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Ultra-left group claims responsibility for attack on Gendarmerie barrack in France


Feb 25, 2014
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In the night from Wednesday to Thursday, a Gendarmerie barrack was set on fire near Grenoble. An extreme left group claimed responsibility for this act.

"We entered the Vigny-Musset Gendarmerie barrack (...) This act is part of a wave of solidarity attacks with people who are going on trial these days. Whatever the outcome of the trial will be, we will continue to attack police and justice. Our hostility is a fire that spreads. "

It is the claim published a few hours after the fire of the technical facility of the barracks of Gendarmerie of Grenoble, on the website indymedia.org. Investigation material, numerous exhibits and dozens of vehicles were destroyed. This claim comes two days after similar events in Limoges where five Gendarmerie vehicles were burned inside the Jourdan barrack.

A "serious" track

The Indymedia website is regularly used by extreme left organizations and the lawsuit mentioned is that of the police car set on fire in May 2016 in Paris during the violent demonstrations against the Labor law. Since Tuesday, eight defendants appear before the Criminal Court of Paris and their judgment should be known this Friday.

"This claim is a very serious one, even if it does not exclude anything else," said Jean-Yves Coquillat, Republic prosecutor in Grenoble. Especially since this fire "resembles the actions carried out in recent months against vehicles of Enedis, Metropolis, social services of the city of Grenoble and which were claimed by the same channel," said the magistrate.

The investigation carried out by the public prosecutor's office in Grenoble was entrusted to the research section. According to Colonel Yves Marzin, commander of the Isère Gendarmerie group, the investigators had in mind the assumption of the act of a left-wing group of the extreme left from the morning of the fire, but " nothing is ruled out ".

2000 m2 of facilities left in smoke

The CCTV cameras sweeping the area are being exploited and many criminal identification technicians were busy at the scene of the incident on Thursday afternoon. According to preliminary findings, the authors cut the wire mesh of the enclosure of the Hoffner barrack, hidden from view by a small truck parked on the sidewalk.

The targeted buildings were about 70 meters away and the fire started at 3:30 am. Two fire starts were detected by the investigators. At round 6:15, 70 firefighters managed to control the fire.

Only these buildings, far from the residential buildings (housing Gendarmes and their families), have been reached. In spite of the fact that it was impossible for rescue personnel to enter the "2000 m2 of technical facility", reduced to smoldering rubble, the extent of the damage was evident.

"At least 30 vehicles of the Mobile Gendarmerie and some vehicles of the headquarters of the group" are out of use, deplored the Gendarmerie of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. But "at the regional level", it can nevertheless "provide without problems all the necessary means to ensure that operational capacity is not impacted".

There is more serious. According to a source close to the investigation, "the criminal investigation cell is completely destroyed." "Everything went up in smoke,".

On Thursday, Interior Minister Gérard Collomb said he was "dismayed and indignant" by this "particularly serious act". He assured that "all arrangements were made to ensure that vehicles and equipment were replaced without delay" and that "the units affected by these destruction were able to fulfill their mission". A Gendarme was slightly intoxicated while trying to intervene, but his condition isn't serious. He was placed under surveillance at the hospital of Grenoble.




@Nilgiri @Desert Fox @Cell_DbZ

Ultra leftists,anarchists antifas,wherever they are,total cancer,garbage and scums of the society. You might not appreciate far right groups,however they aren't the one destroying entire public properties and making the life hellish for others.
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You might not appreciate far right groups,however they aren't the one destroying entire public properties and making the life hellish for others.
I'd like to see far-right to counter these.
@Vergennes quite ironically those groups call themselves 'Antifa' meaning anti-fascist, meanwhile they are committing many acts of silencing anyone who even has a remotely right-winged or even liberal point of view, thus disagreeing with them.
Quite fascistic behaviour if you ask me...
At least the extreme right is not hiding from that:omghaha:(of course they are also a bunch of scumbags)

Not to mention that they attacked the very same gendarmerie that is protecting the stability of the French republic and thus the safety of those spoiled brats from those groups too.
It's a shame really, at least they are recognized as domestic terror group in Usa, perhaps it's Europe's turn
In the night from Wednesday to Thursday, a Gendarmerie barrack was set on fire near Grenoble. An extreme left group claimed responsibility for this act.

"We entered the Vigny-Musset Gendarmerie barrack (...) This act is part of a wave of solidarity attacks with people who are going on trial these days. Whatever the outcome of the trial will be, we will continue to attack police and justice. Our hostility is a fire that spreads. "

It is the claim published a few hours after the fire of the technical facility of the barracks of Gendarmerie of Grenoble, on the website indymedia.org. Investigation material, numerous exhibits and dozens of vehicles were destroyed. This claim comes two days after similar events in Limoges where five Gendarmerie vehicles were burned inside the Jourdan barrack.

A "serious" track

The Indymedia website is regularly used by extreme left organizations and the lawsuit mentioned is that of the police car set on fire in May 2016 in Paris during the violent demonstrations against the Labor law. Since Tuesday, eight defendants appear before the Criminal Court of Paris and their judgment should be known this Friday.

"This claim is a very serious one, even if it does not exclude anything else," said Jean-Yves Coquillat, Republic prosecutor in Grenoble. Especially since this fire "resembles the actions carried out in recent months against vehicles of Enedis, Metropolis, social services of the city of Grenoble and which were claimed by the same channel," said the magistrate.

The investigation carried out by the public prosecutor's office in Grenoble was entrusted to the research section. According to Colonel Yves Marzin, commander of the Isère Gendarmerie group, the investigators had in mind the assumption of the act of a left-wing group of the extreme left from the morning of the fire, but " nothing is ruled out ".

2000 m2 of facilities left in smoke

The CCTV cameras sweeping the area are being exploited and many criminal identification technicians were busy at the scene of the incident on Thursday afternoon. According to preliminary findings, the authors cut the wire mesh of the enclosure of the Hoffner barrack, hidden from view by a small truck parked on the sidewalk.

The targeted buildings were about 70 meters away and the fire started at 3:30 am. Two fire starts were detected by the investigators. At round 6:15, 70 firefighters managed to control the fire.

Only these buildings, far from the residential buildings (housing Gendarmes and their families), have been reached. In spite of the fact that it was impossible for rescue personnel to enter the "2000 m2 of technical facility", reduced to smoldering rubble, the extent of the damage was evident.

"At least 30 vehicles of the Mobile Gendarmerie and some vehicles of the headquarters of the group" are out of use, deplored the Gendarmerie of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. But "at the regional level", it can nevertheless "provide without problems all the necessary means to ensure that operational capacity is not impacted".

There is more serious. According to a source close to the investigation, "the criminal investigation cell is completely destroyed." "Everything went up in smoke,".

On Thursday, Interior Minister Gérard Collomb said he was "dismayed and indignant" by this "particularly serious act". He assured that "all arrangements were made to ensure that vehicles and equipment were replaced without delay" and that "the units affected by these destruction were able to fulfill their mission". A Gendarme was slightly intoxicated while trying to intervene, but his condition isn't serious. He was placed under surveillance at the hospital of Grenoble.


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@Nilgiri @Desert Fox @Cell_DbZ

Ultra leftists,anarchists antifas,wherever they are,total cancer,garbage and scums of the society. You might not appreciate far right groups,however they aren't the one destroying entire public properties and making the life hellish for others.

They are taking the playbook right out of the communist (and other leftist) mobs founded in weimar republic. They actually desire a totally violent atmosphere to exist like all extremists....because rolling the dice favours them compared to natural hedging of having solid agreeable centrist public.

I have catfished a bit to get into their way of thinking in some of their hangouts (for research and to direct authorities at the worst ones)....its not pretty at all. They hate their fellow leftists often more than they hate the centre and right (their motto often is liberals get the bullet too)....easy to see why communists and "national" socialists bloodily brawled for years in Weimar Allemagne (essentially they competed in same political space and had to wipe one out to expand from there)....and how that eventually turned out.

They do violence now because they can get away with it a lot of the time (because areas they are in have not experienced the brutalism of marxist-stalinist doctrine and so give far leftism more space than say the Nazis and so called "far-right" because of the existing institutional skewed portrayal arising from history etc).

France must stay strong and will stay strong....I know the French character.
In the night from Wednesday to Thursday, a Gendarmerie barrack was set on fire near Grenoble. An extreme left group claimed responsibility for this act.

"We entered the Vigny-Musset Gendarmerie barrack (...) This act is part of a wave of solidarity attacks with people who are going on trial these days. Whatever the outcome of the trial will be, we will continue to attack police and justice. Our hostility is a fire that spreads. "

It is the claim published a few hours after the fire of the technical facility of the barracks of Gendarmerie of Grenoble, on the website indymedia.org. Investigation material, numerous exhibits and dozens of vehicles were destroyed. This claim comes two days after similar events in Limoges where five Gendarmerie vehicles were burned inside the Jourdan barrack.

A "serious" track

The Indymedia website is regularly used by extreme left organizations and the lawsuit mentioned is that of the police car set on fire in May 2016 in Paris during the violent demonstrations against the Labor law. Since Tuesday, eight defendants appear before the Criminal Court of Paris and their judgment should be known this Friday.

"This claim is a very serious one, even if it does not exclude anything else," said Jean-Yves Coquillat, Republic prosecutor in Grenoble. Especially since this fire "resembles the actions carried out in recent months against vehicles of Enedis, Metropolis, social services of the city of Grenoble and which were claimed by the same channel," said the magistrate.

The investigation carried out by the public prosecutor's office in Grenoble was entrusted to the research section. According to Colonel Yves Marzin, commander of the Isère Gendarmerie group, the investigators had in mind the assumption of the act of a left-wing group of the extreme left from the morning of the fire, but " nothing is ruled out ".

2000 m2 of facilities left in smoke

The CCTV cameras sweeping the area are being exploited and many criminal identification technicians were busy at the scene of the incident on Thursday afternoon. According to preliminary findings, the authors cut the wire mesh of the enclosure of the Hoffner barrack, hidden from view by a small truck parked on the sidewalk.

The targeted buildings were about 70 meters away and the fire started at 3:30 am. Two fire starts were detected by the investigators. At round 6:15, 70 firefighters managed to control the fire.

Only these buildings, far from the residential buildings (housing Gendarmes and their families), have been reached. In spite of the fact that it was impossible for rescue personnel to enter the "2000 m2 of technical facility", reduced to smoldering rubble, the extent of the damage was evident.

"At least 30 vehicles of the Mobile Gendarmerie and some vehicles of the headquarters of the group" are out of use, deplored the Gendarmerie of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. But "at the regional level", it can nevertheless "provide without problems all the necessary means to ensure that operational capacity is not impacted".

There is more serious. According to a source close to the investigation, "the criminal investigation cell is completely destroyed." "Everything went up in smoke,".

On Thursday, Interior Minister Gérard Collomb said he was "dismayed and indignant" by this "particularly serious act". He assured that "all arrangements were made to ensure that vehicles and equipment were replaced without delay" and that "the units affected by these destruction were able to fulfill their mission". A Gendarme was slightly intoxicated while trying to intervene, but his condition isn't serious. He was placed under surveillance at the hospital of Grenoble.


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@Nilgiri @Desert Fox @Cell_DbZ

Ultra leftists,anarchists antifas,wherever they are,total cancer,garbage and scums of the society. You might not appreciate far right groups,however they aren't the one destroying entire public properties and making the life hellish for others.
These AntiFa should have been declared a domestic terrorist organization a long time ago. Why they haven't been is deeply troubling. They are a cancer plaguing every Western country.

Once again a Gendarmerie barrack was hit by an arson attack. (In the departement of Isère again.)

The fire broke out at around 3.45 am in front of the buildings housing Gendarmes and their families at the barrack of Meylan. Two personnal cars were burned and two other damaged. The facade of the building was blackened by the fumes.

The Republic prosecutor of Grenoble, Jean-Yves Coquillat, spoke during a press conference of "sabotage techniques". He stated that a padlock had been placed on the barrack's entrance gate "probably to hinder the entrance of rescue services", but the fire was nevertheless quickly controlled by firefighters.

There were no casualties, but the fire could have had "dramatic" consequences if the soldiers had not been woken up in the middle of the night by the smell of fire.

The Gendarmes and their families were "directly targeted", "attacked in their homes in the middle of the night," said the prosecutor. Jean-Yves Coquillat sees "a desire to attack soldiers and their families in a sacred place that is their home", where they can "believe themselves safe". He also explained that there is no CCTV inside the barracks.

The attack was not claimed by anyone for now. Nothing is ruled out,however the anarchist track is privileged.



@Nilgiri @Cell_DbZ
Once again a Gendarmerie barrack was hit by an arson attack. (In the departement of Isère again.)

The fire broke out at around 3.45 am in front of the buildings housing Gendarmes and their families at the barrack of Meylan. Two personnal cars were burned and two other damaged. The facade of the building was blackened by the fumes.

The Republic prosecutor of Grenoble, Jean-Yves Coquillat, spoke during a press conference of "sabotage techniques". He stated that a padlock had been placed on the barrack's entrance gate "probably to hinder the entrance of rescue services", but the fire was nevertheless quickly controlled by firefighters.

There were no casualties, but the fire could have had "dramatic" consequences if the soldiers had not been woken up in the middle of the night by the smell of fire.

The Gendarmes and their families were "directly targeted", "attacked in their homes in the middle of the night," said the prosecutor. Jean-Yves Coquillat sees "a desire to attack soldiers and their families in a sacred place that is their home", where they can "believe themselves safe". He also explained that there is no CCTV inside the barracks.

The attack was not claimed by anyone for now. Nothing is ruled out,however the anarchist track is privileged.

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@Nilgiri @Cell_DbZ
Why you don't declare them terrorists and crush them ? They deserve it the moment they started attacking public institutions for no credible reason.
Why you don't declare them terrorists and crush them ? They deserve it the moment they started attacking public institutions for no credible reason.

Obviously those parasites are trying to challenge the state's authority. The state and authorities should not show weakness and be intimidated by such events (abject as they are) and is time to re-affirm their authority. No wonder they think they are above everything after 5 years of general "laissez-faire".
Never made it to international news because the not-really-terrorists weren't named Abdul.
Is there any more news in who did it?

A group presenting themselves as 'feminist-anarchist' just claimed the attack on an internet platform close to the libertarian and anticapitalist circles. It was on the same platform that was claimed the attack on post #1.

First they 'paid tribute' to the two anti facist activists currently in prison for burning a police car last year during anti labor reform protests.

They claim to "fight against sexism and do not want to stay in the position of victims in which society would like to place them by recognizing them as meufs." (a backward slang term for girl or chick) So they want to take revenge.

They explained that the they targeted the personal property of the officers rather than their patrol cars because they wanted to "attack the individuals who wear the uniforms, rather than their function."

They still claim that they used 10 litres of petrol and made sure to "make a joke" to the firefighters by sealing off the entrance to the car park so they would not be able to deal with the fire. :crazy:


It was announced that the Gendarmerie would reinforce the safety measures of its barracks with active and passive safety capabilities,without much details.

It must be noted that compared to the National Police,Gendarmes work and live in their barracks with their families.
It was announced that the Gendarmerie would reinforce the safety measures of its barracks with active and passive safety capabilities,without much details.

It must be noted that compared to the National Police,Gendarmes work and live in their barracks with their families.

Makes sense, they are pretty much like the military (but with fully internal domestic security objective)....many military style organisations have their families with them in barracks much of the time when not on foreign active deployment etc....is it true of the French military?

Hope there is good intel available to act over time upon these fringe nut violence groups. Got to take the fight to their doorsteps than just defend yours (which of course immediately you need for now).
A group presenting themselves as 'feminist-anarchist' just claimed the attack on an internet platform close to the libertarian and anticapitalist circles. It was on the same platform that was claimed the attack on post #1.

First they 'paid tribute' to the two anti facist activists currently in prison for burning a police car last year during anti labor reform protests.

They claim to "fight against sexism and do not want to stay in the position of victims in which society would like to place them by recognizing them as meufs." (a backward slang term for girl or chick) So they want to take revenge.

They explained that the they targeted the personal property of the officers rather than their patrol cars because they wanted to "attack the individuals who wear the uniforms, rather than their function."

They still claim that they used 10 litres of petrol and made sure to "make a joke" to the firefighters by sealing off the entrance to the car park so they would not be able to deal with the fire. :crazy:
Man, reading that p1ssed me off so much:angry:
'Anarchist-feminists', possibly one of the worst combination ever
Makes sense, they are pretty much like the military (but with fully internal domestic security objective)....many military style organisations have their families with them in barracks much of the time when not on foreign active deployment etc....is it true of the French military?

That's the case for the Gendarmerie,but not for the military. I remember reading it was possible in the US for exemple,but not 100% sure. How about in Canada ?
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