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UK likely to cut 1 billion pound aid to india

EzioAltaïr;3487499 said:
200 million won't really be of any help to an economy as big as ours. It's basically 0.02% of our GDP. :lol:

0.000001% of GDP.
IF you can, then why you have largest proportion of needy people in world? why there is no solid improvements there? ask needy people of your country they will tell you what this small aid worth to them if utilized.

Last time when GOI wanted fund for Sarvasiksha abhiyan(education for all), they put 2% cess on income tax. When they needed fund for road modernization they put surcharge on petrol. When thousand of Indians died in 2004 Tsunami, even then we took no aid. We can tackle our problem ourselves, we have reached that stage.
IF you can, then why you have largest proportion of needy people in world? why there is no solid improvements there? ask needy people of your country they will tell you what this small aid worth to them if utilized.

'Coz what you fail to realise that we happen to have 1/7th of the world's people as well. We have about 32% of our people living on less than 1.25$ a day, which is far lesser than the exaggerated figures many trolls post here. Then we have about 68% on less than 2$ a day, but they are moving up fast, and they will soon be part of our ever growing middle class.

We are not denying the existence of poverty. We are just saying that these 200 million pounds are useless, when we spend exponentially higher than that already. We have a specific budget for poverty alleviation.
EzioAltaïr;3487482 said:
Average Pakistani I've met seems to be unaware of his own country's problems, but can't miss a chance to bash India. :lol:

Hardly. Their aid is literally peanuts compared to what we spend. We have our targets set. This was just Britain's trick to try and act big. Their aid of 200 million is of no use.

Why do they say 1 billion pounds here then??
Why do they say 1 billion pounds here then??

Previously there was that report where India spent 1 billion pounds worth on warships, and India replied, "Your 280 million pounds aid is peanuts compared to what we have. Maybe the author is confused. Everyone is confused look at this report:

British foreign aid: India tells Britain 'we don't need the peanuts you offer us' | Mail Online

First it says that Cameroon has proposed to cut the 1 billion pound aid. Next line they say India doesn't want the 280 million pounds aid. The only plausible explanation is, that the 1 billion is the total 4 year figure, and 280 million is the per year figure.
Why do they say 1 billion pounds here then??

Even we don't know, they had been giving some 200-300 million pounds aid to India. May be 1 billion is the total aid they give to different countries.
It's a good development.

I mean, what's the point of aid money if it all ends up in the pockets of corrupt politicians and siphoned off to the very countries that donated it in the first place? :lol:

At least, that's what goes on in my country.
It's a good development.

I mean, what's the point of aid money if it all ends up in the pockets of corrupt politicians and siphoned off to the very countries that donated it in the first place? :lol:

At least, that's what goes on in my country.

Don't fret. India is no good on that count either. :(
It's a good development.

I mean, what's the point of aid money if it all ends up in the pockets of corrupt politicians and siphoned off to the very countries that donated it in the first place? :lol:

At least, that's what goes on in my country.
Acutally, there was quite strong rumor that this money was being used to grease the hands of defence officials for the MMRCA, our politicians did not even burp I guess.. too less a grease to give it a thought :lol:
It's the Indian poor that need the aid. But the high caste Indians refused the aid while do not help their own countryman. Another example why India will split up into many pieces
We may be a developing country, we may be mismanaging our money, but that does not mean we do not have dignity. If foreign governments are giving aid to some desperate NGOs as a bribe for getting some shady deals. Then we will say Thank you but a big NO

So Thank you England, for stopping the aid, It would had been even worst if Indian government had unilaterally stopped recieving the aid.

For comparison, this only one scheme for poor out of hundreds of schemes in form of subsidies and employment...

The Central government outlay for scheme is 40,000 crore (US$7.56 billion) in FY 2010–11 for NREGA scheme
It's a good development.

I mean, what's the point of aid money if it all ends up in the pockets of corrupt politicians and siphoned off to the very countries that donated it in the first place? :lol:

At least, that's what goes on in my country.

i wish everyone would do the same favor to us, we could get some good and pure politicians who are really interested in doing something for our country,

Just noticed your signature bhai....ononto jolil..lol:rofl: pom gana,.......:rofl::rofl:
but taking figures into real grounds, this small aid still could have help few if not large part of effected people as you say. still the point is this could be used this was not harming anything, yes we lack funds and we take aid to compensate that deficit to 'IMPROVE' the life style needy people because they deserve it , our egos never come in between.

The key word is "cash strapped UK Govt" and also the stigma and the intention that's attached to the paltry aid. What do you think of USAID to you? - the difference here is you need that aid desperately but we don't - India runs aid programs in the billions to other countries, though any aid would be useful but if it comes attached with any BS that the @ssholes in the British Govt keep repeating about India's space programs then they can take the aid and shove it.
India could have utilized this aid for poor improvement programs but they denounce this aid, their policy I can't complain but I see lack of effective management in India.

I agree that India could use aid. But there are a couple of things you need to understand here.

1. Money will not help alleviate poverty. Education will. Because Education will increase incomes. Most of this aid is used for innoculation, mid day meal schemes etc., They are not effectively used for alleviating poverty through the RIGHT MEANS.

2. Yes our govt does precious little for those poor people. But we cannot accept aid that comes with strings attached. When it comes to Britain a transactional relationship wont work. After everything is said and done, the raging bull elephant in the room is the colonial history. Therefore, Britain, if it needs anything from India, needs to suck up to India. It wont be the other way around. If they are not willing to do that, and if they wanna stay in their imperialist mindset, (and still decline as a nation everyday), then so be it. They can take their aid and shove it.

We dont need aid, that comes with pre conditions. And to be realistic, there is always a quid pro quo, and there is no such thing as free aid. So the best possible solution is for Britain to withdraw aid (just like India requested a long time ago), and actually do business with India. If they think they are "handing out" cash, then that is just a publicity stunt to cover up the fact that they are butt hurt about not getting a fighter jet deal.
with india having 600 million living below the poverty line they will be hit the hardest. my heart goes out to them. this is a terrible move by U.K. and i hope the U.K. reconsiders this.

Do you think that Britain gives the aid as a "social work" to bring 600 million people of India out of poverty?? When one gives money as a charity, he/she doesn't impose conditions which are hard to fulfill by the receiver. The British aid is given to fulfill the political purpose of Britain vis-a-vis India, this is seen in the recent spat between India & Britain over the MMRCA issue (which Britain's ET lost) as well as the ISRO's mars mission. Anyways, i ask u who is originally responsible to bring 600 million people to poverty in India?? If it was not for the 200 years of British Raj, the Golden Bird "India" would have remained a Golden Bird (contributing as high as 25% of GDP of the world), so they owe this money to India/Indian people & India doesn't owe anything to Britain.
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