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“Udhar tum, idhar hum”: When Bhutto pushed Bangladesh to the edge of Pakistan

Thats only in your fantasies,go check the poverty in flooded bengal.and don't tag me next time.

These are not fantasies rather documented reports, open a thread on that topic I can post there all the links.

I'm already in Bengal and the poverty is also being checked, I wish you the same checks.
Just make prostitution illegal. How difficult is that for a Muslim nation?

BD needs to return to its roots without emulating Hindus and Buddhist sex tourist states.

Muslim women deserve better.
BD is not a sex tourist state neither we are a mullah state. A women regardless of religion deserve to be whatever she wants.
Just make prostitution illegal. How difficult is that for a Muslim nation?

BD needs to return to its roots without emulating Hindus and Buddhist sex tourist states.

Muslim women deserve better.
Let Bangladesh do what she wants.
Pakistan ought to concentrate on herself....

LOL..you are funny. I chuckled at the "GDP HIGH HIGH" bit. Yes, some of us tend to overstate this fact but this happens in response to the insults we receive.

BTW, we don't say "porkistani", not our thing.
It's like saying transgenders and gays are plentiful in Pakistan I sometimes wonder if they are Muslim. How erroneous do you sound? This is what put me off of this forum, bunch of b-tch boys.
Well if your actions are not reflecting whether you are muslims or not then obviously people will ask this question. Let there be no doubt in your mind any Muslim who conspires or rebels against an Islamic republic, no matter what the reasons, is punishable with death. Those who made People's Republic out of an Islamic republic must think they are Muslims or not.

While you are pulling stories out of your arse, there are documented reports on how Pakistani teenage girls are being sold as sex slaves to brothels in the Middle East by their own fathers and brothers due to poverty. In contrast to what you people here claim, the brothels in the Middle East are actually full of Pakistani and Indian girls.

Instead of scoring points out of the miseries of the poor we should rather concentrate on improving the lives of the people. No wonder South Asia remains the same shithole as the British left.
If you want to improve the lives by prostitution then please dont.

BD is not a sex tourist state neither we are a mullah state. A women regardless of religion deserve to be whatever she wants.

A women regardless of religion deserve to be whatever she wants? You mean if she wants to become a bimbo its ok with you ? I as a Muslim will not like any woman to be a bimbo

Oh yeah yeah. Everyone is going to the land of vikhari by ship loads while your PM is going around the world with a begging bowl. Like I said Pakistanis believe in so many imaginary nonsense, don't look in the mirror.
Mr loud mouth do you know we are still paying Cyclone Tax in Pakistan which was imposed on us becoz every year you guys were in need of charity from West Pakistan becoz of cyclones ? I appreciate the development you have made but I also want that you should not forget your past which is not very appealing.
A women regardless of religion deserve to be whatever she wants? You mean if she wants to become a bimbo its ok with you ? I as a Muslim will not like any woman to be a bimbo

As a muslim, you should take care of yourself not take care of other woman.
If you want to improve the lives by prostitution then please dont.

Obviously I don't want that for Bangladesh and wish Pakistan to have a growing economy to rollback from its current position as an emerging gay sex tourist destination as The Atlantic and BBC reports. As a Muslim, you should pray and thrive to contribute to the economy of your country and turn it to the right path.
Well if your actions are not reflecting whether you are muslims or not then obviously people will ask this question. Let there be no doubt in your mind any Muslim who conspires or rebels against an Islamic republic, no matter what the reasons, is punishable with death. Those who made People's Republic out of an Islamic republic must think they are Muslims or not.

I think you're wrong to what an Islamic republic and an Islamic Sharia compliant nation is. By no means is rebelling against Pakistan any sort of treason or grave punishment.

I'll forgive you for what you said. But next time you say such Baloney, don't say it infront of Muslims. They'll all start pissing their pants.

He is bullshitting, Africa is a continent where Bangladeshis don't go except for south Africa, that too the men go there for work, not many women go there.

You're right. It's always been Indo Paks who have migrated to Africa.
I think you're wrong to what an Islamic republic and an Islamic Sharia compliant nation is. By no means is rebelling against Pakistan any sort of treason or grave punishment.

I'll forgive you for what you said. But next time you say such Baloney, don't say it infront of Muslims. They'll all start pissing their pants.

You're right. It's always been Indo Paks who have migrated to Africa.
Bangladesh is not an Islamic republic, it's a secular country now
Dude, kids even in the primary school can cook better stories than you. Stop embarrassing yourself.


Gotta admit though - the way he weaves stories, just classic! :lol:

Bangladesh is not an Islamic republic, it's a secular country now

It was NEVER an Islamic republic. The official name is People's Republic of Bangladesh. The only nod to Islam was including 'Basmala' in the start of the constitution by President Ziaur Rahman when he took power (bi-smi llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ). Some saw this as capitulating to the demands of the Jamaat and other religious parties.

Bangladesh maybe a secular country but hurting religious sentiment (especially for the majority Muslims) is something no party will play with. Most Bangladeshis are 'passively religious' to my understanding.

I don't know why you are trying to hijack the thread by posting stories of sex trafficking from Bangladesh when such things happen in Pakistan as well. What are you trying to prove? Your post has been reported to the mods already as troll post.

By the way - Pakistan is a US State Dept. Tier 2 designated bonded-slave-labor and sex trafficking source and destination as well. It is not a wealthy/advanced country - unless you were deluded otherwise.
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Oh so a vast majority of bengalis didnt speak urdu but a vast majority of west Pakistani's spoke bengali?, west Pakistan houses 4 main languages province wise, Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi and Balochi... We all sacrificed our own languages for the sake of national unity, Pakistan is and was meant to be an Islamic state not a ethinic nationalist one. Only the bengalis were selfish enough to place ethinicity higher than the islamic ideology of Pakistan, all other ethnicities made that sacrifice. Bengalis are a curse wretched people who betrayed Islam n have now got what they deserved, eternal submission to hindus while we Pakistanis have went on to become the only muslim nuclear power on earth, a nation whom defeated the sovietunion, a nation whom the Americans couldnt supress with all thier power. We have a glorious history n a more glorious future, Allah didnt will bengalis to be a part of this journey because they werent worthy of it.

In 1971
56% of Pakistanis spoke Bengali and remaining 44% had Urdu/ Punjabi/ Balochi/ Sindhi as their mother tongue,
Now tell me logically if you want a common language for a nation, which language makes sense
In 1971
56% of Pakistanis spoke Bengali and remaining 44% had Urdu/ Punjabi/ Balochi/ Sindhi as their mother tongue,
Now tell me logically if you want a common language for a nation, which language makes sense
Yes but reality has a pro-Hindu bias.
WTF? Constitution has a religion?

Just go in labour camps of gulf states and check the bengali young gays are in high demand of pathan community.
pathan community are the sex predator looking for booty?
Well make sense, the way those pathan brought up in a culture called Bacchabazi and had to encounter sexual abuse in their childhood from their elders.
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