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“Udhar tum, idhar hum”: When Bhutto pushed Bangladesh to the edge of Pakistan

It was blunder on part of QeA to include East Bengal in Pakistan and demanding for Asam and Calcutta, he should have instead negotiated to include Kashmir and complete Punjab state into Pakistan in return of not poking nose in rest of British Raj. But anyway, good for us that we get ride of Bengalis and good for them that being satellite state of India, they can spend their resources entirely on economy and development.
Jinah could not have chosen Kashmir because all the princely semi-autonomous states were supposed to choose for themselves

It was all about negotiation, agreed partition formula could have been different. It was MAJ himself, who insisted on it based on wrong assumptions.
Mujib was killed along with his entire family, including the babies in the wombs, by the BD folks for his failed policies, treachery with them for his loyalty to India, wide spread corruption leading to the death of 1m folks is a famine, one party one leader under India Soviet-style family rule via goons, rampantly killing folks against him without any trials etc. On the top of it he was trying to disband the army!!! No wonder not a single BD Muslim protested his death or felt sorry for it...

Now, some folks are arguing that Mujib would have been fine for Pak...
just imagine what would happen if ZAB allowed him to rule United Pakistan.

I have no idea what you are talking about ! How mujib can do that since he had no vote in West Pakistan! He was East Pakistani leader.

And if he would come to power and tried to hand over West Pakistan to India, surely Pakistani army would not sit to see that ! So this argument cancelled automatically!
And also from 1947 to 1971 most of Pakistani PMs were from East Pakistan . But still Pakistan didn't come under Indian rule!
now u got the point see it shows west Pakistanis doesn't have any problems from East Pakistani brothers from ruling whole Pakistan it was just Mujib and his family's intentions.

Further Mujib doesnt only want to rule East Pakistan as he was fighting to rule whole Pakistan.

If there was no Bhutto, you would be an Indian being lynched or blinded by pellet guns or shot dead and framed as a terrorist
or in short we would be like another bangladesh.
One unit was a Bangali idea, not ours.

You wanted to keep the East united so you can always win elections.

You wanted to keep the East divided so our votebank is divided into 6 sections, thus ensuring Bengali electoral victory everytime.

You sabotaged every single constitutional framework, in 1948, 1952, 1962.

You agreed to the national working language formula but then back tracked. How can you develop a nation without a language bridge? - you can't. It was necessary not ideal.

You collaborated with the enemy and refused to open a front in the east, during the 1965 War. We could've slayed the monster together - but you had other plans. If that's not treason, what is ?

You started a civil war against your own country, for your language which was dually recognised, promoted and by no means being suppressed. Now most of you speak or understand Hindi. But that's not a problem now is it?

One Unit was actually formulated to counterbalance the Bengali dominance in Pakistan politics and give West Pakistan a chance by keeping it under a single unit. You are right, it was an idea from a Bengali that just points out what Bengalis have done to keep Pakistan united. And it was not only about politics, the idea was also to strengthen the national unity of Pakistan by discouraging ethnic provincialism. That was the reason East Bengal was renamed to East Pakistan.

Ironically, it was the West Pakistanis who protested against the One Unit system as they wanted to have separate provincial status for each of the four ethnic provinces. That eventually made Yahya Khan to end the One Unit system.

The constitutional frameworks were sabotaged by the military juntas, not Bengalis.

There was hardly any presence of Pakistan military in East Pakistan during the 1965 war, through what you would start a front here? That in fact became a major bone of contention between the East and West that Pakistan must increase its military presence in East Pakistan. The Pakistan High Command only realized the necessity of this military presence after 1971. Yet, there were few air strikes on India from bases in East Pakistan in 1965. Besides, every knowledgeable person knows what East Bengal Regiment did during the 1965 war against India, especially in saving Lahore, as well as the Bengali pilots in PAF.
now u got the point see it shows west Pakistanis doesn't have any problems from East Pakistani brothers from ruling whole Pakistan it was just Mujib and his family's intentions.
OK fine, so you guys just hate mujib and his family and that's no big deal, as anyone can dislike anyone , it's their right! You are not bound to accept anyone as ruler whom you don't like!
But for the rest part,
Further Mujib doesnt only want to rule East Pakistan as he was fighting to rule whole Pakistan.
How is it possible that one country can have 2 prime minister? And okay if you guys don't like him to rule whole Pakistan, you could grant autonomy that mujib wanted for East Pakistan!

If central govt granted this, I think problems would be solved.

But for what purpose---what good would it have served---. Nothing---.

The only problem here was that the military got fooled by the politicians and fell into the trap---.
lost either way I know we were damned . Army is sworn to defend the country it gave India the chance to launch the attack when we decided to defend the East Pakistan by launching the strike from West Pakistan.

we played badly failed on main 3 fronts intelligence, military and politically.

I don't think so. It was a political failure. If you look at Mujib's political history, he was a loyal Pakistani right up to early 1971, and even until Operation Searchlight, from his written and spoken words, he might have been open to reconciliation.

You are precisely right in saying that "...it was the call of the president to accommodate Mujeeb or not". That was the crucial decision, the deal breaker.

You are precisely wrong in saying the next, in saying that "... Mujeeb was already on the same page with the Indians".

Please think this through for a few moments, for more than a fraction of the time that it takes to read that sentence. Imagine a Pakistan administration that was friendly with India, an India that was getting itself together under Indira Gandhi, who really was not bothered with what Pakistan was or was not doing. She knew Bhutto and had known him for years, she knew Bhutto's track record, and she was shrewd enough and suspicious enough to keep an eye on him. RAW was just being put together. the ISI had been formed years earlier and was actively encouraging dissent in India from its base in East Pakistan, specifically in the north-east. Now suppose this concealed hostility was genuine neutrality, under a Bengali politician. Would that have destroyed the world?

Please also remember that in 1947, Suhrawardy, on the one hand, and Sarat Bose, Netaji's brother, and Kiron Shankar Roy, a prominent East Bengali Congress politician, were agreed on a third Dominion, separate from India and from Pakistan. An annoyed and frustrated Jinnah said, more or less, do whatever you please, and the deal was through, except for the alarmed Hindu leaders in Calcutta and in west Bengal. They had Bose and Roy summoned to Delhi and hectored by Nehru and Patel, and this initiative just petered out.

The roots of Bengali separatism, both east and west Bengali separatism, had been there from before Independence.

I wish Pakistani members of this forum would think once in a while about the possibility that Pakistan unilaterally thought of peaceful co-existence with India. When there were ample opportunities for that, they spurned it. Both countries suffer today, and will continue to suffer in future because of this. I have already pointed out that Indira Gandhi was not at all interested in pursuing a hostile policy towards Pakistan until Fate, assisted by the coterie around Yahya, dumped a refugee problem on her doorstep. Please don't forget that she was thereafter under tremendous pressure from her own province of West Bengal to do 'something', anything to stop the agony.

I won't comment on your opening lines, because I feel too lazy to look up the Muslim population, in 1970, of West Pakistan only, that of East Pakistan, and the Hindu population of the two provinces respectively, to demonstrate to other members what you mean. Already, @PakSarzameen5823 has misunderstood what you are trying to say.

As for the rest, it is futile to comment. It is saddening to see a live demonstration that not very many people are able to see, far less willing to admit, that genuine opportunities for peace were given short shrift.
wonderful post dear
as always you make this forum a great place. I am referring to Agartala conspiracy when I referred Mujeeb to be in Indian hands, maybe he wasnt originally there. and yes such descent was thre right from the start like you will agree that there is descent in Kashmir but the Indian military is able to keep it under Indian writ. our military wasnt (whther it was weak or out numbered or demoralized is irrelevant) Pakistan was outclassed and Bangladesh was formed.

I agree that right from the start the shape of the country was on very weak ground specially with a hostile country in the middle
we always say India never accepted our existence and was livid over the creation of Pakistan I see you point that maybe some of us also have same hostility towards India

your narration of events during 47 are great contribution. hence I said that this could have been a union of 2 independent countries on maybe EU or UK style. but it is how it is.
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