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Umar Khalid Khurrasani got treatment in India : Ehsan ullah Ehsan reveals in program Jirga


Mera Bhai am ko smajh nae lgi Isi ley pochi :P oh got it ! You meant bhoot :mamba::mamba:

Bhai aaj thand se jaan lo gay kia mere ?

This guy is wanted for so many terror attacks that for a pardon he will play the tunes which Pakistani people are desperately waiting for. So I won't be surprised if he says he surrendered because Umar Khalid Khurrasani is a cow vigilante and banned beef for TTP and JuA.

He is not getting a pardon.

Of course he may want to follow the RAW-support-of-TTP-militants narrative under duress (which the Indian NSA supports as it is) but that doesn't make the narrative untrue.

India has been supporting violent militants (Baloch terrorists) for years --- why wouldn't they try and use the opportunity to support the TTP leadership hiding in Pakistan and in desperate need of support? The Afghan NDS was already caught with its pants down when ISI spooks figured out that he is meeting with NDS leadership; we told NATO we'll bomb the NDS convoy / safehouse he was being taken to unless they apprehend him for us --- a JSOC team flew in and, guns drawn, snatched Latifullah Mehsud from the NDS. Given the NDS's close ties to RAW, this "narrative" of Indian support of TTP militants (or mercenaries as Doval described them) isn't a stretch --- in fact, it's the most likely scenario on the ground.
Around 60,000 Pakistanis get SHADA of this barbaric butchery. Indians leaders on record through media clearly mentioning *State supported terrorism*. Yet some peoples full in animosity ignoring everything. As far as war is concern every body should clearly understand Pakistan remembers every stab. We already have teach a lesson to USSR (who helped India in east Pakistan war) in a very prolong war. There is no USSR now. We are the only country in the world who successfully defeated *worldly acknowledged* terrorism including urban terrorism. Practically speaking India is badly failed even in India the east and the west to do the same.

At least 24 paramilitary commandos have been killed and six injured in one of the deadliest attacks on security forces in a long conflict

This "Ehsanullah Ehsan" is not TTP gunfighter, but more in management of terrorism, very close-to TTP top commanders and planners. The one directly and practically facing the reality of Pakistani efforts in countering terrorism. Pakistan army's inspiration is from the actual success from the professional and continuously evolving way of fighting war with strategy and its countryman those are behind each other and un-separable.

A lot of Indian wealth in the name of *Undoing Pakistan* already have wasted with zero results and exposed your government in the world, that money should have use on hunger and *toilet* in India. So stop the foolish agenda of your elected (in the name of development) government.

Again we remember every stab, but we will respond on our time with our chosen ground.
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He is not getting a pardon.
Pakistan Army said he surrendered, so Capital Punishment is off the table. He will most probably spend his life under 'House Arrest' and may even be employed by the Army as De-radicalized poster boy for rest of TTP folks.
first off no source, against the rules @waz @The Eagle

secondly India is literally the worlds 2nd most popular medical tourism destination.

India is also number one in killing baby girls.
Kindly share inside stories on how NRI Indians come to india to check sex of unborn baby, which is denied to them abroad.
RAW supporting TTP is no secret. Pakistan needs to work with coalition forces to drop more MOABs on both SOBs.

Supporting only... ? I maintain TTP is combined creation of RAW, CIA and Iranian puppet aka Northern Alliance and some atheist aka secular forces in Pakistan are part of a larger game plan, which fell apart after departure of Asif Ali Zardari.
I bet hindu army was side by side TTP, when they marched in to Pakistan, right through the center of US and NATO troops, sitting right across the border.
When TTP fall back, than also they were provided, boarding lodging and medical assistance in Afghanistan.
Pakistan need to share intel. with friendly states, who are victim of terrorism, than all pieces of puzzle would fall in place.
I am very with this. They will get lesson after some time and these new friends will be their enemy. Time will tell them everything
Pakistan Army said he surrendered, so Capital Punishment is off the table. He will most probably spend his life under 'House Arrest' and may even be employed by the Army as De-radicalized poster boy for rest of TTP folks.

Definitely possible.

Here you go

“Ehsan has been assured that no case would be initiated or pursued against him including those which are already registered against him,”


And we are to believe that he trusted the ISI... and surrendered based on a verbal commitment from the agency that has been on his tail (and responsible for the kill/capture of many of his colleagues)?

At any rate, the truth will eventually surface (hopefully.)
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