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UK says will support India to build fighter jets for which it will offer "the best of British know-how on building battle-winning aircraft"

Trying to recollect which fighter the UK make alone, pretty sure none. Not discounting technical knowledge in aviation just UK is dependant heavily on others.

The Typhoon, and the assistance from the European partners was average at best. The design, all crucial power plant etc all British.
Joint venture aircraft schematics leaked:

Move over HAL Tejas - presenting the Delta Wing Super Samosa

The Typhoon, and the assistance from the European partners was average at best. The design, all crucial power plant etc all British.
It was outdated when it entered service.
Nobody in the Indian establishment is fooled by this neo-East Indian company honcho.
For those outside of South Asia, this is EXACTLY how the Brits used to open their dealings with Indian kingdoms... jack-up their ego, behave like long lost friends,promise military superiority against enemies, make them fight till ruination, then either make them tribute-paying vassals Or gobble them altogether.
Wait... they already is implementing this modus operandi in Ukraine!
Indian deep state is incredibly insecure of British for good reason, hope it stays that way.

Ukraine is more about keeping Russian at arms length from Europe like they did so in the past

Crimean War
So much for "indigenous" :rofl: When the indians get the French and US to design the tejas for them, it's called "consultancy", but when PAF does it with a Chinese design it's called "copying" ...and now they'll need the British to help them with their fifth gen. These begharat slime are so petty minded.
The Typhoon, and the assistance from the European partners was average at best. The design, all crucial power plant etc all British.
Not to mention a lot of sub systems in F35 are BAE made - not BAE (USA) but BAE (UK). UK will keep its aerospace/aeronautical industry at any cost just like it spends to keep its shipyards busy. For all the detractors here - just look at Sweden, they can buy F35's too but they have a home grown fighter in Gripen, same goes for the UK- a fighter will be developed even if in minimum numbers for national pride and the sake of keeping industry.

These lessons have been hard learned in the UK specially after the Nuclear power station debacle.
Not to mention a lot of sub systems in F35 are BAE made - not BAE (USA) but BAE (UK). UK will keep its aerospace/aeronautical industry at any cost just like it spends to keep its shipyards busy. For all the detractors here - just look at Sweden, they can buy F35's too but they have a home grown fighter in Gripen, same goes for the UK- a fighter will be developed even if in minimum numbers for national pride and the sake of keeping industry.

These lessons have been hard learned in the UK specially after the Nuclear power station debacle.

Great post.
Although the Gripen part I would also add that the engine is still a US under licence production. That just goes to show how important engine development is.
We lead the world in it along with the Americans.
Great post.
Although the Gripen part I would also add that the engine is still a US under licence production. That just goes to show how important engine development is.
We lead the world in it along with the Americans.
Rolls Royce all the way - masters in engine technology.
I am around civil servants/bureaucrats a lot so I know first hand how old lesson learnt are being implemented. UK lost circa £11billion by employing overseas consultants and contractors in its current nuclear energy development. All because they stopped making nuclear power plants and knowledge was lost. This is the reason why small nuclear power plants will go ahead as you can stagger their build and keep knowledge base inhouse.
Same reason why UK will keep - "to a limited extent" its steel mills running. Just to keep the existing development in metallurgy inhouse - not lost to time.
Same reason why UK will keep its mines open and why UK forced BP to keep north sea oil rigs semi operational - all to conserve the knowledge.

These knowledges are invaluable. Its a carrot that many a UK PM will dangle to other countries during trade talks.
A bait to lure India away from Russia.
UK is also known for their tea. May be they will help improve Indian tea so that their people don't go on seeking #fantastic_tea  elsewhere.😄😁
I heard the tea used to be brewed originally only black and it was during British Occupation of Bar-e-Saghir that the Brits added milk to it and it has been like that ever since.
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