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Uncertainty in Bangladesh ("incredible amount of anti-India feeling within BD")

The parliamentary election is going to take place without opposition participation. In fact even none in BD has the idea of how Awamis are going to be toppled. A beneficial consequence of Awami extremism is that Awami League has been exposed despite the existence of Awami breeding factories in BD. There lies the hope. Just that the solution may be bloody.

Question is...who's gonna tie the bell?
"সব মিলিয়ে তাই এক দিকে যেমন সীমান্ত পরিস্থিতি মোকাবিলার জন্য কোমর বাঁধা হচ্ছে, শরণার্থীদের প্রশ্নে কিছুটা মানবিকতার পথেই হাঁটার কথা ভাবা হচ্ছে, অন্য দিকে কূটনৈতিক স্তরে হাসিনা সরকারকেও বোঝানো হচ্ছে, পরিস্থিতির রাশ ধরার জন্য সংবেদনশীল পদক্ষেপ করতে হবে। কেন না বাংলাদেশের সঙ্গে দীর্ঘতম সীমান্তের ভাগীদার ভারতের পক্ষেও অবস্থাটা আদৌ অনুকূল নয়।"

When a poor common man understood these possible reverberations long back in Bengal,I can not make out what made the finest diplomats in Delhi so late and so dumb.

"কিন্তু বিষয়টি নিয়ে ওয়াশিংটনের সঙ্গে দীর্ঘ দৌত্যের পরেও যে আমেরিকা সুর নরম করেনি, তা এখন স্পষ্ট। মার্কিন রাষ্ট্রদূত ড্যান মজেনা খোলাখুলিই জানিয়েছেন, নির্বাচন হওয়া উচিত অবাধ এবং নিরপেক্ষ। আসন্ন ভোট নিয়ে আওয়ামি লিগের ভূমিকায় যে আমেরিকা আদৌ সন্তুষ্ট নয়, সে কথাও বারবার স্পষ্ট করে দিয়েছেন তিনি। পশ্চিমি দুনিয়া বলছে, বিরোধীদের কণ্ঠরোধ করার চেষ্টা করছেন শেখ হাসিনা।"

Mr.Salman Khurshed,please read what the west are saying.Perhaps they skipped your valuable advice.

যে রিপোর্টটি সম্প্রতি সাউথ ব্লকে পৌঁছেছে, তাতে বলা হচ্ছে, ‘এই নির্বাচনের মাধ্যমে যে সরকার গঠিত হবে তার সঙ্গে চূড়ান্ত অসহযোগিতার পথে হাঁটবে আমেরিকা এবং ইউরোপীয় ইউনিয়ন। বাংলাদেশের সামগ্রিক অর্থনীতির উপরে তার প্রভাব পড়তে বাধ্য।

That's common sense. even a kindergarten kid should have had an clear apprehension of this.

"আইন শৃঙ্খলার অবনতি হলে সে দেশের সংবিধান অনুসারে ৪ মাস পর্যন্ত জরুরি অবস্থা জারি করতে পারে সরকার। রিপোর্টে বলা হয়েছে, ‘সে ক্ষেত্রে সাধারণ মানুষ হিংসামুক্ত আবহাওয়ায় একটু নিঃশ্বাস নেওয়ার অবকাশ পাবেন। ব্যবসায়ী সম্প্রদায় হাঁফ ছেড়ে বাঁচবেন, জিনিসের অগ্নিমূল্যও কমবে। যুদ্ধাপরাধীদের একের পর এক ফাঁসি হলে হয়তো আবার উন্মত্ত হতে পারে জামাত। কিন্তু সে ক্ষেত্রে জরুরি অবস্থাকে আরও কিছু দিন বাড়িয়ে নেওয়ার সুযোগ পাবে সরকার। পশ্চিমের পক্ষেও বিরোধিতা করা কঠিন হবে।"’

Whose ever feather brained idea is this, he/she simply sleep walking into another disastrous repercussions.

আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা - দেশ

@BDforever, @Anubis : An interim election is on it's way it seems.And please take a look how poor and pathetic our diplomatic intellectualism has become.
Indian helped Bangaldeshi from Tyrants, still Bangladeshi hate Indian.

Many Bangladeshi live in India and there family survive with Indian money and still they Hate Indian..

Only one word : Ingratitude..
How are we supposed to prove our gratitude? By compromising our independence and sovereignty?
How are we supposed to prove our gratitude? By compromising our independence and sovereignty?

Are we invading you? Do you find indians on road of dhaka questioning your freedom?

If Hasina cares of indian interests as a part of gratitude toward indians for all their effort in helping out the BD to get their country, why is she wrong?

We are still grateful to Russia for helping India in 71 to liberate bangladesh. We have taken a lot more decisions to help Russian industry even though they were not the best choice. Thats called gratitude.

Best way is helping break india :coffee: ...there'll be no hatred then.

So we broke you....wannabe pakistani?
Question is...who's gonna tie the bell?

There's every indication that the cat is going to bell itself.

Are we invading you? Do you find indians on road of dhaka questioning your freedom?

If Hasina cares of indian interests as a part of gratitude toward indians for all their effort in helping out the BD to get their country, why is she wrong?

We are still grateful to Russia for helping India in 71 to liberate bangladesh. We have taken a lot more decisions to help Russian industry even though they were not the best choice. Thats called gratitude.

So we broke you....wannabe pakistani?

Wrong because she has harmed BD interests in this process.
Are we invading you? Do you find indians on road of dhaka questioning your freedom?

If Hasina cares of indian interests as a part of gratitude toward indians for all their effort in helping out the BD to get their country, why is she wrong?

We are still grateful to Russia for helping India in 71 to liberate bangladesh. We have taken a lot more decisions to help Russian industry even though they were not the best choice. Thats called gratitude.

So we broke you....wannabe pakistani?

So it'll be equal :-) !

There's every indication that the cat is going to bell itself.

Wrong because she has harmed BD interests in this process.

This indication is possibility nothing firm....I think still something is waiting for Bangladeshi. The way Hasina is playing it seems many pages are well written which are hidden to us.
An interim election is on it's way it seems.And please take a look how poor and pathetic our diplomatic intellectualism has become.

That doesn't really make any difference. AL hasn't shown the willingness to reinstate the non-party Caretaker Government system.

So it'll be equal :-) !

This indication is possibility nothing firm....I think still something is waiting for Bangladeshi. The way Hasina is playing it seems many pages are well written which are hidden to us.

Whatever happens people are not going to give way without fight.
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That doesn't really make any difference. AL hasn't shown the willingness to reinstate the non-party Caretaker Government system.
With the Western pressure mounting,India might be pulling it's strings off now it seems.Let's see how we,Indians can recuperate from one of our greatest diplomatic blunders.
How are we supposed to prove our gratitude? By compromising our independence and sovereignty?

I don't know an incident when India claim bangladeshi land, or India ever tried to use force for any border issue.

The Islamization of Bangladesh will take BD backward..
Article is right in a way. India should interfere, make BAL compromise, create a "CTG" and make a good fair elections. Its win-win situation. If BNP wins, they might not feel very anti- India, if we conduct the elections.
Or a UN monitored elections, and conducted by them.
The way India broke Pakistan is like this:
- Indians and Indian agents start killing Bihari's
- West Pakistan Army gets mad and start killing East Pakistani's in revenge
- trust factor between West and East Pakistan was shattered from this cycle of killings and that is the main factor that broke Pakistan

Now, in order for Bangladesh to become a sworn enemy of India, the above example contains some valuable lesson:
- the first phase is already completed, Bangladeshi masses have connected the dots and determined that Awami League are Indian agents
- Awami League are killing Bangladeshi's in fairly large numbers starting in 2013 (but in reality starting from 1971 onward), in order to protect their own and Indian interest
- more killings will diminish trust factor between India (and their agents) and Bangladesh

Bigger killings of Bangladeshi's by Indians and Indian agents will complete the process:
- Awami League is planning bigger mass killings, so that will do the job
- a nuclear holocaust killing 5-10 million Bangladeshi's would do the job more swiftly and effectively, but the timid and coward Indians may not go for this

If "mainland" Indians start killing NE Indians due to a cycle of killing and revenge killing, that will create enmity between them and shatter the trust factor between NE and mainland India. Hopefully the Chinese will figure out a way to do that.

In any case, a civil war in Bangladesh would open up many opportunities in the surrounding regions to bring about a geopolitical shift, I believe. Lets see if India and their agent Awami League can be successful first in their venture to trigger the civil war in Bangladesh and set Bangladesh on fire as a result, then we can speculate further.
The way India broke Pakistan is like this:
- Indians and Indian agents start killing Bihari's
- West Pakistan Army gets mad and start killing East Pakistani's in revenge

- trust factor between West and East Pakistan was shattered from this cycle of killings and that is the main factor that broke Pakistan

Amazing, whats next? Bangladesh should tender an apology to Pakistan?
The way India broke Pakistan is like this:
- Indians and Indian agents start killing Bihari's
- West Pakistan Army gets mad and start killing East Pakistani's in revenge
- trust factor between West and East Pakistan was shattered from this cycle of killings and that is the main factor that broke Pakistan

Now, in order for Bangladesh to become a sworn enemy of India, the above example contains some valuable lesson:
- the first phase is already completed, Bangladeshi masses have connected the dots and determined that Awami League are Indian agents
- Awami League are killing Bangladeshi's in fairly large numbers starting in 2013 (but in reality starting from 1971 onward), in order to protect their own and Indian interest
- more killings will diminish trust factor between India (and their agents) and Bangladesh

Bigger killings of Bangladeshi's by Indians and Indian agents will complete the process:
- Awami League is planning bigger mass killings, so that will do the job
- a nuclear holocaust killing 5-10 million Bangladeshi's would do the job more swiftly and effectively, but the timid and coward Indians may not go for this

If "mainland" Indians start killing NE Indians due to a cycle of killing and revenge killing, that will create enmity between them and shatter the trust factor between NE and mainland India. Hopefully the Chinese will figure out a way to do that.

In any case, a civil war in Bangladesh would open up many opportunities in the surrounding regions to bring about a geopolitical shift, I believe. Lets see if India and their agent Awami League can be successful first in their venture to trigger the civil war in Bangladesh and set Bangladesh on fire as a result, then we can speculate further.

Kalu sir, that plan has already been put into motion. Just 53 hours ago a secret consignment containing a thermonuclear device was transferred to Dhaka. It was smuggled through the Sunderbans. The trigger is with Hasina, she will press the button shortly.
When a poor common man understood these possible reverberations long back in Bengal,I can not make out what made the finest diplomats in Delhi so late and so dumb.

Mr.Salman Khurshed,please read what the west are saying.Perhaps they skipped your valuable advice.

That's common sense. even a kindergarten kid should have had an clear apprehension of this.

Whose ever feather brained idea is this, he/she simply sleep walking into another disastrous repercussions.

আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা - দেশ

@BDforever, @Anubis : An interim election is on it's way it seems.And please take a look how poor and pathetic our diplomatic intellectualism has become.
I understand where Indian diplomats are coming from....they will look for their interest...but sometimes to protect those interests you have to sacrifice some other interests.....Even the US knows it...see how they dealt with Iran....you can't have everything you want....because if you push too much you ultimately loose everything!

I don't know an incident when India claim bangladeshi land, or India ever tried to use force for any border issue.

The Islamization of Bangladesh will take BD backward..
Well that is democracy..if we want an Islamist government that will take us to the middle ages...we are going to do it...it is our choice...not yours!

A prominent Al leaning media outlet showing people's feelings about the government!
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