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“Udhar tum, idhar hum”: When Bhutto pushed Bangladesh to the edge of Pakistan

I don't know where you are trying to lead me and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.

Let me think a bit before answering.

Scared? haha...

It just for fun buddy. We are chums in the end right?

That's why there will be never any mental reconciliation between Bangladesh and Pakistan. Our heroes are your traitors and our traitors are your heroes.

Plus, barbaric pak army left enough scar marks within Bangladesh. Visit any of our big, old university campus like Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong and others, you will see monuments built on the site of killing fields. pak army made each of our university and college into a killing field. Entire Bangladesh is dotted with such hundreds of killing fields and monuments.

It is happening and will happen, regardless of what Hasina and her supporters want.

It is only natural for BD to gravitate towards Pakistan. We are both Muslim nations and have many similarities.

You have an impending natural disaster on your hands which will create a refugee crisis. This is the reason India is fencing its border with you and screaming about illegal BDs in all neighboring states.

When you face disaster and India steps back, Burma aggravates your border region, who do you think will help you?

The world’s Muslims will come together for BD, including Pakistan.

What resources u had other than jute and whores ?

Brother, this is too much.
You are a lowly more than likely inbred moron.
u need to understand strictly financially speaking East Pak was a burden on the West, Every year you had cyclones for which taxes were raised. Other than jute you were hardly producing anything (which Sheikh Mujeeb encashed to the full extent). Females were more open and friendly as compared to those in the West. Their dress code was more liberal. Singing and dancing was taught as a norm, whereas West Pakistan was under a strong influence of MULLAH. Some of the people used to go to East from West just for AYASHEE, my words may be hurting, for which i apologise, but facts are facts.
It is only natural for BD to gravitate towards Pakistan. We are both Muslim nations and have many similarities.
Bangladesh will not gravitate towards Pakistan. Why should? It is ridiculous to suggest that. For us, Pakistan is just another random muslim country albeit with whom we have bitter past.
You have an impending natural disaster on your hands which will create a refugee crisis. This is the reason India is fencing its border with you and screaming about illegal BDs in all neighboring states.
We have an impending natural disaster which will create refugee crisis?!! When? How? India fencing border has nothing to do with your mythical natural disaster and refugee crisis. Indian areas surrounding Bangladesh is heavily muslim populated and backward. So, no birth control and population is growing fast among those muslim, which Hindutva politicians wrongly blame on Bangladeshi migration which is largely unsubstantiated. they can not provide any evidance that, there is any large scale muslim migration from BD. Which is proved by recent NRC exercise in Assam. Most of the excluded 4 million people in Assam NRC are either Bengali Hindus, Assamese tribals or Hindi speaking migrant from Bihar. Although xenophobic Assamese expected them to be Bangladeshi muslims. But they were frustrated.
When you face disaster and India steps back, Burma aggravates your border region, who do you think will help you?

The world’s Muslims will come together for BD, including Pakistan.
Again you are wet dreaming about Bangladesh facing disaster and running towards Pakistan for help. Get over your delusion. Our current or future prospect is no way depends on Pakistan or any other country.
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We have an impending natural disaster which will create refugee crisis?!! When? How?

Rising sea levels will see large parts of Bangladesh underwater in the coming decades.

In Bangladesh, 40% of productive land is projected to be lost in the southern region of Bangladesh for a 65cm sea level rise by the 2080s. -World Bank report, 2013

You need to ditch hate and observe your geopolitical reality.

Again you are wet dreaming about Bangladesh facing disaster and running towards Pakistan for help. Get over your delusion. Our current or future prospect is no way depends on Pakistan or any other country.

Stop getting ignited. You are our Muslim brother, we want the best for Bd.
u need to understand strictly financially speaking East Pak was a burden on the West,Every year you had cyclones for which taxes were raised.
Well so you have to thank us instead of bickering then . You should love us and honor us more .After all because of our revolution , you are free from such burden . But some of you guys are exactly doing the opposite . It's too much contradictory , isn't it?
Well so you have to thank us instead of bickering then . You should love us and honor us more .After all because of our revolution , you are free from such burden . But some of you guys are exactly doing the opposite . It's too much contradictory , isn't it?
I said financially. Try to read between the lines. There are a million other aspects than finance as well.
Rising sea levels will see large parts of Bangladesh underwater in the coming decades.

In Bangladesh, 40% of productive land is projected to be lost in the southern region of Bangladesh for a 65cm sea level rise by the 2080s. -World Bank report, 2013

You need to ditch hate and observe your geopolitical reality.
These projection has wide divergent views on how much BD will be affected by climate change. Climate change itself is a debated subject with it's scope and magnitude. Many times totally opposite study finding. Some years ago, we heard about Maldives is going to be drown entirely by 2100 AD. Now we are hearing about Maldives coral islands will actually grow with sea level rise.

Rising sea levels may build, rather than destroy, coral reef islands

Same is true with Tuvalu. We repeatedly heard about the dire prediction of Tuvalu is about to be vanish in Pacific ocean. Tuvalu is the first country to go completely under sea, dire prediction said. But now studies are finding that, Tuvalu will actually manage to stay afloat.
Will Pacific Island Nations Disappear as Seas Rise? Maybe Not
The sinking island nation of Tuvalu is actually growing

Same is true with Bangladesh. Bangladesh is actually growing by 16 sq. km every year due to billions of ton river silt carried by Ganges-Brahmaputra river system and depositing in the estuary.
Land area of Bangladesh is growing 16 square kilometers a year

Bangladesh drowning: A reality or a myth?

By building dyke, cross dam and river dredging, Bangladesh govt. is looking to reclaim 10, 000 sq. km land from Bay of Bengal. We already reclaimed 1000 sq. km by this method.

Bangladesh Govt eyes 10,000 square km land from sea thru reclamation

Read about 'Delta plan 2100 AD'. A joint project of Bangladesh and Netherlands. Netherlands is a country whose half of the land is already below sea level and they are thriving. At least no part of Bangladesh is below sea level. Southern BD is 2-10 meter above sea level, northern part is 50-100 meter above sea level and our mountainous areas is 300-1000 meter above sea level. So if Netherlands can survive, there is no reason why Bangladesh can not.

By this 'Delta plan 2100AD' project, Bangladesh will build extensive coastal infrastructure to mitigate any adverse effect of climate change. It will also create at least 6000 sq. km land through river and coastal management. We already committed 37 billion dollar spending on this project up to 2031 AD.

Delta Plan 2100: Draft made for spending $37b by 2031

I am sure, as more understanding about climate change, sea level rise and it's impact on coastal land mature, more these fear mongering of countries drowning under sea will disappear. Specially for Bangladesh, as we are rapidly developing economy and taking concrete steps to protect our coastline, these 'x percent land of Bangladesh going under sea and creating y million refugee' prediction will die off within 20 years.

If you are confident about dire prediction about Bangladesh going under sea then you should also believe dire prediction made about Pakistan. Worry about the fate of Karachi city and southern Sindh. The dire prediction state that Karachi and southern Sindh will be submerged under Arabian sea by 2060 AD and create 35-40 million refugee.

Climate change: Karachi could submerge by 2060, Senate panel told
Pakistan’s Big Threat Isn’t Terrorism—It’s Climate Change
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Worry about the fate of Karachi city and southern Sindh. The dire prediction state that Karachi and southern Sindh will be submerged under Arabian sea by 2060 AD and create 35-40 million refugee.

Different topic, but yes Karachi will also be affected.

Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't some regions of BD already facing shortages of drinking water from salination due to ocean encroachment?
Different topic, but yes Karachi will also be affected.

Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't some regions of BD already facing shortages of drinking water from salination due to ocean encroachment?
Yes, area around Sundarban is seeing increasing salination. That area has the lowest elevation in Bangladesh. Some salination problem was always present there, but it exaggerated in the last 30-40 years due to widespread prawn cultivation using sea water in that areas. Because some seeing the greater profitability switched to prawn cultivation instead of rice as rice grow poorly in salinated soil and easy availability of sea water due to coastal location. Farakka barrage is also responsible for increasing salinity of that area due to reduced river water flow and incursion of sea water into the river channels. Ocean rising has minimal contribution. This is one of the problem that will be tackled in our mega 'Delta plan 2100 AD'
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I feel that BDers behave more like Indian hindus than Pak Muslims. After 40 some years you aren't fully thankful to Indians and are still complaining how you were badly exploited by the west Pakistani. It seems that you are not worth of an Indian effort or a Pakistani heart. BDers should not "shine" yourselves either to India or Pakistan because you were not worth it...
thank you..
I feel with all the military expenditures from constant external threats and internal proxy wars since 71, Pakistan’s economy cannot be judged with Bangladesh.

BD does not have any major security issues except very recently minor Daesh sympathizers and Rohingya refugees.

BD is not surrounded by enemies, except maybe low intensity hate from Burma and sometimes India.

I am glad BD is doing well, the more Muslims improve their economic lot the better.

However I feel Hasina is overplaying her hand just like her father. There is no need for internal infighting and blaming Pakistan/Jamat/BNP for every problem.

Also, her friendship with a Modi also does not represent BD internal sentiment of him.

Home South Asia Why Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Actually Wanted India To Annex Bangladesh in 1971...

Why Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Actually Wanted India To Annex Bangladesh in 1971 War? Inside Story
EurAsian Times
December 19, 2018

The fall of Bangladesh remains the darkest memory in the history of Pakistan. Even though you may have read many versions of the Bangladesh Liberation War, there is another interesting version which claims that Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto actually wanted Dhaka to fall to Indian forces, so that he could easily rule in West Pakistan.

For days they had been told that everything was normal in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) during the 1971 War, despite the BBC giving a contradictory picture. As always, the response from those who mattered was that BBC was an Indian agent, exhibiting a wrong image of the situation. But then when Dhaka was actually captured, violent protesters came out on the streets and burned down then-president Yahya Khan’s house in Peshawar after feeling deceived due to the surrender of Pakistan armed forces.

People who born after 1965 probably don’t know that Pakistan had a province called East Pakistan, where the Pakistan movement started with the birth of the Muslim League in 1905.

The people of that region were as good of Pakistanis as we in West Pakistan were, yet they were dismissed what was rightfully theirs. We made fun of them, of the way they spoke, of their language and attire.

Most of the income for Pakistan was contributed from East Pakistan; however, the money was spent to develop West Pakistan. Despite all of this prejudice, we were surprisingly astounded when we found out they didn’t want to remain a part of Pakistan.

There are many versions of why we lost East Pakistan, depending on who you ask. However, one thing remains constant: it didn’t happen overnight. It took many years for the people of East Pakistan to decide that there was no future for them with West Pakistan.

Perhaps it all began when Muhammad Ali Jinnah, despite the hostility of the students of Dhaka University he was addressing, insisted that “Urdu and only Urdu” would be the state language of Pakistan.

This was strange since the Jinnah himself could only speak broken Urdu and that too with great difficulty. I strongly suspect Jinnah wanted Urdu as the national language because he was under pressure from the feudal lords of West Pakistan to do so. The only other reason would be that he did not know that the vast majority of people in East Pakistan didn’t speak Urdu or even understood it, which seems highly unlikely.

Thus began the process of poisoning relations between the two parts of the country. The Bengali speakers launched a movement to have their language recognised as the state language along with Urdu. After many deaths, they succeeded to have their demand accepted in 1956.

But the rot had begun. It didn’t help that the country had no constitution before 1956. By a peculiar twist of logic, despite East Pakistanis comprising the majority (56%), they were allowed to have the same number of seats in the assembly as the people of West Pakistan. The first martial law in 1958 (which was imposed by a general belonging to West Pakistan) together with the fact that East Pakistanis were not as many in number in the central government and the services increased their feeling of isolation. When it was time for Ayub Khan to resign, the Constitution required that he should hand over power to the speaker of the National Assembly (Abdul Jabbar Khan, a Bengali). However, Ayub did not do so and instead asked the then Army Chief (Yahya Khan) to take over the reins of the country. This further alienated the people of East Pakistan, adding to their bitterness of being neglected.

Pakistan could have remained united if its rulers had accepted Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as the prime minister, which was his legal right as his party had won the 1970 Elections. Despite this, Zuilfiqar Ali Bhutto, whose party had won in Punjab and Sindh, did not agree to recognise Rahman as the prime minister of the country. He also steadfastly refused to attend the National Assembly session which was to be held in Dhaka. In fact, he was so arrogant that he threatened to break the legs of his elected party members if they dared to go to Dhaka. He knew that he could never be the prime minister of a united Pakistan, so he even said,



Bhutto claimed that Rahman’s demands for maximum autonomy, called the Six Points, would weaken the country. When president Yahya called Rahman the future prime minister of the country, Bhutto was incensed. He questioned how a man who was considered to be a traitor recently was now being touted as the prime minister.

Despite his claims, there are indications that Rahman did not want the break up the country. After his release from jail in 1969, he said,


According to Dr Moonis Ahmer, Rahman asked the military authorities twice in March 1971 to protect him from the diehard members of his party as they wanted him to declare independence.

As for the 1971 war, our brave soldiers could have defended Dhaka for more than three months, if the government had stationed more troops in that city. But the army was spread out throughout the province, and despite having enough ammunition and weapons to last them for many months, there was no option but to surrender.

Again, we lost the opportunity to save the country when Bhutto reportedly went to the United Nations but deliberately confined himself to his hotel room for two days (it is widely believed that he did this to allow the Indian army to have more time to reach the gates of Dhaka). If he had really wanted to save Pakistan, he would not have dilly-dallied, but would have accepted the Polish Resolution calling for a ceasefire (instead, he tore it up and walked away).

From the looks of it, Bhutto was mainly responsible for the great tragedy. In fact, when you think of it, all the problems we face today are a direct result of what he said and did after the 1970 Elections and after he assumed charge of the country in 1971. He said that he would build a new Pakistan from the ruins of the old one but instead caused immense damage to the country. But that is a story for another time.

Originally Published by TribunePakistan
I would have disagreed if I don't know Moonis Ahmer.He is director of arts facility and excellent lecturer of International Relation department of UOK. What every word Dr.Ahmer says is true, it was Bhutto.The issue would have been easily allowed if Mujeeb was allowed to rule East Bangladesh.The language problem would have been resolved by allowing Bengalis to practice it as their official language.However, Bhutto was culprit.Please read Javed Chaudhry's book:"Bhutto k akhri 101 din" or "The last 101 days of Bhutto".

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