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UN Pushes Pakistan To Decriminalize Adultery

Then why don't the mullahs, the keepers of the faith in this part of the world, never speak of it like the way they keep blaming women's "immorality" ??

Also, the filth you refer to, these same mullahs indulge in it.
Firstly, define "Mullah", and how you conveniently straw manning and diverging the issue.
Also, the filth you refer to, these same mullahs indulge in it.
This is the logic of "if person X has cancer, then he/she should also contract AIDS"

Please use common sense: one societal decay doesn't detract from adding another to the list.

All social ills that afflict our society have their cure in Islam. We are a Islamic country.
Then why don't the mullahs, the keepers of Islam in this part of the world, never speak of it like the way they keep blaming women's "immorality" ??

Also, the filth you refer to, these same mullahs indulge in it.

He may have blamed women but your land is the land of devadasi, where they are born in to societies that are just purely for the sexual needs of your pandits.

Someone really needs to self reflect.

At least now we know from where these orders to allow Feminism and other fahisha in our society are coming from; the 'benevolent' UN. Yes, the UN that can't resolve more pressing issues like holding Israel to account for its genocide in Palestine, India for it's current ethnic cleansing of Kashmiris through deliberate demographic alteration, nor bringing to account the criminal instigators of the Iraq war (Bush, Cheney, Tony Blair), etc.

This article is from 2018

However, since around 2018 we have seen the rise in following social trends within Pakistan:

- Feminist/Womens march

- Open demands for sexually carefree and lewd behavior

- Promotion of said behavior in TV dramas, movies, music, news anchors, etc.

- Push for and uptick in promotion of Homosexual LGBTQ+ agenda

- Attack on family values

Why is the UN more concerned about repealing laws that prohibit zina (premarital/extramarital sexual relations) within Pakistan?

What have the laws prohibiting premarital/extramarital sex in Pakistan have to do with ending the massacre of innocents in Palestine, Yemen, Kashmir, Afghanistan, etc?


It is simple: the UN is just a another front for promoting Dajjalite culture under the guise of charity and peace.

The losers are the ones readily accepting this sugar-coated poison. At least now we know why such openly anti-Pakistan movements and organizations are being allowed by our leaders to flourish within the country.

And to think that Pakistani troops are deployed under the flags of this Dajjalite organization on "peace keeping" missions while its workers promote Dajjalite ideologies like Feminism to impoverished communities across the world; very similar to the early Colonial Christian missionaries with food in one hand and the bible in the other force converting the colonized "Savages" to the White man's ways after having beaten and subjugated them in the first place.

The Colonists never left, they just changed their strategy. Oh Muslims, how you have been fooled :disagree:

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Areesh @AUz @PakPrinciples @Taimur Khurram
I will say, dear Pakistan, just ignore.
Firstly, define "Mullah"

Come on, we know what or who a mullah is. One description. A person who has gotten himself into a position where he claims he is an agent between Man and God. And this mullah most times has been able to brainwash people into following his non-Islamic or should I say, pre-Islamic ideas.

For example, Mullah Fazlullah, the now dead leader of the TTP.

and how you conveniently straw manning and diverging the issue.

I am just asking people to look at a real problem in their society.

This is the logic of "if person X has cancer, then he/she should also contract AIDS"

Please use common sense: one societal decay doesn't detract from adding another to the list.

Sorry but you are trying to deviate from the fact that many mullahs have wrong habits.

All social ills that afflict our society have their cure in Islam. We are a Islamic country.

In the USSR, male homosexuals were punished by jail.

Though I am suggesting for Pakistan a Third Position system that @OsmanAli98 has also been suggesting lately. That will take care of many social ills, whether gay rapist mullahs or honor killings or feudalism.

He may have blamed women but your land is the land of devadasi, where they are born in to societies that are just purely for the sexual needs of your pandits.

Someone really needs to self reflect.

How is the Devadasi system connected to me, a Muslim Socialist ??
Come on, we know what or who a mullah is. One description. A person who has gotten himself into a position where he claims he is an agent between Man and God. And this mullah most times has been able to brainwash people into following his non-Islamic or should I say, pre-Islamic ideas.

For example, Mullah Fazlullah, the now dead leader of the TTP.

Sorry but you are trying to deviate from the fact that many mullahs have wrong habits.
I don't understand your obsession with Mullahs when the thread has nothing to do with them until you brought their name up.

Shouldn't you be more worried about your Indian Muslim community tight how rather than poking your nose in Pakistanis affairs? o_O

I am just asking people to look at a real problem in their society.
Worry more about India mate. We will worry about our Pakistan.
In the USSR, male homosexuals were punished by jail.

Though I am suggesting for Pakistan a Third Position system that @OsmanAli98 has also been suggesting lately. That will take care of many social ills, whether gay rapist mullahs or honor killings or feudalism.

USSR was a failed state doomed from the start and ironically funded and propped by Capitalist America.

As regards third positionism, that is open to all kinds of possibilities barring two: movements of the marxist type and pro-Liberal democratic capitalist types.

So, don't get too excited.
I don't understand your obsession with Mullahs when the thread has nothing to do with them until you brought their name up.

Who drums up these ideas of "immorality", "fahashi things" and so on in society if not the mullahs ??

Shouldn't you be more worried about your Indian Muslim community tight how rather than poking your nose in Pakistanis affairs? o_O

1. You should ask the UNO to not to involve itself in Pakistani affairs.

2. Yes, I am worried about the Indian Muslim community and try to associate with Progressive Muslims who should be able to create a community consensus. Also, I do my best here to not get associate with wrong people like the TJ who are nothing but an embarrassment for the Indian Muslims.

3. The topic of the thread is not only Pakistani but also a Muslim issue and so I made a comment.

USSR was a failed state doomed from the start

The USSR existed for 70 years, close to the same timeline that Pakistan has existed. The USSR was a world superpower, whether military or whether space.

And the USSR supported anti-colonial, anti-capitalist group and revolutionaries across the world.

And Pakistan ?? :)

and ironically funded and propped by Capitalist America.

Ah, that and "USSR was created by the Jews".

As regards third positionism, that is open to all kinds of possibilities barring two: movements of the marxist type and pro-Liberal democratic capitalist types.

There is another - The Third Universal Theory aka Jamahiriya from Libya.
Who drums up these ideas of "immorality", "fahaashi things" and so on in society if not the mullahs ??
Dude, have you strayed that far from your own religion that you're willing to call any Muslim, even the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) a derogatory label simply for calling degeneracy what it is, which is degeneracy?

The Quran also call this fahisha.

Ask yourself are you even a Muslim before you make another response
1. You should ask the UNO to not to involve itself in Pakistani affairs.

2. Yes, I am worried about the Indian Muslim community and try to associate with Progressive Muslims who should be able to create a community consensus. Also, I do my best here to not get associate with wrong people like the TJ who are nothing but an embarrassment for the Indian Muslims.

3. The topic of the thread is not only Pakistani but also a Muslim issue and so I made a comment.
This is a Pakistani issue as India or Muslims in general are not mentioned within the thread title.

And yeah that is the whole purpose of this thread to point out the uselessness of the UN and its subversive agenda in "post" colonial countries.
The USSR existed for 70 years, close to the same timeline that Pakistan has existed. The USSR was a world superpower, whether military or whether space.

And the USSR supported anti-colonial, anti-capitalist group and revolutionaries across the world.

And Pakistan ?? :)
USSR was ironically propped by American Bankers and Capitalists all throughout its existence.

Its anticolonialism was just a farce where it was pushing one degenerate ideology (Marxism/Communism) against the one proposed by the West. Soviet anti-homosexality was to do with atheistic utilitarianism rather than any grounded morality.

Ah, that and "USSR was created by the Jews".
It was, are you saying Putin is a liar?
There is another - The Third Universal Theory aka Jamahiriya from Libya.
Fascism came before that though, so too late for Jamahirya to claim that title.

Been ignoring these threads because my opinion here is taken like a stab to the throat.

Let me say one thing though, these thoughts and ideas are not the result of some organization publishing an article or making an appeal.
They're coming from spaces of free thought, and you have only yourselves to blame for the failure of former systems, otherwise such things wouldn't surface.
You guys are probably in for a surprise how drastically the social fabric of Pakistan, and other Muslim nations, is going to change within the next 50 years.

Edit: Pakistan has never seen a truly left centralist leader except during Ayub Khan and Musharraf, which were its heights. For the rest of its history, it has been under strong influence of, or directly under right wing Islamist rule. It baffles me how people still find excuses to blame Liberalism and Secularism.
The failure of the Islamic System is exactly why the youth in Pakistan is suddenly more inclined towards secularism and liberalism, from spaces of free thoughts, it's due to your own failures. Blame yourselves.
UN can go climb a tree.
This is an Islamic republic. We are here to impliment islamic laws in more lands not to wipe em out even islamic lands. Last nation on earth to do such a thing would be Islamic republic of Pakistan. God Willing.

They are free to make their own laws lf their lands we are free people. We won't accept anyone else's definition of freedom. Muslim don't follow freedom we follow the Will and guidances of Allah ( Creator lf Universe "The God" )
The UN is meant to be a worldwide organisation; instead it's become a western organisation whose role it has become to enforce western values on the 'inferior' races.
Dude, have you strayed that far from your own religion that you're willing to call any Muslim, even the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) a derogatory label simply for calling degeneracy what it is, which is degeneracy?

The Quran also call this fahisha.


Please again read two of my previous posts :
Instead of acting outraged at this UNO request, the members on this thread should speak about the non-consensual gay sex or rental gay sex that is part of Pakistani traditional or tribal culture.
Then why don't the mullahs, the keepers of Islam in this part of the world, never speak of it like the way they keep blaming women's "immorality" ??

Also, the filth you refer to, these same mullahs indulge in it.
Is this not degeneracy ?? Or do you reserve that word only for man-woman relationships ??

Ask yourself are you even a Muslim before you make another response

Can you name two truly Muslim leaders outside of Pakistan ??

This is a Pakistani issue as India or Muslims in general are not mentioned within the thread title.

OK. OK. This is then my last post here. I have said enough on this thread. Any post of yours subsequent to this, I will only read.

And yeah that is the whole purpose of this thread to point out the uselessness of the UN and its subversive agenda in "post" colonial countries.

What do you say about the UNO's uselessness in front of NATO's invasions and regime-change operations across the world ??

Many of these societies are former colonies of European powers.

Soviet anti-homosexality was to do with atheistic utilitarianism rather than any grounded morality.

What do you mean by that ??

It was, are you saying Putin is a liar?

I don't have any information about this.

Fascism came before that though, so too late for Jamahirya to claim that title.

I don't know what you mean by that.
UN can go climb a tree.
This is an Islamic republic. We are here to impliment islamic laws in more lands not to wipe em out even islamic lands. Last nation on earth to do such a thing would be Islamic republic of Pakistan. God Willing.

They are free to make their own laws lf their lands we are free people. We won't accept anyone else's definition of freedom. Muslim don't follow freedom we follow the Will and guidances of Allah ( Creator lf Universe "The God" )

The UN is meant to be a worldwide organisation; instead it's become a western organisation whose role it has become to enforce western values on the 'inferior' races.

UN from the outset was made by the very colonialist nations (Britain & US) who since its creation have been using it to ideologically subjugate their former colonies.

The sooner every Muslim realizes the nature of this subversive organization the better it will be, because many people have been fooled into believing its propaganda
UN from the outset was made by the very colonialist nations (Britain & US) who since its creation have been using it to ideologically subjugate their former colonies.

The sooner every Muslim realizes the nature of this subversive organization the better it will be, because many people have been fooled into believing its propaganda

In a white worship society leadership these ideas will be welcome.

Like disease thrives in a dirty kitchen.
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