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Ukraine tells EU leaders: Prepare for war with Russia

Russian ‘military adventurism’ would be ‘tragic mistake’: UK

Published: 17 November ,2021: 09:56 PM GSTUpdated: 17 November ,2021: 10:01 PM GST

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Wednesday it would be a “tragic mistake” for Russia to embark on “military adventurism” on the borders of Poland and Ukraine, amid escalating regional tensions.

“What we’ve got to do is to make sure that everybody understands that the cost of miscalculation on the borders of both Ukraine and of Poland would be enormous,” Johnson told a panel of senior UK lawmakers.

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“I think it would be a tragic, tragic mistake for the Kremlin to think there was anything to be gained by military adventurism.”

The British leader’s comments, during a wide-ranging question-and-answer session with a watchdog committee of MPs, came as the West grows increasingly concerned about Russian troop movements at the Ukrainian border.

Moscow has also been accused of helping to orchestrate a crisis that has left hundreds of migrants from the Middle East trapped on the Belarus-Poland border.

Thousands of troops have been deployed on both sides, and after Belarus recently held joint drills with Russian paratroopers.

Holyshit this is some fighting words.. Seems like the escalation is being felt
Holyshit this is some fighting words.. Seems like the escalation is being felt
Boris Johnson is lucky when he remembers to comb his hair. Ain’t going to do nothing. They know they are intruding into Russia’s home not the other way around. This is why they won’t do anything except slap more pussy sanctions, a card they’ve played 1000x already.
Boris Johnson is lucky when he remembers to comb his hair. Ain’t going to do nothing. They know they are intruding into Russia’s home not the other way around. This is why they won’t do anything except slap more pussy sanctions, a card they’ve played 1000x already.
Britain has no navy , it won't do anything.

I do realize that alot of people on PDF thinking they are bluffing and they have their own reasons to think so due to the Georgian incursion they just sit idle and the same thing happened again to Crimea and Eastern Ukraine just watching Russia expand and now they assume the same thing will occur in Ukraine which I beg to differ if they sit idle here it is game-over for them trust me bro
I do realize that alot of people on PDF thinking they are bluffing and they have their own reasons to think so due to the Georgian incursion they just sit idle and the same thing happened again to Crimea and Eastern Ukraine just watching Russia expand and now they assume the same thing will occur in Ukraine which I beg to differ if they sit idle here it is game-over for them trust me bro
What will nato do ? Kar hi kya lenge nato vale ? If one fine day Russia decides to stretch into ukraine
I do realize that alot of people on PDF thinking they are bluffing and they have their own reasons to think so due to the Georgian incursion they just sit idle and the same thing happened again to Crimea and Eastern Ukraine just watching Russia expand and now they assume the same thing will occur in Ukraine which I beg to differ if they sit idle here it is game-over for them trust me bro
No, they can’t and won’t do anything. If Russia was invading Poland, maybe. But NATO is encroaching into the Russian homeland by trying to take Ukraine. They know this. They will just make a lot of noise because they want to get away with murder like they always do.
What will nato do ? Kar hi kya lenge nato vale ? If one fine day Russia decides to stretch into ukraine
No, they can’t and won’t do anything. If Russia was invading Poland, maybe. But NATO is encroaching into the Russian homeland by trying to take Ukraine. They know this. They will just make a lot of noise because they want to get away with murder like they always do.

The question to be asked here is are they willing to let Russia wrestle their influence out of Europe or fight for it. I believe they will do the later. Russia realizes this folks ain't about this life hence it wants to usurp them alltogether and defang bruxelles but this is what they won't allow that is where the clash of interests will come from..

Will they cower away when it most matters that is a tricky question I would say they will do but this will not deter Russia
Ukraine tells EU leaders: Prepare for war with Russia
16 Nov, 2021 12:37 / Updated 4 hours ago

By Layla Guest
Paris and Berlin must brace themselves for a potential outbreak of fighting between Russia and Ukraine, Kiev’s foreign minister has warned amid unsubstantiated rumors Moscow is building up its military forces at the shared border.

Dmitry Kuleba sounded the alarm on Monday during a meeting with his Western counterparts, saying that the West would have to avoid being tied up in bureaucracy in the event of a conflict. “If Russia starts acting, you simply won’t have time physically to coordinate, to go through all the bureaucratic procedures, to coordinate decisions,” he said. “So please do the preparatory work now, because if the military scenario happens, there will simply be no time,” he urged his French and German counterparts, Jean-Yves Le Drian and Heiko Maas.

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that France and Germany should prepare for a possible “military scenario” of Russia in Ukraine, since then the country will not have time for this, now everyone is focused on a political settlement. He announced this during a conversation with journalists following a meeting with the Foreign Ministers of France and Germany. The broadcast was conducted on the page of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry in Facebook.

“If Russia starts to act, you will simply not physically have time for coordination, for going through all the bureaucratic procedures, for agreeing on decisions. Therefore, please, carry out preparatory work now, ”said the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

According to Kuleba, Ukraine will behave responsibly in any scenario and will be ready to defend itself.

Previously published by Bloomberg citing sources reportedthat US officials expressed fears to their EU counterparts that Russia could allegedly consider the possibility of an “invasion” of Ukraine. At the same time, a “close to the Kremlin” source said that Russia is not planning to start a war with Ukraine now, but supposedly should show its readiness to use force if necessary.

there is no stomach or support to help Ukraine militarily. I remember when the Russians invaded Ukraine a few years ago senatorMcCain came on tv and said there were no military options. The reason is simple 4300 nuclear weapons pointed at the west.

This was sensible move.. France and Germany probably also Italy + Uk will have to move 200k forces to 4 border crossings and that is the Poland-Ukraine border, Hungary-Ukraine border, Romania-Ukraine and Slovakia-Ukraine border each deploying 50k while Poland will likely also throw in another 100k on their borders with Belarus and Ukraine.

In that way the French and German troops will be quick to reach Ukraine and will get there almost as quick as the Russians when shit hits the fane. I could also fancy UK wanting to deploy to the black sea.

Once Russia moves in and crosses over the donbass it will run into French-German troops in central Ukraine a collision that has not occured for nearly 100 years. Ze-Germans will be back

Hahhahahahahahaha, no one in Europe will life a finger, Russia has no real designs in Europe and europe

This is entirely different Europe will fight here because if they don't they will be taken out one by one by mother Russia they will fight here that is for sure. Ukraine is also to important for them because if they are pentrated Russia will have huge influence and change the power balance many nations will start to submit to Russia instead exiting the EU bloc because they will be viewed worthless hence they can't let this to happen. They will fight here and won't accept being blitz'ed like Crimea situation they were caught sleeping.. If Ukraine is smoked EU influence dies with it in whole of East Europe and EU itself could die as result because nobody would take EU serious Russia will achieve the victory it wanted all along since the Pre-cold war by morally defeating the EU and making a good portion of them puppets to kremlin

nope, the following video best describes European armies

All these countries you mentioned will not interfere especially China. The rest you mentioned are just irrelevant. EU will fight here because they will have no other way around it really. Russia is knocking on the door. You either fight or fold nothing inbetween really. If Ukraine is defeated majority of East Europe will surrender to Russia and change bloc for their own safety and EU becoming defunct and than collapse entirely as result of that. They can't let this happen at any cost hence they will stand and fight because they would have no other options here... Or watch Ukraine reclaimed by Moscow and watch the EU collapse as result of that outfall handing majority of sovereign states to Russia.. Next tomorrow after the fall of Ukraine.. The Kremlin line will be long due to countries waitng to submit to Russia. Finland, the 3 Baltic states, Poland, Romania, the 7 balkan states, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Greece will all hand their surrender applications in person in Moscow.

France and Germany will deploy troops and for the first time since WW2 They will deploy more than 25-50k each to not be caught in sleep by Russia

you must be an Indian …. Naïve and irrational , in Syria the Russians did not leave their ally in the face of extreme pressure, China has not left Pakistan’s side , in Vietnam China and Russian despite there differences worked together to defeat the Americans. The same recently happened in Afghanistan, here nato was defeated by 72 k illiterate and under armed afghans by Russia and china’s help via Pakistan and you believe that these countries would not support Russia if it is invaded by the west …….

really flaky analysis I must say

there is no stomach or support to help Ukraine militarily. I remember when the Russians invaded Ukraine a few years ago senatorMcCain came on tv and said there were no military options. The reason is simple 4300 nuclear weapons pointed at the west.

Hahhahahahahahaha, no one in Europe will life a finger, Russia has no real designs in Europe and europe

nope, the following video best describes European armies

you must be an Indian …. Naïve and irrational , in Syria the Russians did not leave their ally in the face of extreme pressure, China has not left Pakistan’s side , in Vietnam China and Russian despite there differences worked together to defeat the Americans. The same recently happened in Afghanistan, here nato was defeated by 72 k illiterate and under armed afghans by Russia and china’s help via Pakistan and you believe that these countries would not support Russia if it is invaded by the west …….

really flaky analysis I must say

Iam indian , yet iam saying eu won't fight .
Person you quoted is pakistani .
The question to be asked here is are they willing to let Russia wrestle their influence out of Europe or fight for it. I believe they will do the later. Russia realizes this folks ain't about this life hence it wants to usurp them alltogether and defang bruxelles but this is what they won't allow that is where the clash of interests will come from..

Will they cower away when it most matters that is a tricky question I would say they will do but this will not deter Russia
And what can the EU do about it? More sanctions? Stop the pipeline? Go to war?

None of these are effective or viable solutions.
A house made of glass is always more expensive than the stone but...

Glass is usually stronger than stone, even more so when its so thick to carry a house. :)

That said, Russia has a anemic economy, mass poverty and simply not the people nor military to expand outwards. It can barely controle its outer regions.

That said, autocratic regimes were never able in history to defeats democracy.
And what can the EU do about it? More sanctions? Stop the pipeline? Go to war?

None of these are effective or viable solutions.

No need for this, simply deliver WMD to Ukraine and let them solve this themself.
Glass is usually stronger than stone, even more so when its so thick to carry a house. :)

That said, Russia has a anemic economy, mass poverty and simply not the people nor military to expand outwards. It can barely controle its outer regions.

That said, autocratic regimes were never able in history to defeats democracy.

No need for this, simply deliver WMD to Ukraine and let them solve this themself.
Russia will take the donbass in a war if the Ukraine has nukes or not. Losing the donbass is better than not existing.

The EU is weak and cannot do anything.
I understand why US and UK want to fight Russia till the last European. The truth is water will not save them from revenge. Russia has about 7000 strategic nuclear warheads and about 30000 tactical ones. Everyone is invited to the party.
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