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Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov took part in the first flight tests of the operational-tactical UAV “Gorlitsa” produced by the “Antonov” state enterprise.

08 November 2017

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov took part in the first flight tests of the operational-tactical UAV Horlytsia produced by SE Antonov, the NSDC press service wrote.



"Today, the first flight tests of the operational-tactical UAV Horlytsia, produced by SE Antonov, have already taken place. This UAV can fly 7 hours non-stop at a 5,000m altitude, with a range of more than 1,000 km," Oleksandr Turchynov noted.

Moreover, he reported that by its technical characteristics, the UAV is capable of performing various functions, in particular, of going on reconnaissance missions, coordinating artillery fire, as well as engaging the enemy with its air-to-ground missiles.

According to Mr. Turchynov, "as soon as we develop the operational-tactical and operational levels, the next step will be the creation of a strategic-level UAV".

Moreover, he reported that by its technical characteristics, the UAV is capable of performing various functions, in particular, of going on reconnaissance missions, coordinating artillery fire, as well as engaging the enemy with its air-to-ground missiles.

According to Mr. Turchynov, "as soon as we develop the operational-tactical and operational levels, the next step will be the creation of a strategic-level UAV".







Successful military tests of ammunition produced at Ukrainian enterprises took place. This was reported by Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov after the tests were completed at Divychky proving ground.

According to him, the NSDC of Ukraine has set a task for the Ukrainian defense complex to arrange the production of ammunition. ‘This is a vital topic for strengthening the country’s defense capability, its relevance increased significantly after two of our powerful arsenals were destroyed’, he said.

Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine reported on successful military tests of ammunition produced in Ukraine. ‘And, which is very important, this was the most scarce group of ammunition, namely 152-mm projectiles, grenades for automatic grenade launchers and 60-mm mines for new Ukrainian mortars that have already been put in service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine’, he noticed adding that during the drill, all ammunition confirmed the specified combat characteristics.

Mr. Turchynov noted that after testing by the state and putting this ammunition in service in the nearest time, its mass production would be launched.

Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine stressed that after the launch of mass production, “our military at the front will no longer have problems neither with grenades for automatic grenade launchers nor with large-caliber ammunition or mortar mines”.










Cadets of Kharkiv Ivan Kozhedub National Air Force University demonstrated a new general military training system — Combat Army System (BArS) in Ukrainian Air Force Command ‘East’ (Dnipro).

BArSsystem includes tactical special, hand-to-hand, firearms, mountainous training and mountaineering, as well as training in tactical medicine. Currently, there are three versions of this system depending on activities specifics.

The drills using this system develop special skills of the military, including movement on the battle field, hand-to-hand combat, provision of first medical aid, etc.









“Minister of Defence of Ukraine approved recommendations on defence planning based on the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces of Ukraine capabilities. This is the first ever document on defence planning based on capabilities which is prepared and approved within the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine”, Acting Secretary of State of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine Volodymyr Hovor said it during a briefing before direct government telephone line.

In order to improve the environment for implementation of a new process of defence planning with the assistance of the UK experts the efforts on establishment of Defence Management School were made at the National Defence University.

Mr Hovor also mentioned that in order to harmonize the National Codification System with the NATO Codification System about 5,500 items of supply have been codified under these principles this year.
UOP SE "Scientific production complex" Iskra " is preparing a new 3D observation radar 80K6T – based on solid-state modules – for the factory trials.

This radar is designed for target destination to the means of air defense and can work with all types of AA missile systems the Armed Forces of Ukraine are armed with. In addition, the powerful radar capabilities allow using it as an information link within the Air Forces units of Ukraine.

The main feature of 80K6T is an active phased array. It allows detecting and tracking targets with super-high accuracy. At the same time, a single station allows simultaneous measurement of target range, azimuth and altitude.

80K6T allows to detect air objects at a distance of up to 500 km, at altitudes of up to 40 km. At the same time, the radar can track up to 500 targets simultaneously. Besides, the radar station can work under a significant counteraction of opponent’s electronic warfare. Due to this 80K6T operators can observe aerial dimension without obstacles, which is one of the main conditions for the air defense effectiveness.

In one minute, the radar makes up to 12 turns, providing target data update every 5 seconds, and a large viewing area along the corner of the site, up to 70 degrees, allows detecting battlefield support artillery rockets. In addition, a special signal processing system makes it possible to detect small-sized and cruise missiles at low altitudes with terrain following.

In the process of 80K6T development, SPC "Iskra" specialists paid special attention to the mobility of the complex, which consists of two small transport units: one for operators of the radar station and autonomous power generators, and in the second one – for radar equipment. This solution allows 80K6T transportation using light aircraft.


UKROBORONPROM SE “Scientific and Technical Complex “Presicion Mechanics Plant” transferred a new batch of guns to the military units of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine ahead of the schedule: November 17, therefore the enterprise fulfilled the State Defense Order 2017 significantly ahead of the schedule approved.

In the past 10 months of 2017, the enterprise manufactured 250 guns ZTM1 and ZTM2, as well as about half a million of units of various modifications. Thus, the plant met the requirements of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and enterprises of MIC of Ukraine comprehensively.




"The ammunition production is a priority issue for the defense industry of Ukraine. We do not copy technology – we improve its quality," said the NSDCU Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov.

UOP representatives informed that 152mm caliber ammunition manufacture is performed using net working capital.

The SC "UkrOboronProm" continues to enhance combat effectiveness of artillery units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Over the past three years, UKROBORONPROM transferred 4,000+ WO pieces to the Ukrainian Army, including self-propelled artillery units, MLRS, mortars, anti-tank missile systems, helping our soldiers to defend Ukraine. And now UOP enterprises focus on advanced developments, which will allow bringing Ukrainian artillery to a fundamentally new level.


Missiles and aviation technology, manufactured by SJSHC "Artem," the UGV "Phantom" by SFTE “SpecTechnoExport”, UAV "Spectator," manufactured by OJSC “Meridian” named after S.P. Korolyov, as well as UAVs of other Ukrainian companies were demonstrated to the Danish delegation.

During the talks, the SC “UkrOboronProm” represented the results of its 3-year work from the beginning of the military conflict in the East of the country. For his part, Mr. Jarlov thanked the Ukrainian party for the presentation held and expressed his admiration for the achievements of the Ukrainian defence industry and the way the country’s hybrid war experience is represented in the latest military developments.


During the sea trainings, Marines along with representatives of the BTR-4 developer Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau and supplier SFTE "Spetstechnoexport", have been conducting a special trainings to improve Marines practice of BTR-4 afloat maneuvering during high-waves.

Right afterward, at firing ground the crew of each BTR-4M hit successfully all targets at specified distances from a 30mm automatic gun ZTM-1 and 7.76mm machine gun PKT, that was quite a good showcase of accuracy rate of Ukrainian weapons. The Marine Corps Deputy Commander, who observed the trainings, was frankly impressed by the efficiency of the modern digital sighting and firing control system.

five BTR-4M have successfully passed all trial tests, participated in a 100-kilometer march in mountainous terrains. Following the results of those tests, a Protocol on performing functional tests was signed. The special committee of the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia has confirmed, that BTR-4M comply with all evaluation specifications of the Protocol and APC’s were accepted into operation by the Marine Corps.

The BTR-4M has 8×8 wheel arrangement and is equipped with turbocharged 6-cylinder 11.9 liter Deutz diesel engine, that allows to develop 515 horsepower output at maximum 1800 rpm.

Two Indonesian BTR-4M are equipped with uninhabited combat turret BM-7 “Parus” with a 30-mm automatic gun ZTM-1, 30 mm grenade launcher and 7,76 mm automatic gun, “Barrier” antitank guided missile system. Other three machines have a combat turret with a 7,76mm automatic gun.

It’s a basic armored vehicle for equipping marine units and quick-reaction forces, fulfilling day-and–night missions under various climate conditions (operating temperature range from -40 up to +55 C), off-road, on hard-surface and in the sea.

Kyiv-based company Zbroyar, a private rifle producer in Ukraine, is conducting training work with units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on mastering small arms of the NATO model, the company has reported.

"In particular, in 2017, the company conducted eight training seminars for more than 170 servicemen from four units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces," the company said in a press release on Wednesday, December 6.

It notes that the main purpose of these events is preparing Armed Forces soldiers for work with small arms, which was created on the basis of AR-10 (an American automatic rifle, created in 1954-1955 by Eugene Stoner) and AR-15 (an American semi-automatic rifle with 5.56 x 45 mm cartridge). Produced since 1963, it is put on sale as firearms for self-defense, hunting, etc., and is a police weapon. In the early 1960s, the automatic version of the AR-15 was adopted by the U.S. Army as M16 and is used by servicemen of NATO members.
08 December 2017

The new BTR-4MV1 is the latest generation of 8×8 APC armoured personnel carrier designed, developed and produced by the Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau, part of UkrOboronProm, according to the Defence Blog. The BTR-4MV1 is designed in accordance with NATO standards. The vehicle is based on the BTR-4 but with many new improvements.






Representatives of Kyiv association of military attachés paid a two-day visit to Kharkiv.

Military attachés held talks with leaders and toured the infrastructure of State Enterprise Malysheva Plant and Kharkiv O.O.Morozov Design Bureau.

They also visited Kharkiv military educational establishments. In Tank Troops Military Institute they discussed the educational program and prospects of international cooperation, etc.

“Due to qualified professors and infrastructure, we can ensure qualitative and complete training of specialists”, Institute Commandant Col. Oleksandr Serpukhov said.





Ukraine's Vilkha missile system underwent successful tests on Friday, President Petro Poroshenko has said.

"Congratulations to all Ukrainians on the successful testing of the Ukrainian Vilkha missile system. I have just received a report that all four missiles hit the target!" Poroshenko wrote on Facebook on Friday.

In July, Poroshenko said that the government required an allocation of UAH 1.6 billion to buy and produce new weapons and military equipment. Some of the money would go toward the production of Vilkha systems.

In 2016-2017, the Ukrainian defense industry made significant progress in the production of missiles, primarily Vilkha systems, which can be deployed on a trial basis as early as in the first half of 2018, Serhiy Zgurets, the head of the information and consulting firm Defense Express, said in December.


Minister of Defence of Ukraine General of the Army of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak participated in the Government Question Hour meeting held in the Verkhovna Rada, where he answered the Ukrainian MPs’ questions.

“There is a decision to enhance armament and rockets maintenance, and, considering previous challenges, we follow the solution to construct ferro-concrete underground depots in order to prevent demolitions and diversions risks on the part of terrorist groups. This task is scheduled on 2018. Thanks to adopted budget, we have stipulated a half of billion hryvnias for the purpose to construct rockets and munition maintenance depots”, emphasized the Minister of Defence during the Parliament session.

Also during the dialogue some problematic issues were brought up such as the land plot allocations to housing construction for military servicemen, who were engaged in the ATO on the East of Ukraine.

“Right, there is such a problem in some particular cities, for instance, Odesa, where we are facing with problematic registration of land plot allocation. The Armed Forces of Ukraine require MPs’ systematic support to resolve these issues and to ensure defenders a housing foreseen for them”, underlined Minister of Defence of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak.


The Air Force Command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has announced the intensification of work on the restoration of a network of military airfields, as well as the restoration and creation of airfield sections of roads of military importance.

"The experience of military operations shows that military aviation needs a wide network of modern military airfields throughout the country, as well as 'spare' airfields on certain sections of motorways," reads a report posted on the Facebook page of the command on Monday, February 19.

The report notes that of the hundred military airfields that were operating in the early 1990s, there are about a quarter left now. At the same time, since 2015, Ukrainian Armed Forces specialists have begun to restore airfields that were previously transferred to local authorities.

"Now several airfields are reconstructed every year. First, the aviation commandant's office and equipment are returned. Then specialists repair the runway, buildings, barracks, and install modern equipment. In several months a 'dead' airfield comes to life and meets transport aircraft, fighters, bombers, training aircraft. For example, this occurred in Chernihiv in 2016 and in Uman in 2017. There are also corresponding plans for this year," the report says.
Oplot tanks, as well as the Stugna and Corsar anti-tank missile systems, will be added to the arsenal of the Ukrainian army this year, Chief of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Viktor Muzhenko has said.

"We expected to receive such tanks at the end of last year and the beginning of 2018, but for certain technical reasons, that is the capabilities of our defense industry, we assume that we will get such tanks by the end of 2018," he said in an interview with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

Speaking about anti-tank systems, Muzhenko said that these would be the means of domestic production, which have already been tested by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

"It is modern and powerful armament. It has already been determined which units should be equipped with such systems. We will significantly increase our anti-tank defense by the end of the year," Muzhenko said.

The aerospace sector of Ukraine seeks to start tests of the new Hrim (Thunder) mobile short-range ballistic missile system designed by Pivdenne (Yuzhnoye) Design Bureau (Dnipro) in the interests of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the end of 2019, Head of the State Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU) Pavlo Dehtiarenko has said.

"We are working on both the missile and the entire system. Unfortunately, the work is not as fast as we would like: there are technological and financial difficulties, both for contractors and for customers. Nevertheless, we expect that by the end of next year it will be possible to demonstrate this complex [to the customer] and test it," Dehtiarenko told Interfax-Ukraine.

He said that the creation of a new missile system is conducted by Ukraine with observance of all the international limitations and regimes with regard to the range of this missile weapon, without exception.

"When so-called couch experts begin to say that it [the missile system] can go beyond these parameters [as for the range], then this is nothing more than idle speculation of outsiders," Dehtiarenko said.

"This is about the same, when they say, for example, that Dreamliner Boeing-737 plane can fly 15,000 km. Yes, maybe, but it should leave half of the passengers: in technology everything is interconnected," he said.

The term of the supply of the new Hrim missile system to the Ukrainian Armed Forces depends, among other things, on the pace of the promotion of the defense cooperation project to create an export version of the missile system in the interest of a foreign partner, Dehtiarenko said.

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