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UK keen to offer Eurofighter to India

price is never issues for india Its time frame Iaf was keen too buy F-35 from usa But its not available in the time frame that IAf needed to solve their depleted squadrons

Any credible source? :undecided:
Germany "lead" the proposal in the MMRCA, but UK is now pushing far more with the Germans on the backseat only. Clearly the better choice wrt India and what they should had done from the start, but this deal will not be decided on political terms, only clear industrial benefits can bring back the EF.

Its like beating stick after passing snake.
If they lead negotiation then I think give hard time to french & may be convince GoI that EF give more industrial benefit & technology & may be offer some more to won a contract.
i will go for Eurofighter, with closed eyes over any other $+ gen fighter. Its the best in market right now.
India don't need similar class fighter of Su30 Mkk, almost same air to air role. F35 is best option instead of costly 4th gen medium fighter typhoon.
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India don't need similar class fighter of Su30 Mkk, almost same air to air role. F135 is best option instead of costly 4th gen medium fighter typhoon.
F35 will take time to mature and I don't think so IAF would want to wait for it. As of this point India doesn't seems to have any other choice then Rafael ;).
"Those two marines violated Indian sovereignty and committed grave crimes, they should be dealt harshly according to Indian Law and they are none of our concern". Lolz
so why wer we jumping up and down when an indian diplomat violated sovereignty of america by paying less money..

That's wrong for so many reasons buddy!

1) the Sources say US is ready to sell it to us, not that IAF is interested
2) IAF doesn't operate carriers IN does
3) IN was never interested in F35B, they asked for infos on F35C for a possible use on IAC2
4) Indian officials rejected F35 several times for IAF:

India rejects USA F-35 offer

5) The MMRCA is based on licence productions in India under ToT, which the US doesn't allow for F35

So that fighter was never and will never be an option for IAF!
why not more MKI's ? or maybe upgraded one ? i think its call MKK right ?
Offtopic could we see LCA MK3 as a larger Airframe close or similar to Rafale...what would be the significance of a project/program like that compared to Rafale...do you think it is feasible compared to a $100m aircraft.

As far as I know USA casually threw in F-35 in the MMRCA selection process when both of their participating fighters were rejected by IAF, but that was a casual offer and IAF rejected it because:

1. Such a proposal would further delay the MMRCA deal.
2. We were looking for a multi-role medium combat aircraft, not something like F-35.
3. We were already going ahead with PAK-FA/FGFA, we didn't need another platform for the same role.
4. We are still not comfortable with the reliability of USA as a supplier of key military equipment.
Offtopic could we see LCA MK3 as a larger Airframe close or similar to Rafale...what would be the significance of a project/program like that compared to Rafale...do you think it is feasible compared to a $100m aircraft.

Yes it is called AMCA
Yeah.... but we dont want those advanced fighters MKK.... We are happy with the lower version MKI and the French Dassault...

but i heard indian members are saying that rafale deal is put on hold ?! and dont you think french are increasing the price of birds each year , and you guys are used to with russian products !
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