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Ukraine’s envoy to Pakistan appeals PM Khan to raise Ukraine conflict with Putin

Ukraine’s envoy to Pakistan appeals PM Khan to raise Ukraine conflict with Putin​

Volodymyr Lakomov asks premier to play role to mitigate tensions as nuclear power

ByMirror Web
February 22, 2022
Updated: 15 mins ago


The Ukrainian ambassador to Pakistan appealed to Prime Minister Imran Khan to raise the issue of the Ukraine conflict during his meeting with Russian leadership in Moscow.

Addressing a press conference, Volodymyr Lakomov called on the premier to use this opportunity and play a role to mitigate rising tensions as a nuclear power. His comments come a day ahead of PM Khan’s scheduled visit to Russia on the invitation of President Vladimir Putin. The foreign office said in a statement that the premier will be accompanied by a high-level delegation, including members of the cabinet. It said that both countries enjoy friendly relations “marked by mutual respect, trust and convergence of views on a range of international and regional issues”.

Meanwhile, Putin has ordered that soldiers be deployed to the two pro-Russian separatist territories in Ukraine after he recognized them as independent late Monday. The comes after Russian president signed a decree that recognizes the he Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) in the Ukrainian provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk respectively as independent.

International news agency Reuters said that tanks and other military equipment were seen in the separatist controlled city of Donetsk following Putin’s order. The move was condemned by international quarters and sanctions from the United States.

I think, our point of interest must remain on our own bilateral relations.
As I have stated many times before, Pakistan must pursue a foreign policy which is based on independence and sovereign rights. As such, Pakistan should establish a balanced approach toward any and all states, whom Pakistan seeks to engage with. Be it Riyadh-Najd, Abu Dhabi or Tehran in the Middle East. Or be it the Russian Federation, Ukraine or America.

Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, is in an unenviable position of establishing comprehensive economic, social and political relationship with Russia, while we have an established strong relationship with China. Pakistan can and will stand tall on the world stage, when it succeeds in forging strong relationship with the Russian Federation. Russians are a people who know life like no other people on earth, as they have withstood the devastation of wars, like no other country on earth. Baring that in mind, Pakistan should approach the Russian Federation with sincerity, honesty and dedication.
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IK timing was strange just overall strange day but he could honestly attempt to prevent further escalation.. IK once he landed incursion happened on the same day..

I have seen his interview on RT to russian audience he carefully tried to relax the russian audience who are on fire
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Ukraine’s envoy to Pakistan appeals PM Khan to raise Ukraine conflict with Putin​

Volodymyr Lakomov asks premier to play role to mitigate tensions as nuclear power

ByMirror Web
February 22, 2022
Updated: 15 mins ago


The Ukrainian ambassador to Pakistan appealed to Prime Minister Imran Khan to raise the issue of the Ukraine conflict during his meeting with Russian leadership in Moscow.

Addressing a press conference, Volodymyr Lakomov called on the premier to use this opportunity and play a role to mitigate rising tensions as a nuclear power. His comments come a day ahead of PM Khan’s scheduled visit to Russia on the invitation of President Vladimir Putin. The foreign office said in a statement that the premier will be accompanied by a high-level delegation, including members of the cabinet. It said that both countries enjoy friendly relations “marked by mutual respect, trust and convergence of views on a range of international and regional issues”.

Meanwhile, Putin has ordered that soldiers be deployed to the two pro-Russian separatist territories in Ukraine after he recognized them as independent late Monday. The comes after Russian president signed a decree that recognizes the he Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) in the Ukrainian provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk respectively as independent.

International news agency Reuters said that tanks and other military equipment were seen in the separatist controlled city of Donetsk following Putin’s order. The move was condemned by international quarters and sanctions from the United States.

I think, our point of interest must remain on our own bilateral relations.

The bilateral relations will be addressed
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them - William Shakespeare (Twelfth Night)

Pakistan is again stealing the show!!! How come Pak always finds herself at the eye of the storm only to redirect its course?? And, that too without spending a dime unlike the cunning Indians who want to bribe their way out...

Cry India cry.....
Region freed were like Kashmir. Kept attached to Ukraine against the wishes of people living there, but in line with the wishes of Ukrainian general public.
How come Pak always finds herself at the eye of the storm only to redirect its course??

That is a profound question to ask.

I wonder ... do Pakistanis know who they really are and what their destiny is?

If only ... oh if only!

Yet I pray to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah for the day, when Pakistanis truly recognize what they are destined to be ... a nation that follows Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam and forges ahead with the conquest of knowledge, piety, honor, dignity and to live the truth, no matter the threat or provocative we may face.
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them - William Shakespeare (Twelfth Night)

Pakistan is again stealing the show!!! How come Pak always finds herself at the eye of the storm only to redirect its course?? And, that too without spending a dime unlike the cunning Indians who want to bribe their way out...

India has never been on our level This is just the factual reality not even sure why some entertain the idea of conversing with indian trolls on the internet.. You could go back as far as 5000 years the result is same.. We are in a different league and our relations is that of a master-puppet for thousands of years where the puppet after gaining independence in the last 74 years became bitter which also explains his bitterness.. If puppet gets out of line you reclaim forget the land the indians themselves are our propety inheritence that should be reclaimed and there could be made legitimate case for that in rule of court..
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Legend has it that the english approached a feudal in the early days of 2ww to recruit as many soldiers for the crown so , the Barron in turn visited a village in his estate and asked the local chief that my moustache is at stake if the crown couldn't get required numbers

The chief requested for some time to be given to contemplate and consult with his fellow villagers , after a day or so he visited the fedual's mension and replied in a humble manner

Chaudry sb j toadi moch thalay hondi ay ty eno phr thalay he kr lo saaday kolo'n nae german nal laria jaanda :P

@SIPRA @I.R.A @fitpOsitive yeh ghatna kaalpnik hai ya such?
India has never been on our level This is just the factual reality not even sure why some entertain the idea of conversing with indian trolls on the internet.. You could go back as far as 5000 years the result is same.. We are in a different league and our relations is that of a master-puppet for thousands of years where the puppet after gaining independence in the last 74 years became bitter which also explains his bitterness.. If puppet gets out of line you reclaim forget the land the indians themselves are our propety inheritence that should be reclaimed and there could be made legitimate case for that in rule of court..

Conquer the land of Fascist Modi and make it mandatory on every native the Hijab. We came, we conquered and we put you in your place. Now that's called a good day.

We should have a bilateral talks on trade, education, defence, science and technology exchanges with Russia and keep our fingers away from any fire and give both sides the sermon on living in peace.
Conquer the land of Fascist Modi and make it mandatory on every native the Hijab. We came, we conquered and we put you in your place. Now that's called a good day.

Muslims and non sanghis of India need the full support of Pakistan and Bangladesh to defeat the sanghis.
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