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UK set to ban ‘supermosque’



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Nov 1, 2005
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Monday, February 19, 2007

UK set to ban ‘supermosque’

LAHORE: Britain was likely to block plans to build a “supermosque” – capable of holding up to 70,000 - the Sunday Telegraph reported.

It said that the government was expected to reject the proposal since it would be located too close to the main venues of the Olympic Games, which London is set to host in 2012.

However, the government’s main objection is that Tablighi Jamaat - an ultra-orthodox Muslim organisation with close links to the Wahhabi form of Islam practised in Saudi Arabia and which sends hundreds of British Muslims to Pakistani madrassas every year – is behind the plans. Two of the 7/7 London suicide bombers are believed to have visited one of the group’s mosques, while a leaked United States intelligence memo claimed that Al Qaeda was using the group to “network with other extremists”.

However, more than 3,000 Muslims living near the planned site in West Ham, in London’s east end, have also called for halting the project, stressing that any new mosque should include all strands of Islam.

Basically they are saying is that Mosque is a threat to the olympic games
In other words the event is held as excuse to prevent the mosque from building.

Imho in the post 9/11 era security concerns weigh heavier than democracy, secularism, human rights or even freedom to pratice a religion. :rolleyes:
Sadly, The upholders of freedom are slowly becoming the intolerent themselves. Blame lies with people like OBL who dragged them there.
I dont think event is held to stop mosque building, but it coincidently gave the perfect oppertuinity
Sadly, The upholders of freedom are slowly becoming the intolerent themselves. Blame lies with people like OBL who dragged them there.
Blame equally lies with people and governments who help create people like OBL and gave them reason to win sypathy and support.
I dont think event is held to stop mosque building, but it coincidently gave the perfect oppertuinity
How very convenient I'd say.
I dont agree with it Neo, just like you
But at the same time there is a real threat too
In other words the event is held as excuse to prevent the mosque from building.

Imho in the post 9/11 era security concerns weigh heavier than democracy, secularism, human rights or even freedom to pratice a religion. :rolleyes:

Neo Its no Secret in the West.Saudis give up to 5million a year.if you were to preach there kind of Islam.(CIA and M16 knows whats preached at these mosques)
And what if the wahabisum preaches nothing but hatred towards the rest.Pakistan allowed it.and now we have suicide bombers.
wahabi religion people also don't allow any other religion to be practiced on there own land.do they.double standard wouldn't you say.
I'm quite surprised to learn that Cheetah since religion has become a secular institution in EU and political activities are not allowed in any place of worship.

Number of Imams preaching hate have been expelled from many EU countries including UK.
I'm quite surprised to learn that Cheetah since religion has become a secular institution in EU and political activities are not allowed in any place of worship.

Number of Imams preaching hate have been expelled from many EU countries including UK.

Actually that is true, You are given 5 lacs if you convert protestant in india from any religion even other sect of christanity, There have been explusions, but the number of crazed out religious leaders in the Uk are still at large
Sadly, The upholders of freedom are slowly becoming the intolerent themselves.

Until now, it was thought that planners would rubber-stamp the proposed £300 million 70'000 capicity mosque, which was agreed in principle in a 2001 deal between Newham Council and Anjuman-e-Islahul Muslimeen.

The London Thames Gateway Unitary Development Corporation, the quango with planning powers over the site, is understood to support the plans. So is the London Development Agency, which reports to Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London.

Tablighi Jamaat has hired a lobbying firm with a track record of supporting controversial planning applications, in an attempt to build political support for the project.

Indigo Public Affairs says that a formal planning application for the mosque will be submitted in the autumn, possibly with the size scaled back to meet some of the objections.
In a separate move, the Kingsway International Christian Centre, Europe's biggest evangelical church with a capacity of 12,000, is being pulled down to make way for the Olympics.


I dont think event is held to stop mosque building, but it coincidently gave the perfect oppertuinity

I think it has more to with saudi backing for the mosque that has got the government concerned and local muslims who want the mosque the be representative of all strains of islam and not just the minority saudi version.
I'm quite surprised to learn that Cheetah since religion has become a secular institution in EU and political activities are not allowed in any place of worship.

Number of Imams preaching hate have been expelled from many EU countries including UK.


Islamic Center in London, England
The Kingdom has contributed some SR 25 million to the cost of the London Islamic Center.

Cultural Information Center in Brussels, Belgium
The Center has received total support of SR 19 million.

Islamic Center in Geneva, Switzerland
The Center, which receives annual support of SR 19 million, contains a large Mosque, a cultural center, a school and a lecture hall.

Islamic Center in Madrid, Spain
The Islamic Center in Madrid, which has had total support of SR 27 million, is one of the largest in Europe. It comprises a very capacious Mosque, a prayer hall for women, a library, a lecture hall and a medical clinic.

these are just some of the examples.
SR=Saudi riyal.
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