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“Udhar tum, idhar hum”: When Bhutto pushed Bangladesh to the edge of Pakistan

You are not neutral, so don't pretend to be.

What's with your recent fascination with butts?

Who said that i am neutral..I am doing everything to ensure i represent true picture of my country and culture...if my opinion ever giving you an impression that i am trying to be naive, then it is not correct..
If toeing the Indian perspectives could have only given some worldly respites to them!!!! Forget about economic, financial, political, educational, cultural, water etc. aggression/subjugation, India doesn't even allow them to have a minimally functional military when the Burmese threat is dead real!!!!! Even with money at the hand, they're not allowed to buy a couple squadrons of modern fighters!!! Yes, it's a great lesson to learn....
Worth of Bangla Army in front of India is nothing. India kills hundreds of border security guards of Bangla each year. Bangla Army has no choice but to take it silently.
Why there is a need for a common "working language"? The premise of the argument itself is wrong.

National Language. There is always a need for a National Language and it could have been English or even Arabic if all sides weren't comfortable with Urdu.

I want to slap in the face of those Pakistanis with this article who keep repeating the broken records of ''Bengalis are traitor'' ''Mujib is traitor''.

It is probably because history is so distorted. However, when one thinks logically, one has to deduce that something must have stirred anti-West Pakistan sentiments in the East which led to the fall of Dhaka and dawn of Bangladesh. Both Mujeeb and Bhutto might have been opportunists and tyrants, they both deceived and betrayed their country the one united Pakistan. And then there were forces working behind the scene too.

All this brings me to 1 question, why did Quaid-e-Azam accept partition where we were physically divided and lying on either side of a very hostile India.
Could u share flag of Byzantine Roman empire in Constantinople with sources ? and the date it belongs ... Then I can explain how you're fall in AQ propaganda.

No I won't, you need to do your own work, nobody got a spoon feeding job to do for you. Also please find out after title Ottoman emperors adopted after the conquest. And no I don't fall for AQ or ISIS propaganda.

Bhutto was the most disgusting prime minister of Pakistan---.

He single handedly destroyed the pakistani education system---industry---civil service---govt service---you name it and he destroyed it---except for building the bomb---Bhutto made sure that Pakistan would be financially doomed for decades to come---.
Haters won't be able to tarnish Bhutt's legacy. He had degrees from Oxford and UC Berkeley. Most intelligent Pakistani of all time.

Long live Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto :cheers:
Haters won't be able to tarnish Bhutt's legacy. He had degrees from Oxford and UC Berkeley. Most intelligent Pakistani of all time.

Long live Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto :cheers:

Look what he did with that intelligence. On the other hand, many, I among them, mocked 'Im the Dim'. It looks like we will have to eat our words. Each step of his has been masterly, showing full authority and excellent timing. The Kartarpur move totally disarmed the Modi Govt. They don't know what to do.
All this brings me to 1 question, why did Quaid-e-Azam accept partition where we were physically divided and lying on either side of a very hostile India.

He did not anticipate it.

The Muslim League members from Bengal were adamant about it also.

It was necessary for their support.

Today, we can see Pakistan became more Islamic, while BD and Indian Muslims became more Hindu.

This Hinduization is what our forefathers wanted to prevent.
He did not anticipate it.

The Muslim League members from Bengal were adamant about it also.

It was necessary for their support.

Today, we can see Pakistan became more Islamic, while BD and Indian Muslims became more Hindu.

This Hinduization is what our forefathers wanted to prevent.

In that case the plan right from the beginning should have been of 2 independent states of Pakistan.

As for Pakistan being more Islamic and Bangladesh being more Hindu, I cannot comment as I do not see any Islamization of Pakistan, rather the detriment of Islam in Pakistan.
Afghan govt of 80s???? You mean babrik karmil Soviet agent who took the kabul by the help of Soviets military and on will of Soviet head Breznev....

Babrak Karmal and his Afghan allies would have described themselves as allies of the Soviet Union and not its agent.

did you remember Breznev comments in 1971 war, and also on occasion of Soviet take over of kabul about Pakistan's Karachi and coastal belt??? that were enough to open the eyes of pak army head Gen.Zia to push for a resist and practical example of thousand wounds theory.

No, I don't know those comments. Please do tell me.

and by the way nato head USA join the efforts in 84 Ronald regan tenure.

Surely it is not possible that since 1979 the rebels and the foreign militants ( foreign to Afghanistan ) were fighting the Afghan government and the USSR's military with World War 2 weapons.

Pakistan wouldnt have been here if we hadnt fought the soviets in Afghanistan, people who have little info about that theatre say that we went after soviets on Natos behest, what u dont knw is that we started that jihad on our own, the americans came later.

1. Surely, Pakistan ( more precisely, Islamabad ) could have become an ally of the USSR instead of an ally of NATO.

2. Where did the so-called Mujhahideen get their AK rifles from ??
Babrak Karmal and his Afghan allies would have described themselves as allies of the Soviet Union and not its agent.

No, I don't know those comments. Please do tell me.

Surely it is not possible that since 1979 the rebels and the foreign militants ( foreign to Afghanistan ) were fighting the Afghan government and the USSR's military with World War 2 weapons.

1. Surely, Pakistan ( more precisely, Islamabad ) could have become an ally of the USSR instead of an ally of NATO.

2. Where did the so-called Mujhahideen get their AK rifles from ??

communist ideology especially the USSR was not a favorable ally and after 1971 we were not on good term with the USSR
plus the USSR would never accept a country built on the principles of Islam as a good ally.

the Mujahideen got the aks from china after US and Saudi Arabia got involved providing funds to procure aks from china and other countries
In that case the plan right from the beginning should have been of 2 independent states of Pakistan.

As for Pakistan being more Islamic and Bangladesh being more Hindu, I cannot comment as I do not see any Islamization of Pakistan, rather the detriment of Islam in Pakistan.
Forget about two, even one Pak was almost gone!!! East Bengal Muslim leaders were clever enough to understand that without Jinnah they couldn't get rid of the overwhelming Hindu domination!!!! But, immediately after independence they showed their true color prompting Jinnah to declare, "They are the friends of our enemies"....

Jinnah said about Fazlul Hak, an East Bengal leader, "Blood of Mir Jafar is flowing through his veins" for he betrayed the Pakistan movement at the last moment. As for Mujib, his treachery was so monumental that the BD folks themselves killed him and his entire family present with him including the babies inside the wombs. And, nobody showed any remorse. Now, Hasina is taking the full revenge on them...
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National Language. There is always a need for a National Language and it could have been English or even Arabic if all sides weren't comfortable with Urdu.

It is probably because history is so distorted. However, when one thinks logically, one has to deduce that something must have stirred anti-West Pakistan sentiments in the East which led to the fall of Dhaka and dawn of Bangladesh. Both Mujeeb and Bhutto might have been opportunists and tyrants, they both deceived and betrayed their country the one united Pakistan. And then there were forces working behind the scene too.

All this brings me to 1 question, why did Quaid-e-Azam accept partition where we were physically divided and lying on either side of a very hostile India.
You know Quaid e Azaam reluctantly accepted East Pakistan...I am not sure but something to do with many Bengali Muslims being prominent activists in the Pakistan movement...
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