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UN must play role to resolve Kashmir | Nawaz


Feb 2, 2007
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ANKARA - Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif chose to speak his mind to an English Turkish newspaper ‘Today’s Zaman’ on vital national issues, including Kashmir, Afghanistan, terrorism and US drone strikes.
About the Kashmir issue, the prime minister said that the dispute was the longest outstanding issue on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council which had passed two resolutions.
The Security Council resolutions provided for holding of a fair and impartial plebiscite in Indian held Kashmir under the UN auspices to enable the Kashmiri people to exercise their right to self-determination.
He hoped the UN would play its due role in resolving this dispute. “Recent tensions along the Line of Control were indeed a matter of concern for us. Pakistan would continue to respond to the situation with restraint and responsibility,” he asserted.
He also renewed Pakistan’s commitment to a serious, sustained and constructive engagement with India that must include the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir. “I have always given high priority to good relations with India for the sake of durable peace in the region,” he said.
He spoke in categorical terms that the US strategy to use drone strikes in Pakistan against terrorists not only violated their sovereignty and international law but was also counterproductive and caused further radicalisation in the society.
“These strikes undermined their collective efforts to counter extremism, terrorism and expressed his confidence that there was a rethinking in the US about the utility of the drone strikes,” he observed.
The prime minister said peace and stability in Afghanistan was directly linked to peace and stability in Pakistan.
He said his government had more than one option to deal with terrorists, but would use force only as the last option. He said terrorism knew no borders and curbing it was a global challenge. Pakistan and the international community, including the United States, had a shared interest in curbing terrorism.
The prime minister emphasised Turkey’s role as a bridge between Asia and Europe and Pakistan’s potential to become a gateway to energy-rich Central Asia. He said the Afghanistan-Pakistan-Turkey trilateral process was an important initiative aimed at promoting peace, stability and socio-economic development in Afghanistan.
“Physically, we may live thousands of miles apart, but our hearts beat together and we are truly one nation, two states,” he maintained. The prime minister said the unique geographical situation of both Turkey and Pakistan made them strategically important.

UN must play role to resolve Kashmir: Nawaz
So the US does those drone strikes without knowledge or permission of the Pakistani Government?
Does the prime minister control the military?
Even Nawaz would know he can't approach the UN unilaterally. He is playing for the gallery else they should not blame him that he has placed Kashmir in the backburner.
UN has become shameless organization. Kashmir is one of the longest pending issue in the UN but UN has done nothing that would solve the issue.
UN has become shameless organization. Kashmir is one of the longest pending issue in the UN but UN has done nothing that would solve the issue.

The UN resolutions are non binding and outdated. Little can be done unless initiated by strong willed Indian and Pakistani leaders...
Besides..Its not the UNs responsibility to resolve conflicts bilateral in nature..The onus is upon India and Pakistan to do the needful..
Kashmir will be free once Pakistan puts a end to the militant camps across the LOC but alas it will not so the poor Kashmiris will continue to suffer.

UN has also said this but Pakistan still refuses to take action on the militant camps
The following statement on Kashmir was issued today by the Spokesman for Secretary-General Kofi Annan:

The Secretary-General utterly condemns the terrorist suicide bombing that occurred yesterday in Srinagar in the Indian-controlled part of Kashmir. He expresses his condolences to the bereaved families.

This act of senseless violence underscores the need to eradicate terrorism from whatever quarter. The Secretary-General recalls the unanimous adoption of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) which decided, among other things, that all States shall refrain from providing any form of support, active or passive, to terrorist groups. This tragic incident once again underlines the need for a political solution to the long-standing dispute over Kashmir.

Yet Pakistan continues sponsoring terrorism across the LOC and even pushed such groups into the mainland as witnessed on 26/11 and now they want UN to play a role?

First set your house in order before trying to resolve the Kashmir dispute
The following statement on Kashmir was issued today by the Spokesman for Secretary-General Kofi Annan:

The Secretary-General utterly condemns the terrorist suicide bombing that occurred yesterday in Srinagar in the Indian-controlled part of Kashmir. He expresses his condolences to the bereaved families.

This act of senseless violence underscores the need to eradicate terrorism from whatever quarter. The Secretary-General recalls the unanimous adoption of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) which decided, among other things, that all States shall refrain from providing any form of support, active or passive, to terrorist groups. This tragic incident once again underlines the need for a political solution to the long-standing dispute over Kashmir.

Yet Pakistan continues sponsoring terrorism across the LOC and even pushed such groups into the mainland as witnessed on 26/11 and now they want UN to play a role?

First set your house in order before trying to resolve the Kashmir dispute

Last time i checked S.G was Ban ki-Moon :yahoo:

Now on topic ... All Nawaz sharif said is U.N to play role in this dispute not intervene or something (cause thats what U.N was made for) ... NOW why Indians @$$e$ are burning on such statement :azn:
Last time i checked S.G was Ban ki-Moon :yahoo:

Now on topic ... All Nawaz sharif said is U.N to play role in this dispute not intervene or something (cause thats what U.N was made for) ... NOW why Indians @$$e$ are burning on such statement :azn:

Because his statement is baseless he wants the UN to play a role to solve the dispute yet nothing is done in respect to the militant camps across the LOC, so what can the UN do?

ANKARA - Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif chose to speak his mind to an English Turkish newspaper ‘Today’s Zaman’ on vital national issues, including Kashmir, Afghanistan, terrorism and US drone strikes.
About the Kashmir issue, the prime minister said that the dispute was the longest outstanding issue on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council which had passed two resolutions.
The Security Council resolutions provided for holding of a fair and impartial plebiscite in Indian held Kashmir under the UN auspices to enable the Kashmiri people to exercise their right to self-determination.
He hoped the UN would play its due role in resolving this dispute. “Recent tensions along the Line of Control were indeed a matter of concern for us. Pakistan would continue to respond to the situation with restraint and responsibility,” he asserted.
He also renewed Pakistan’s commitment to a serious, sustained and constructive engagement with India that must include the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir. “I have always given high priority to good relations with India for the sake of durable peace in the region,” he said.
He spoke in categorical terms that the US strategy to use drone strikes in Pakistan against terrorists not only violated their sovereignty and international law but was also counterproductive and caused further radicalisation in the society.
“These strikes undermined their collective efforts to counter extremism, terrorism and expressed his confidence that there was a rethinking in the US about the utility of the drone strikes,” he observed.
The prime minister said peace and stability in Afghanistan was directly linked to peace and stability in Pakistan.
He said his government had more than one option to deal with terrorists, but would use force only as the last option. He said terrorism knew no borders and curbing it was a global challenge. Pakistan and the international community, including the United States, had a shared interest in curbing terrorism.
The prime minister emphasised Turkey’s role as a bridge between Asia and Europe and Pakistan’s potential to become a gateway to energy-rich Central Asia. He said the Afghanistan-Pakistan-Turkey trilateral process was an important initiative aimed at promoting peace, stability and socio-economic development in Afghanistan.
“Physically, we may live thousands of miles apart, but our hearts beat together and we are truly one nation, two states,” he maintained. The prime minister said the unique geographical situation of both Turkey and Pakistan made them strategically important.

UN must play role to resolve Kashmir: Nawaz

He is an idiot having such expectation. If UN had to do something it would have been done decades ago.
UN has become shameless organization. Kashmir is one of the longest pending issue in the UN but UN has done nothing that would solve the issue.

as if the UN says Kasmir is an integral part of India and it will remain with India for all good reasons, Pakistan will happily or sadly recognize the the decision....!
This issue when ever is solved will be done bilaterally

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