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Ummah Stands by Rohingyas

The seminar on Rohingyas that Hamid Gul is arranging will now be held after Eid for wider attendance. The President of Pakistan is being invited to be the chief guest.
Rohingyas’ plight: Imran Khan writes letter to Ban Ki-moon


ISLAMABAD (Staff Report) – Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan has urged United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to end the persecution and genocide of Rohingyas within Myanmar.

In an open letter written to the UN secretary general on Wednesday, Imran Khan said the silence and complete inaction by the UN on the continuing plight and persecution of the Rohingyas is a shameful testament to the failure of the UN to fulfill its basic principles of upholding human rights.

Giving a reference of Rwandan genocide, Khan said the UN has once again failed to protect a people from persecution and genocide: this time the Rohingyas of Myanmar.

Imran Khan also called on the UN secretary general to move the UNSC to end the persecution and genocide of Rohingyas within Myanmar and to bring to an end their inhumane plight on the high seas, under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

On his twitter account, Imran Khan hinted dismay that except a few, no one in the Muslim World is taking up the issue including Pakistan.

Inncocent people should be protected by states irrespective of cast, creed, Color and community. Myanmar should give full protection to These innocent people.

On other hand Ummah shoul also oppose killing of millions of non Muslims by Ummah and not selectively Ummah only.
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