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UN condemns US abortion decision

Surprise to see many defending abortion here.
It's really not popular in Asia.
Condemn what's happening in Kashmir ,Palestine and with ughurs or else there is no UN.

What about in Libya, Syria and Venezuela ? What about UN condemnation of NATO plus allies invasion of North Korea in 1951 under UN banner ? Why are Kashmir and Palestine holy and others are not ?
Why blame the woman for the violence against her ? And the child in the womb is part hers too so how can it be murdered ? Read my previous text just above.
Are your blind?
Read what I wrote again
Where did I blame the woman?
She can keep the pregnancy if she wants she’s not forced to abort if she was raped it’s her decision in fact, if she keeps the baby and raises it, she will be heavily rewarded by Allah for it.
Open your eyes and read what I write. Don’t act blind
What about in Libya, Syria and Venezuela ? What about UN condemnation of NATO plus allies invasion of North Korea in 1951 under UN banner ? Why are Kashmir and Palestine holy and others are not ?
Yeah also mention any others if you know.
It's not the holy moly thing ,the point is UN is just a hypocritical pawn of the US.
Are your blind?
Read what I wrote again
Where did I blame the woman?
She can keep the pregnancy if she wants she’s not forced to abort if she was raped it’s her decision in fact, if she keeps the baby and raises it, she will be heavily rewarded by Allah for it.
Open your eyes and read what I write. Don’t act blind

"She can keep the pregnancy" is your addition now but in your post you imply that the fetus is better aborted in case of rape :
In Islam, in all schools of thought, if a woman was raped she is allowed to abort the pregnancy.

In Islam abortion is allowed 1) if it’s a valid reason like it dangers the mother’s life OR 2) if she was raped.
This too it must be done before the limbs starts to develop so in the first 40 UNLESS a valid excuse like danger to life.
Islam strictly prohibits abortion if it’s just beacuse fear that the parents won’t be able to afford for the child or raise it.

Islam is anti abortion when it’s done without a valid reason. Fear of poverty IS NOT a valid excuse.
Otherwise Islam allows abortion provided there is a valid reason like rape or danger to mother’s life.
So tell me, why can't the society have hostels where mothers or both parents cannot afford to raise the child for any valid reason at all can send him or her there ? And speaking of hostels, such should be the way for humans - community-raised children - until the age of say 14 when they are put into the workforce. Communism in fact calls for the abolition of the concept of Family itself for reasons I wrote down this post.
"She can keep the pregnancy" is your addition now but in your post you imply that the fetus is better aborted in case of rape :

So tell me, why can't the society have hostels where mothers or both parents cannot afford to raise the child for any valid reason at all can send him or her there ? And speaking of hostels, such should be the way for humans - community-raised children - until the age of say 14 when they are put into the workforce. Communism in fact calls for the abolition of the concept of Family itself for reasons I wrote down this post.
lol communism
For a second I forgot I was replying to a murtad
So what did you mean by this ?

It means if a woman is raped then she should be allowed to have an abortion and should have to suffer the consequences of being raped. If you read my earlier comment, I said abortion is wrong but under certain circumstances it should be allowed such as rape or the life of the woman is at risk.
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I support this!
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