the Islamic State of Iraq is still active in the country, launching regular attacks on government and civilian targets.

So far, the group has largely refrained from waging violence outside Iraq, but earlier this year it publicly said it was linked to Syria's Al-Nusra Front, a jihadist group fighting the Assad regime.


The 4 captured
OMG :undecided: Thank goodness for foiling such an act if terror like this.
Cross your fingers.

Yeah, Al-Qedea is known for its recklessness.

They are just crazy people, one of their sympathizers who seemed a close observer of them told me that Mosaab Al-Zarqaui used to take revenge of every Sunni gets hurt by bombing the hell out of hundreds of Shia. Everybody was sh@tting his pants whenever his name comes up. We brought him down though after making the big mistake. King Abdullah vowed to get him, and he did. :sniper:
They are just crazy people, one of their sympathizers who seemed a close observer of them told me that Mosaab Al-Zarqaui used to take revenge of every Sunni gets hurt by bombing the hell out of hundreds of Shia. Everybody was sh@tting his pants whenever his name comes up. We brought him down though after making the big mistake. King Abdullah vowed to get him, and he did. :sniper:

11 years ago or so. The Jordanian government had foiled a terror attack that was supposed to target Israelis civilians. The mastermind behind the attack was Al-Zarqaui. Mosaab intended to use Chemos on the Israeli people ,but think goodness! The Jordanians got his a$$
11 years ago or so. The Jordanian government had foiled a terror attack that was supposed to target Israelis civilians. The mastermind behind the attack was Al-Zarqaui. Mosaab intended to use Chemos on the Israeli people ,but think goodness! The Jordanians got his a$$

I met people of his kind, the problem is that they are too deluded, shallow, stubborn and stupid to understand Islam, most of them are uneducated as well. I believe that our regimes inadequate actions toward Western and Israeli violations toward Muslims as well as their suffering create desperation which would lead to extremism.
I met people of his kind, the problem is that they are too deluded, shallow, stubborn and stupid to understand Islam, most of them are uneducated as well. I believe that our regimes inadequate actions toward Western and Israeli violations toward Muslims as well as their suffering create desperation which would lead to extremism.

I know a Moroccan here that was praising the boston bombing and the london beheading.. just ignoring it what is there to argue with these idiots, they will only learn when they experience the terrorism themselves.
I know a Moroccan here that was praising the boston bombing and the london beheading.. just ignoring it what is there to argue with these idiots, they will only learn when they experience the terrorism themselves.

Although I'm not into religion allot, I mean I do practice and only learn for myself but have no knowledge to argue. However I cornered a sympathizer once, actually I'm ashamed to say what he believed in here, long story short, I dared him to bring me a proof from Quraan or Sunnah or Prophet (SA)/Sahabah (RA) reported actions that called for attacking innocents, he couldn't. Another thing, I told him whether it's of Muslim and Arab morals to kill innocent women, elders and kids, he could n't answer as well.

However, Qaueda are terrorists, Iranian regime and their sellouts are worse as the inflicted victims are much more. Damn both of them.
Although I'm not into religion allot, I mean I do practice and only learn for myself but have no knowledge to argue. However I cornered a sympathizer once, actually I'm ashamed to say what he believed in here, long story short, I dared him to bring me a proof from Quraan or Sunnah or Prophet (SA)/Sahabah (RA) reported actions that called for attacking innocents, he couldn't. Another thing, I told him whether it's of Muslim and Arab morals to kill innocent women, elders and kids, he could n't answer as well.

However, Qaueda are terrorists, Iranian regime and their sellouts are worse as the inflicted victims are much more. Damn both of them.

I cannot argue with them either, you never see me arguing about shia/sunni religion simply because my knowledge about it is way too little, in the west we have little sources of learning Islam unlike in the ME where it is part of school.
Though it is hypocricy and no logic for these people to support it, these western regimes are way too soft, they allow too much, if Europeans were immigrants in our countries they could not do any of this stuff or they would get arrested/jailed the 1st day.
I cannot argue with them either, you never see me arguing about shia/sunni religion simply because my knowledge about it is way too little, in the west we have little sources of learning Islam unlike in the ME where it is part of school.
Though it is hypocricy and no logic for these people to support it, these western regimes are way too soft, they allow too much, if Europeans were immigrants in our countries they could not do any of this stuff or they would get arrested/jailed the 1st day.

Exactly, Western people and governments are wayyy more tolerant than us.
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