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UK: Number of Muslims in prison doubles in decade to 12,000

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Number of Muslims in prison doubles in decade to 12,000 - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

The number of Muslims in the prison population has more than doubled to nearly 12,000 in a decade, figures from the Ministry of Justice show.

The dramatic rise prompted calls for ministers to investigate whether police and the courts are treating Muslims more harshly, with some suggesting the rise is due to Islamophobia.

Muslims represent only 4.7 per cent of the population in England and Wales, according to the most recent Census, yet one in seven prisoners (14 per cent) in England and Wales is a Muslim, according to the statistics.

In some jails the proportion of Islamic inmates is more than one-third, and in Whitemoor, a Category A prison in Cambridgeshire, it is as high as 43 per cent.

The Muslim prison population has increased from 5,502 (7.7 per cent) in 2002 to 11,729 in 2013 (14 per cent) and is set to continue rising rapidly because of the large numbers of Muslim teenagers in youth jails.

Other jails with a startlingly high proportion include Isis (34 per cent) and Feltham (33 per cent), both in London.

Some research suggests around one-third of Muslim inmates are from Caribbean or African backgrounds.

The shadow Justice Secretary, Sadiq Khan, who obtained the statistics, said: “It is astonishing and a huge concern that one in seven prisoners is Muslim. This is compared to just one in 20 of the population.

He said the Government’s “complacency [on the issue] is breath-taking”.

Penal experts point out there are large numbers of teenagers and young men of Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage in the peak age group for criminal offending of 15 to 25.

Muzammil Quraishi, a senior lecturer in criminology and criminal justice at Salford University, said: “Young Muslim men are under the official gaze from their school days onwards – they have the lens of the state turned on them. Certain populations can become suspect populations in the eyes of the law enforcement agencies.”

Amal Imad, of the charity Muslim Aid, suggested that poor educational performance, problems finding fulfilling jobs and family breakdown were factors in the increasing numbers of Muslims behind bars. She said: “It may be that they can’t integrate into society, they don’t think they have a positive chance to integrate into society.”

Mizanur Rahman, a spokesman for the organisation Muslim Prisoners, blamed the spike on Islamophobia and racism among police officers.
The British government should deport all of these criminals and terrorists. No point wasting tax payers money on animals.
Do Indian trolls search the web for any news related to Islam and Pakistan? Shouldn't you be worried more about the high crime rates specially rapes in your country?

Anyway on topic. These figures are not surprising but very alarming. I blame the older generations of Muslims' failure to connect with the younger generation as one of the reasons. Muslim youth cannot even find guidance in mosques as most Imams are from abroad who can't even understand basic English.

There is also a high percentage of Black Caribbean Muslims mostly converts in prisons too. The Muslim society is also divided into a useless and a criminal one and a hardworking one.

Not all Pakistani/Muslim youths are in jail, many are doing quite well in UK actually. The OP was perhaps hoping 100% of Muslim youth are in prison. The OP is indeed a retarded troll.
"Amal Imad, of the charity Muslim Aid, suggested that poor educational performance, problems finding fulfilling jobs and family breakdown were factors in the increasing numbers of Muslims behind bars. She said: “It may be that they can’t integrate into society, they don’t think they have a positive chance to integrate into society.”

Mizanur Rahman, a spokesman for the organisation Muslim Prisoners, blamed the spike on Islamophobia and racism among police officers."

Bullshit. These "poor" muslims are pure scum They are not in this situation because the society dumps on them. I know several of these "poor" muslims who are serving terms in prison. None of them came from a socially poor background or family breakdown. They are not in prison because people are racist to them, that's laughable Mizaur Rahman, I bet you spent your time in prison too, leeching of the tax payer and putting decent law abiding muslims like me to shame with your stupid antics.
They laid the groundwork for their foolishness when they were teenagers by getting involved in a life crime to look "cool" and "tough" among their peers. I will give them no sympathy, Mr Mizanur Rahman.

Do Indian trolls search the web for any news related to Islam and Pakistan? Shouldn't you be worried more about the high crime rates specially rapes in your country?

Anyway on topic. These figures are not surprising but very alarming. I blame the older generations of Muslims' failure to connect with the younger generation as one of the reasons. Muslim youth cannot even find guidance in mosques as most Imams are from abroad who can't even understand basic English.

There is also a high percentage of Black Caribbean Muslims mostly converts in prisons too. The Muslim society is also divided into a useless and a criminal one and a hardworking one.

Not all Pakistani/Muslim youths are in jail, many are doing quite well in UK actually. The OP was perhaps hoping 100% of Muslim youth are in prison. The OP is indeed a retarded troll.

Stop defending scum.

Fully Agree! Low life scum! They should appreciate England and its about time they give something back to the country.

I agree 100%.

I think prisoners should be forced to work in public welfare schemes such as building roads, houses. They should also be forced to grow the food they consume, the clothes they wear etc. Because right now, the attitude is such disgusting that most of these people brag about going to prison. They should be bluntly hit with reality. Otherwise they leech and give bad name to muslims like me.
"Amal Imad, of the charity Muslim Aid, suggested that poor educational performance, problems finding fulfilling jobs and family breakdown were factors in the increasing numbers of Muslims behind bars. She said: “It may be that they can’t integrate into society, they don’t think they have a positive chance to integrate into society.”

Mizanur Rahman, a spokesman for the organisation Muslim Prisoners, blamed the spike on Islamophobia and racism among police officers."

Bullshit. These "poor" muslims are pure scum They are not in this situation because the society dumps on them. I know several of these "poor" muslims who are serving terms in prison. None of them came from a socially poor background or family breakdown. They are not in prison because people are racist to them, that's laughable Mizaur Rahman, I bet you spent your time in prison too, leeching of the tax payer and putting decent law abiding muslims like me to shame with your stupid antics.
They laid the groundwork for their foolishness when they were teenagers by getting involved in a life crime to look "cool" and "tough" among their peers. I will give them no sympathy, Mr Mizanur Rahman.

Stop defending scum.

Muslims do face a lot of discrimination yes due to the actions of few but its still not defend able. A great example would be the punishments meted to the Bradford rioters. Even teenagers throwing stones were not spared from lengthy jail sentences while their White counter parts who took part in Bradford riots got away with light punishments, some did not even go to prison.

Stop defending scum.

Not defending scums.
Muslims do face a lot of discrimination yes due to the actions of few but its still not defend able. A great example would be the punishments meted to the Bradford rioters. Even teenagers throwing stones were not spared from lengthy jail sentences while their White counter parts who took part in Bradford riots got away with light punishments, some did not even go to prison.

Why did they throw stones? Was it for the "lulz" and "shitz"? No one forced them to throw stones or damage public property. They live in a country of tolerant White british people who have being kind enough to even let these scums in, this is how they repay them?
I agree 100%.
I think prisoners should be forced to work in public welfare schemes such as building roads, houses. They should also be forced to grow the food they consume, the clothes they wear etc. Because right now, the attitude is such disgusting that most of these people brag about going to prison. They should be bluntly hit with reality. Otherwise they leech and give bad name to muslims like me.

If the prisoners are going to build roads and houses what will the construction industry do? Free labour so they will fire the workers thus creating more unemployment. Great idea genius.

Why did they throw stones? Was it for the "lulz" and "shitz"? No one forced them to throw stones or damage public property. They live in a country of tolerant White british people who have being kind enough to even let these scums in, this is how they repay them?

I agree they shouldn't have. Young people don't think about the Country or the society whether they are White or pink or any colour. But there was clear racism and discrimination during the cases of Bradford rioters.
If the prisoner are going to build roads and houses what will the construction industry do? Free labour so they will fire the workers thus creating more unemployment. Great idea genius.

They are going to build houses to house the prisoners, the roads in their prisoners. The maintenance of disused roads and buildings that no one wants. They can also pick all the garbage in river Thames one by one then throw them back and pick them back again until they get it through their thick skulls that there is no such thing as a free ride.
They are going to build houses to house the prisoners, the roads in their prisoners. The maintenance of disused roads and buildings that no one wants. They can also pick all the garbage in river Thames one by one then throw them back and pick them back again until they get it through their thick skulls that there is no such thing as a free ride.
Are you suggesting hard labour? This is not the Soviet Union. But UK definitely need strict laws and punishments.
If the prisoners are going to build roads and houses what will the construction industry do? Free labour so they will fire the workers thus creating more unemployment. Great idea genius.

I agree they shouldn't have. Young people don't think about the Country or the society whether they are White or pink or any colour. But there was clear racism and discrimination during the cases of Bradford rioters.

Um most of the people arrested during Bradford riots had previous convictions. They got the otherwise normal teenagers to join them. They did nothing but cause trouble. Serves them right for acting like scum.
Um most of the people arrested during Bradford riots had previous convictions. They got the otherwise normal teenagers to join them. They did nothing but cause trouble. Serves them right for acting like scum.

I am not defending their actions but merely pointing out the discrimination some faced while their white counter parts got away with it.
Are you suggesting hard labour? This is not the Soviet Union. But UK definitely need strict laws and punishments.

The UK government needs to grow a spine and come hard on criminal scum of all races and religions. The laws are too damn soft.

I am not defending their actions but merely pointing out the discrimination some faced while their white counter parts got away with it.

That's a miscarriage of Justice, fuelled partly by hysteria that these idiots themselves caused when they had the north of England in flames. I agree about the unbalanced harsher sentences, but why are you keep talking about the Bradford riots as all these 11k muslims in prison were jailed during Bradford riots?
Unfortunately scenario would be very similar in Indian jails also, I read about it somewhere. :(
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