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ULFA urges Dhaka to 'stop crackdown’

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It's said by Darwin that we evolved from monkey. My question is if human can build cars, buildings, machines and what not, then why a monkey cannot make a single cup of tea. Did the intelligence of a monkey's brain evolved suddenly from zero to 100 in human brain? Why there is no trace of any fossil or bone of any intermediary animal from monkey to human, where even dragon's fossil has been found? And why human is not evolving to any other animal now?

Please stop thinking . There are people like Darwin and Stephen Hawkins to do it. The best you can do is to comprehend what they have said. If you can..

The only thing scientific about you is the telescope in your avatar.:tongue:
LoL, go and believe in co-exist with anything, e.g monkey/donkey, and get infected by HIV. Stop BS.

Co-existence as in living peacefully with others not having sex with them. That's perversion. Like I said, co-existence is alien idea to you.
Am I supposed to give you a lesson on evolution now? For starter, according to Darwin, Humans ain't evolved from monkeys but Humans and apes share a common ancestry. But don't mix this up with you lots sharing roots with middle-easterns, that's not evolution but an obvious case of perpetual identity-crisis.

Akmal here is the prove of my previous statement as to why knowing English shouldn't be a measure of someone's knowledge.

Whatever you say but you haven't answered me yet. Why other animals' intelligence is so negligible than Human from where it came.
Whatever you say but you haven't answered me yet. Why other animals' intelligence is so negligible than Human from where it came.

Mutation, Natural Selection and plenty of time to waste.
Whatever you say but you haven't answered me yet. Why other animals' intelligence is so negligible than Human from where it came.

Why didnt man discover rockets, mobile phones, internet 10000 years back??
Why didnt man discover rockets, mobile phones, internet 10000 years back??

Answer you later in someday. If evolution is true then I won't have to believe in any religion like you. That will be exciting and free from any religious pressure. One of my friend believe in evolution and he said religion (even Islam and Quran) is human made just to rule the people and science. But the question is how Quran says so rightfully if it is not came from anything superior. And another thing is we do not know everything and what we know is based on whatever we see around the earth and other planets. Are you sure that you know the correct things and there is nothing beyond what you see?
Answer you later in someday. If evolution is true then I won't have to believe in any religion like you. That will be exciting and free from any religious pressure. One of my friend believe in evolution and he said religion (even Islam and Quran) is human made just to rule the people and science. But the question is how Quran says so rightfully if it is not came from anything superior. And another thing is we do not know everything and what we know is based on whatever we see around the earth and other planets. Are you sure that you know the correct things and there is nothing beyond what you see?

I will try to answer on the basis of question as possible as i can on what i know.

But its better if u can avoid religion in between and talk purely on scientific and logical basis of points.

Btwn i like u new avatar.. looking at the stars.. will try evolution of stars and planet later sometime. Lots of people can contribute on that too.. Its fascinating watching the stars on a clear night sky.
Religion is matter of faith, that is, shunning of logic and facts is pre-requisite when discussing religion. So it's futile to logically disapprove or approve any religion.

And another thing is we do not know everything and what we know is based on whatever we see around the earth and other planets. Are you sure that you know the correct things and there is nothing beyond what you see?

Science is not about absolute truth, don't make science a subtle version of god(s). It's all about ability to question a previous set of rules and believes.
Religion is matter of faith, that is, shunning of logic and facts is pre-requisite when discussing religion. So it's futile to logically disapprove or approve any religion.

Science is not about absolute truth, don't make science a subtle version of god(s). It's all about ability to question a previous set of rules and believes.

Science is absolute truth, because it's based on the facts that happen in nature. If there is a fact then there is science, explanation and cause of it. So do not say science is not about absolute truth if you cant define the cause or explanation of any fact.
Lots of West Pakistanis moved to East Pakistan after 1947, they should be taken as Bangladeshi if they want to be known as such. Anyway Iajduni told so in one of the threads.

I don't care a sh1t about where Zakir has his roots, but he should refrain talking on behalf of Bengalis when he is not Bengali to begin with. These subservient types not only bringing bad names for BD but for Bengalis as a whole.

Look bacha. This thread is not about me, my root or back ground. I know who I am and I placed Islamic culture above all. It simply mean I prefer Allama Iqbal over Tagore. Some thing a Hindu like you won't understand . Bengaliayat associate with dhoti culture never attract me. :coffee:

A Muslim should have same ideology regardless of regional boundary. It's not unlikely that my ideology would be same as Pakistani. :smokin:

Now get back to topic and keep out discussing about me. :tdown:
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Science is absolute truth, because it's based on the facts that happen in nature. If there is a fact then there is science, explanation and cause of it. So do not say science is not about absolute truth if you cant define the cause or explanation of any fact.

there's no absolute truth, there's always scope for learning. Anyway the topic is Bangladesh cracking down on ULFA.
Religion is matter of faith, that is, shunning of logic and facts is pre-requisite when discussing religion. So it's futile to logically disapprove or approve any religion.

Science is not about absolute truth, don't make science a subtle version of god(s). It's all about ability to question a previous set of rules and believes.

Well said!! Your ideas on religion and science are absolutely correct, IMHO. :D
Sorry but you seem to unaware of how a port works. No ship will be waiting for unpredictable tide to come when they can always unload themselves at ports in Orisha and Tamilnadu.

I think, you yourself do not really know how ESSENTIALLY a river port at the juncture of a sea works. Better come to see the Chittagong port in Bangladesh to know how tens of ships are anchored 10/15 km away from this port waiting for the high moon tides.

Considering Calcutta is ESSENTIALLY a river port, it is supposed to be operated in such a way. Go and visit Calcutta port to enlarge your civil engineering knowledge.
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