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UN Pushes Pakistan To Decriminalize Adultery

This is our real enemy. I hate these liberal / feminists. They are destroying Muslim society and Muslim countries from the inside.

These liberal feminists are puppets of the west. They look up to the west as their role model and spew Voice of America propaganda. The west use human rights campaigns to demonize and destabilize Islamic countries that stand up to them.

There is only one culture in the world that challenges western culture and that is Islamic culture. That is why the West wants to get rid of Islam by spreading liberalism and feminism.

These liberal feminists should be destroyed before they destroy Islamic culture.
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These liberal feminists are puppets of the west. The west use human rights campaigns to demonize Islamic countries that challenge them.

These liberal feminists should be destroyed before they destroy Islamic culture.

I was talking about Legislation it will not happen in Pakistan. Inshaallah.

Coming to These Aurat march Degenerates i know some of their lot they have gotten more active after Musharaffs Enlightened Moderation but this filth is still limited to a certain subsection. There theatrics will not work with the general Public though. Every year they expose themselves Pakistanis are not idiots they wont fall for them at least not in the short term the criticism they received this year was way more then i have ever seen if they keep pushing their rotten Agendas a Response will come from the other side.Time will tell though.

I sure hope so that this won't be legalized through legislation.

However, I'm seeing a similar pattern here as was seen in the 1960's and 70's within the Western countries before their Adultery laws were repealed/ decriminalized.

The issue is that the people, the aam aadmi, will become desensitized to this fahisha through the combined constant exposure from media and this annual aurat march; in the beginning its shocking and repulsive and many people are angered, but after a while they learn to live with it and finally accept it as the new 'normal', and at this stage the government legalizes the fahisha through legislation.

This is the pattern observed in the West and every other country thereafter in which this degeneracy has now been legalized at all levels of society.

The best time to end this fahisha is right in the beginning stage when the mass of people are still repulsed and angered by it. The longer the exposure time the more this fahisha will become normalized.
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@Desert Fox Look at our nation,do we really consider Zina as henious as it is?
Mind that in certain echelons of our nation zina is nothing to be ashamed off.
In the west families are being destroyed in the name of women empowerment, then mass murderers are produced, void of nurturing love from their mothers.
This is why they have incidents of mentally Il individuals from broken families going on mass shooting sprees, and yet Western Liberals blame guns for the shooting, but deliberately ignore the broken family system in their country.

Guns have always existed in the American culture and were at point even trained school students and civilians (during WW2 and Cold war if I'm correct), yet why no mass shootings occurred in those times like they do now? Because the family system was still strong in those days.

Now their society has utterly degenerated and all sorts of mental illnesses are popping up that were never before seen in human history on this scale.
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sure hope so that this won't be legalized through legislation.

However, I'm seeing a similar pattern here as was seen in the 1960's and 70's within the Western countries before their Adultery laws were repealed/ decriminalized.
Adultery is rampant in Pakistan and is a criminal offence but i havn't seen anyone getting punished for it in my life.
@Desert Fox Look at our nation,do we really consider Zina as henious as it is?
Mind that in certain echelons of our nation zina is nothing to be ashamed off.
Lately it is becoming less and less controversial due to constant exposure for all segments of society to this fahisha; whether it's on social media (tiktok, instagram), p0rnography, Television (even news anchors are dressing inappropriately now), music, etc...

At this rate, yes it is being constantly normalized and this will pave the way for official governmental legalization.

Of course, for our Liberal westernized Brown Sahib segment of Pakistani society zina was always normal and acceptable but as long as it was hidden from the masses. Now they are showing their true colors in the wide open.
Lately it is becoming less and less controversial due to constant exposure for all segments of society to this fahisha; whether it's on social media (tiktok, instagram), p0rnography, Television (even news anchors are dressing inappropriately now), music, etc...

At this rate, yes it is being constantly normalized and this will pave the way for official governmental legalization.

Of course, for our Liberal westernized Brown Sahib segment of Pakistani society zina was always normal and acceptable but as long as it was hidden from the masses. Now they are showing their true colors in the wide open.
Let's see,where it takes us to.

At least now we know from where these orders to allow Feminism and other fahisha in our society are coming from; the 'benevolent' UN. Yes, the UN that can't resolve more pressing issues like holding Israel to account for its genocide in Palestine, India for it's current ethnic cleansing of Kashmiris through deliberate demographic alteration, nor bringing to account the criminal instigators of the Iraq war (Bush, Cheney, Tony Blair), etc.

This article is from 2018

However, since around 2018 we have seen the rise in following social trends within Pakistan:

- Feminist/Womens march

- Open demands for sexually carefree and lewd behavior

- Promotion of said behavior in TV dramas, movies, music, news anchors, etc.

- Push for and uptick in promotion of Homosexual LGBTQ+ agenda

- Attack on family values

Why is the UN more concerned about repealing laws that prohibit zina (premarital/extramarital sexual relations) within Pakistan?

What have the laws prohibiting premarital/extramarital sex in Pakistan have to do with ending the massacre of innocents in Palestine, Yemen, Kashmir, Afghanistan, etc?


It is simple: the UN is just a another front for promoting Dajjalite culture under the guise of charity and peace.

The losers are the ones readily accepting this sugar-coated poison. At least now we know why such openly anti-Pakistan movements and organizations are being allowed by our leaders to flourish within the country.

And to think that Pakistani troops are deployed under the flags of this Dajjalite organization on "peace keeping" missions while its workers promote Dajjalite ideologies like Feminism to impoverished communities across the world; very similar to the early Colonial Christian missionaries with food in one hand and the bible in the other force converting the colonized "Savages" to the White man's ways after having beaten and subjugated them in the first place.

The Colonists never left, they just changed their strategy. Oh Muslims, how you have been fooled :disagree:

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Areesh @AUz @PakPrinciples @Taimur Khurram
Islami Jamhoria e Pakistan kis nam ka islami rahe ga agr zina aam ho jaye.
Instead of acting outraged at this UNO request, the members on this thread should speak about the non-consensual gay sex or rental gay sex that is part of Pakistani traditional or tribal culture.
All of that filth is part of the same problem; Islam is the only solution.

Then why don't the mullahs, the keepers of Islam in this part of the world, never speak of it like the way they keep blaming women's "immorality" ??

Also, the filth you refer to, these same mullahs indulge in it.
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