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‘Kill all Muslims’: Fox News pundit’s ‘sarcastic’ Boston bomb tweet

When a right wing american christian nut job says it, it was sarcasm. On the flip side. Oh look the evil Muslims. :P
Paranoia and Islamophobia at its peak....

Dont the fools ever wonder what others feel about them?

1 blast and they wanna wipe the world clean....what about

The largest 2 they did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the ones they did in Vietnam and Africa? The ones they do in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and are planning of in Iran?

Hypocrites of a different nature!

How about the fact that he was just one dude who gets paid to say this sht by the most tabloid news agency on the planet? How about the hundreds of Americans who told him to take a hike? :pop:
It feels good to be a big bad Muslim. Come on boys! It's fun being the bad guy once in a while! :woot:

this is not funny..may be muslims in subcontinent might not be effected by these comments but those people who live there are the ones who suffer because of the people like them.they must provide security to the immigrants
this is not funny..may be muslims in subcontinent might not be effected by these comments but those people who live there are the ones who suffer because of the people like them.they must provide security to the immigrants

Muslims, or any 'brown' dude/dudette for that matter go through enhanced security measures in the US nonetheless :coffee:
How about the fact that he was just one dude who gets paid to say this sht by the most tabloid news agency on the planet? How about the hundreds of Americans who told him to take a hike? :pop:

he might be a paid one but there are some out there who have blind hatered for muslims or sikhs or hindus or others..wisconsin incident is an example for that..

Muslims, or any 'brown' dude/dudette for that matter go through enhanced security measures in the US nonetheless :coffee:

atleast the state wont kill them.im talking about something like wisconsin incident.even if there are few freaks there its still a danger
he might be a paid one but there are some out there who have blind hatered for muslims or sikhs or hindus or others..wisconsin incident is an example for that..

Yeah and for each one of those, there are hundreds who are not like them. I just don't like how people generalize Americans here just because of one joker. :coffee:
Yeah and for each one of those, there are hundreds who are not like them. I just don't like how people generalize Americans here just because of one joker. :coffee:

i did not generalize my point was.it may be true that u have hundreds and thousands of good people who condemn such attacks but even if there are few tens of people with blind hate they could still cause harm.state must ensure the protection of immigrants
he might be a paid one but there are some out there who have blind hatered for muslims or sikhs or hindus or others..wisconsin incident is an example for that..

atleast the state wont kill them.im talking about something like wisconsin incident.even if there are few freaks there its still a danger

Come now, no need to generalize Americans just because of a few wackjobs on the media :lol:

People say many stupid things on the media and the Internet. Indians included ;)
Come now, no need to generalize Americans just because of a few wackjobs on the media :lol:

People say many stupid things on the media and the Internet. Indians included ;)

i did not generalize americans.even if there are a few peole with such blind hatered they are still dangerous to society thats my point
Another Twitter user asked, “Are you ALREADY BLAMING MUSLIMS??” – to which Rush reportedly responded: "Yes, they're evil. Let's kill them all."

Rush later said his tweet was “sarcastic”, and appeared to have deleted the post this morning.

The tweet drew a flood of responses from Twitter users, many of them expressing shock and anger at the tweet. Rush responded to many of his critics with a series of profane responses.

Appreciate the bolded part. Rational opinions prevailed today even after the terrible incident.
How about the fact that he was just one dude who gets paid to say this sht by the most tabloid news agency on the planet? How about the hundreds of Americans who told him to take a hike? :pop:
@KingMamba93 dont take it personally....

But with the social degradation in the West ....I am not saying EVERYONE...nor am I pointing specifically to America....
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