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Ummah Stands by Rohingyas

The rohingyas are mostly ethnic BDians. So it's the moral responsibility of BD to take care of their own people in this time of crisis. But do the BDians care about their Bong Muslim brothers ? If their own people don't care about them why expect others to care.

Nope they are not ethnic BD. If they migrated after 1971 they could be called BD. But they are ethnic Bengali and Muslim. BD isnt East Pakistan which was created for Muslims. BD was created for Bangladeshis. Today Myanmar tomorrow India will keep pushing these people in our area. Not we have big land nor we are rich.They are not our own responsibility but humankinds.
The rohingyas are mostly ethnic BDians. So it's the moral responsibility of BD to take care of their own people in this time of crisis. But do the BDians care about their Bong Muslim brothers ? If their own people don't care about them why expect others to care.

Ethnic BD or not , they r our muslim brothers and should be given BD citizenship and refuge here. BD muslims care abt them , but gov policy is a different matter. U can't judge the people of a muslim country by their gov's policy since gov/regimes of majority muslim states r not representatives of their people. And nither can u judge muslim BDs based on comments of some BDs. BD has a large amount of non-muslims (secular liberals, Hindu, christian, Buddists etc) who don't speak for BD muslims.
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They r our muslim brothers and should be given BD citizenship and refuge here. BD muslims care abt them , but gov policy is a different matter.
Oh that's good. And that's all I'm saying. They are your Muslim Bong brothers and should be given BD citizenship or atleast a refuge inside your BD territory. It would end this Rohingya crisis once and for all.

Nope they are not ethnic BD. If they migrated after 1971 they could be called BD. But they are ethnic Bengali and Muslim. BD isnt East Pakistan which was created for Muslims. BD was created for Bangladeshis. Today Myanmar tomorrow India will keep pushing these people in our area. Not we have big land nor we are rich.They are not our own responsibility but humankinds.
90% of Rohingyas are both Muslim and ethnically Bengali from East Bengal ( present day BD). Most of them immigrated to Arakan region during the British raj. So if any nation has a responsibility over them then it's BD. Bangladeshis should show their large hardheartedness and accept these nation-less people. If you can't do it, don't expect others to something about it.
90% of Rohingyas are both Muslim and ethnically Bengali from East Bengal ( present day BD). Most of them immigrated to Arakan region during the British raj. So if any nation has a responsibility over them then it's BD. Bangladeshis should show their large hardheartedness and accept these nation-less people. If you can't do it, don't expect others to something about it.

Bangladesh was neither created for Bengalis nor for Muslims. Only for the people residing in BD in 1971 who supported creation of BD. Rohingyas are first Myanmar's responsibility. Then pakistan. Then India. Then BD. Then all Muslim countries. Then the rest of the world.
Bangladesh was neither created for Bengalis nor for Muslims. Only for the people residing in BD in 1971 who supported creation of BD. Rohingyas are first Myanmar's responsibility. Then pakistan. Then India. Then BD. Then all Muslim countries. Then the rest of the world.

Rohingya is solely of Myanmar's responsibility. NO one else's.
If they dont want to bear the responsibility then we should approach UN security council and get a mandate for permanent peace keeping force in Arakan. Why the fck we need to be so nice all the time and afraid of confront the reality.
They only can come in is of we force the same number of Hindu Bangladeshis out (we just don't have the room) to make room and then build border around the country so no one can get in or out. The only way would be via plane. We should also punish any Indians, Birmese, Northeast Indians living/working in the country. But the plight of these Ronghya only confirms, as everyone already knows too well, Hasina would rather allow Hindus from India into the country (by building road links, etc) to slowly but surely displace Bangladeshi Muslims and yet willing to see the Ronghya die at the hands of the Burmese. Just because her grandmother was Hindu does not mean she should be able to dictate to the masses, who want nothing to do with India.
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Regarding PK it's better to say No Face instead of Islam's Thekedar, only for some money it's selling two off the shelf subs to this genocidal Burmese o_O.
Good for them. Let's hope they live as equals as your religion dictates.

Why should any religion dictate anybody? It in fact doesn't.

Having respect for humanity and the ability to maintain order is a power itself which you perhaps cannot comprehend.

And for the record, I'm not a Muslim.
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