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Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

They arn't Russians, these are the classic Neo Nazi's ..the same type which were responsible for violence in Kiev

What ? Ok..we're not here to say that the Earth is flat.The guys in the pictures ARE the Russians who got trapped in the building and barbequed.Yes,those "peaceful" protestors.The pictures are from the yard from were they were shooting at Ukrainians.

Why should they condemn a fight against terrorism?

Exactly...look at the pictures...terrorists...the army should have carped bombed that building.
Agree ! West are typically double standard.


How about chinese double standards? China did exactly the same when people in Tibet started uprisings. Beside that, China does not support russian claims on Crimea. The chiense leadership is smart to not intervene in this.
What ? Ok..we're not here to say that the Earth is flat.The guys in the pictures ARE the Russians who got trapped in the building and barbequed.Yes,those "peaceful" protestors.The pictures are from the yard from were they were shooting at Ukrainians.

The pic that you showed with dudes with masks ,baseball bats and guns and other stuff are Ukranian Neo Nazis NOT Russians
The pic that you showed with dudes with masks ,baseball bats and guns and other stuff are Ukranian Neo Nazis NOT Russians

My God you're shameless!! Those ARE the Russians in that Odessa building on Saturday...the ones that got barbequed! Stop lying,anyone can do a Google and see.Have decency dude,i know you are pro Russian but there is a limit to lying.Those pictures ARE OF RUSSIAN PROTESTORS SATURDAY IN ODESSA.
My God you're shameless!! Those ARE the Russians in that Odessa building on Saturday...the ones that got barbequed! Stop lying,anyone can do a Google and see.Have decency dude,i know you are pro Russian but there is a limit to lying.Those pictures ARE OF RUSSIAN PROTESTORS SATURDAY IN ODESSA.

How do you know ? your wish ? and Barbequed ??? Would you repeat those words if your mother was in that building ?
How do you know ? your wish ? and Barbequed ??? Would you repeat those words if your mother was in that building ?

What wish ? Are you insane or do you like to spread BS ? Those pictures are on many forums by now,none of the russian posters on other forums denied them.You're the first who i see lying to his teeths telling us that night is day.....How can you do that ? Everybody has to have some shame in life.This is why debate with some of you is impossible,even in the face of clear cut evidence you just spin it around...there's no shame in you.

My mother is not a terrorist,it's your problem if you have a mommy back home who likes to throw Molotovs on people,i'm faced with no such dillemas.
Yes okay... lets consider them ukrainians.. so why mess up in the internal affairs of another country?

Both Russia and the Western governemnts have white washed the crimes of each others chosen sides.

America flat out lied that there were some pretty horrible guys like the Neo-Nazis in Pro-Kiev militias.

It's not like Russia has much leg to stand on, since Moscow is now seeing the rise of Neo-Nazis there.
How about chinese double standards? China did exactly the same when people in Tibet started uprisings. Beside that, China does not support russian claims on Crimea. The chiense leadership is smart to not intervene in this.

I am not saying the Pro-Ru guys are right .

We did exactly the same with U Gov ,but US and the other western countries said quite different words upon the same two cases.

They condemned us , and now they keep quite when 48 people were killed in U .

Just few days ago , a few terrorists killed people at KunMing train station by random , CNN call the terrorist "dissidenter"

It is obvious an guidance of public opinion with bias.

And this is classic US media double standard .

They always try to hint people "China is bad"

That is why I say US and Western are hypocrite.
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What wish ? Are you insane or do you like to spread BS ? Those pictures are on many forums by now,none of the russian posters on other forums denied them.You're the first who i see lying to his teeths telling us that night is day.....How can you do that ? Everybody has to have some shame in life.This is why debate with some of you is impossible,even in the face of clear cut evidence you just spin it around...there's no shame in you.

My mother is not a terrorist,it's your problem if you have a mommy back home who likes to throw Molotovs on people,i'm faced with no such dillemas.

Riiight......... so Pro Russians killed Pro russian protesters ... :disagree:
How do you know ? your wish ? and Barbequed ??? Would you repeat those words if your mother was in that building ?

I doubt his mother would attend protests to divide a country and shot with AK 47 at protestors...then storm a building and get grilled.
The denialism is amazing...

First they deny that there were Russians with firearms and want to see proof.

Pictures+video then get posted.

And now the Russian AK shooters/molotov cocktail throwers/bat wielders magically turn into Ukrainian Neo Nazis:rofl:

Back to the real world: Several other shooters have been photographed (one of which has already been identified)



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Another video of the AK shooter and his buddies, where you can see them shooting/throwing at people wearing Ukrainian flags as a cape:

I am not saying the Pro-Ru guys are right .

We did exactly the same with U Gov ,but US and the other western countries said quite different words upon the same two cases.

They condemned us , and now they keep quite when 48 people were killed in U .

Just few days ago , a few terrorists killed people at KunMing train station by random , CNN call the terrorist "dissidenter"

It is obvious an guidance of public opinion with bias.

And this is classic US media double standard .

They always try to hint people "China is bad"

That is why I say US and Western are hypocrite.

Nobody in the EU calls the terrorists in China "dissidents". If you would know media here you would have seen that it was called a terrorist attack. I can show you.

Terror-Akt in Kunming in China: 33 Tote und 143 Verletzte

It says "Terror act in Kunming". Uighur separatists committed a terror act.
Hey, you fascist shia liar. You're NOT American and everyone knows it. The mullahs of iran sent you here to start shit, didn't they ? You are looking like a real dickhead, now. HAHAHAHA !!

Yawn. Deranged little fascist. Think what you want your shtick got boring two days ago.
The nato cheerleader and the paid nato propagandists are desperately trying to dehumanize the protestors. But all you need to do is watch the thousands of videos of thousands of ordinary protestors making human chains around Kiev junta military units. Old men old women normal every day Ukrainians. Yes there are some elements that are more organized and are using weapons but obviously they aren't the majority.

At the same time these liars forget to mention the fully armed Right Sector terrorists who set fire to all of Kiev and overthrew the elected government in a very bloody and violent coup

That is okay for these heartless fascists in training. Its okay because the kiev neo Nazis killed in the name of nato. So that is justified. Any and everybody else will be named terrorists.

Cheap western propaganda and double standards. Nato is desperate, their whole economy and monetary structures are falling apart. They are slowly becoming irrelevant as Russia and China rise.

They won't take Ukraine. Even if Russia doesn't help the south eastern Ukrainians won't live under neo Nazi yolk. Especially when these neo Nazis are nothing but nato puppets.

Nato wants to sacrifice Ukrainian blood on the alter of their god of death and destruction thinking that it will prolong their empire. It won't. It is only showing the world what bloodthirsty cowards these animals are. The world doesn't buy the propaganda. Just look at all the forums and comments sections in all the main news sections. The vast majority of the world sees and knows what's going on. The slaughter of the Kiev juntas opposition.

All the bloodthirsty cowards on this website who call murdered human being burnt alive BBQ, are only showing their own inhumanity. Unfortunately for them the world has a funny rule. What goes around comes around. And god will make them eat their words. Let them make fun of murdered people, let them try to dehumanize them by calling them russian or terrorists or separatists.

These people are uneducated scum. They don't know that the American forefathers. Our founders were called Terrorists and Separatists by the British empire. And the British empire used that excuse to wage war on its own people. In the end the American " separatists and terrorists " won. We won and that is why America today exists because of our brave forefathers who decided to shake off the yolk of British tyranny.

The same is happening in ukraine and these brave men are forging a new country. And they will win, the nato empire will lose. They cannot win, all these deaths only make their resolve greater, their unity tighter.

Let these cowards and animals laugh and call the dead names. They will pay and the righteous will win.

De mortuis nil nisi bonum.
The nato cheerleader and the paid nato propagandists are desperately trying to dehumanize the protestors. But all you need to do is watch the thousands of videos of thousands of ordinary protestors making human chains around Kiev junta military units. Old men old women normal every day Ukrainians. Yes there are some elements that are more organized and are using weapons but obviously they aren't the majority.

At the same time these liars forget to mention the fully armed Right Sector terrorists who set fire to all of Kiev and overthrew the elected government in a very bloody and violent coup

That is okay for these heartless fascists in training. Its okay because the kiev neo Nazis killed in the name of nato. So that is justified. Any and everybody else will be named terrorists.

Cheap western propaganda and double standards. Nato is desperate, their whole economy and monetary structures are falling apart. They are slowly becoming irrelevant as Russia and China rise.

They won't take Ukraine. Even if Russia doesn't help the south eastern Ukrainians won't live under neo Nazi yolk. Especially when these neo Nazis are nothing but nato puppets.

Nato wants to sacrifice Ukrainian blood on the alter of their god of death and destruction thinking that it will prolong their empire. It won't. It is only showing the world what bloodthirsty cowards these animals are. The world doesn't buy the propaganda. Just look at all the forums and comments sections in all the main news sections. The vast majority of the world sees and knows what's going on. The slaughter of the Kiev juntas opposition.

All the bloodthirsty cowards on this website who call murdered human being burnt alive BBQ, are only showing their own inhumanity. Unfortunately for them the world has a funny rule. What goes around comes around. And god will make them eat their words. Let them make fun of murdered people, let them try to dehumanize them by calling them russian or terrorists or separatists.

These people are uneducated scum. They don't know that the American forefathers. Our founders were called Terrorists and Separatists by the British empire. And the British empire used that excuse to wage war on its own people. In the end the American " separatists and terrorists " won. We won and that is why America today exists because of our brave forefathers who decided to shake off the yolk of British tyranny.

The same is happening in ukraine and these brave men are forging a new country. And they will win, the nato empire will lose. They cannot win, all these deaths only make their resolve greater, their unity tighter.

Let these cowards and animals laugh and call the dead names. They will pay and the righteous will win.

De mortuis nil nisi bonum.


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