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“Udhar tum, idhar hum”: When Bhutto pushed Bangladesh to the edge of Pakistan

@Hakikat ve Hikmet @dBSPL They chose to be part of the Hindu sphere of influence and have forsaken their links with Muslims. This is why they primarily put down Pakistan and its heritage, identity, and religious piety. For them, all Muslims who don't cower to India (god on earth) are inherently a threat to them and must be demeaned, insulted, and proven false.

It is not only Turkey, but Iran, Arabs, Kashmiris, Afghans, etc. who they view as enemies because of their Pakistani-esque Islamic outlook on the world.

What this introduces in the mind of the population of Bangladesh is a contradictory personality disorder because in the end Muslim and Hindu are two totally different identities. Bangladesh doesn't know where it falls on the spectrum and shifts from one extreme to the other.

This is the main problem when you are nation which was founded on the betrayal of a strong Muslim nation.

Turkiye flag has pagan origin, just FYI.


After the Battle of Kosovo 1389, Star and Crescent reflected off Turkish soldiers' blood.
After the Battle of Kosovo 1389, Star and Crescent reflected off Turkish soldiers' blood.
Someones think this state is rootless... Of course, we believe that the Turkish motifs are evaluated by the religious values and then kneaded with ethnic identity.

The use of the moon by Anatolian Turks in the Beylik sancaks extends to the Great Seljuk State. Do you know the title given to the great Seljuk state by the caliph? Sword of Islam.

The origin of crescent use of the Ottomans, belongs to 2nd GIYASEDDIN MESUD who is send Ak-Sancak(White Flag) to Osman Ghazi as symbol of Beylik, given with its secrets. Date is 1284.

Today you can see this flag in the Topkapı Palace Museum.

There were 3 sancaks at the time of the establishment of the state, in the period of Osman Gazi, 4 sancaks in the period of Yavuz Selim and 7 sancaks in the period of Magnificent Suleiman . On the red background crescent flag, was seen after Kosovo war, late of 14th century where the kneeled all the known western world in the Balkans.

In the official ceremonies when the army going to war to non muslim states , Mehteran-I Alem officer carry the White Flag and walk just behind Sultan with Silahtar Çuhadar and Rikabdar. This meant that the Ottoman Empire was the continuation of the Seljuk state. White also represents the West. On the left side, the "Kapı ağası" walks after them and followed by a 30-40-person Sancak troops and six officers carrying the remaining 3/4/6 flags.


And this, the Black Flag. Do you know its meaning and history?

It is preserved in Istanbul . And it is one of the sacred relics. This flag has many secrets. However, even when the Ottoman state was disintegrating, it did not reveal this flag. The flag is waiting for its owner. If you want to see it, this flag is also in the Topkapi Palace.
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@Hakikat ve Hikmet @dBSPL They chose to be part of the Hindu sphere of influence and have forsaken their links with Muslims. This is why they primarily put down Pakistan and its heritage, identity, and religious piety. For them, all Muslims who don't cower to India (god on earth) are inherently a threat to them and must be demeaned, insulted, and proven false.

It is not only Turkey, but Iran, Arabs, Kashmiris, Afghans, etc. who they view as enemies because of their Pakistani-esque Islamic outlook on the world.

What this introduces in the mind of the population of Bangladesh is a contradictory personality disorder because in the end Muslim and Hindu are two totally different identities. Bangladesh doesn't know where it falls on the spectrum and shifts from one extreme to the other.

This is the main problem when you are nation which was founded on the betrayal of a strong Muslim nation.


After the Battle of Kosovo 1389, Star and Crescent reflected off Turkish soldiers' blood.
If toeing the Indian perspectives could have only given some worldly respites to them!!!! Forget about economic, financial, political, educational, cultural, water etc. aggression/subjugation, India doesn't even allow them to have a minimally functional military when the Burmese threat is dead real!!!!! Even with money at the hand, they're not allowed to buy a couple squadrons of modern fighters!!! Yes, it's a great lesson to learn....
If toeing the Indian perspectives could have only given some worldly respites to them!!!! Forget about economic, financial, political, educational, cultural, water etc. aggression/subjugation, India doesn't even allow them to have a minimally functional military when the Burmese threat is dead real!!!!! Even with money at the hand, they're not allowed to buy a couple squadrons of modern fighters!!! Yes, it's a great lesson to learn....

Where did their PM lady work when at Indian presidents house again?
Communists/Socialists are cats, not rats.

Also, isn't Islamabad paying the price for supporting the NATO project in Afghanistan in the 80s ?? The TTP, Lal Masjid and other problems would not have been there if Islamabad had supported the Afghan government of the 80s.

What is the Muslim project ??
Pakistan wouldnt have been here if we hadnt fought the soviets in Afghanistan, people who have little info about that theatre say that we went after soviets on Natos behest, what u dont knw is that we started that jihad on our own, the americans came later.

Bhai, there's nothing wrong with speaking native tongue. Urdu was needed to create a bridge between your kids and my kids.
He wouldnt understand, seeing as how his little smurf ancestors tried to impose their shitty culture on us, no wonder there was resentment against the bengalis n on a litgher note im glad we got rid of em, just imagine this guy as our army chief:lol:
Itvis technically difficult to rule a nation separated by thousand miles
A very valid point. You will not find one instance of a country that is so divided by 1,200 miles with about 50:50 population split. Yes, there are countries that have small metropolitan regions like UK has Gibralter, USA has Hawai, France has Guiana but these all are tiny fragments of the 'home' country where the population split is less than 95:5.
Oh so a vast majority of bengalis didnt speak urdu but a vast majority of west Pakistani's spoke bengali?, west Pakistan houses 4 main languages province wise, Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi and Balochi... We all sacrificed our own languages for the sake of national unity, Pakistan is and was meant to be an Islamic state not a ethinic nationalist one. Only the bengalis were selfish enough to place ethinicity higher than the islamic ideology of Pakistan, all other ethnicities made that sacrifice. Bengalis are a curse wretched people who betrayed Islam n have now got what they deserved, eternal submission to hindus while we Pakistanis have went on to become the only muslim nuclear power on earth, a nation whom defeated the sovietunion, a nation whom the Americans couldnt supress with all thier power. We have a glorious history n a more glorious future, Allah didnt will bengalis to be a part of this journey because they werent worthy of it.

Re-read what you wrote and think about it.

What arrogance.

In 2018, I'm a proponent of Pakistan but seperation had to happen.

Not the least because of people with your mindset.
Re-read what you wrote and think about it.

What arrogance.

In 2018, I'm a proponent of Pakistan but seperation had to happen.

Not the least because of people with your mindset.
Come now, one cant deem history as arrogant now can he?, it is what it is, no more no less. Some things are meant to be.
Re-read what you wrote and think about it.

What arrogance.

In 2018, I'm a proponent of Pakistan but seperation had to happen.

Not the least because of people with your mindset.

Dat blind applause tho...

There is a nice sequel post too now.

A very valid point. You will not find one instance of a country that is so divided by 1,200 miles with about 50:50 population split. Yes, there are countries that have small metropolitan regions like UK has Gibralter, USA has Hawai, France has Guiana but these all are tiny fragments of the 'home' country where the population split is less than 95:5.

Well we saw what happened in the case of France w.r.t Algeria. It wasnt nice at all (Algeria was basically considered part of metropolitan France...not a territory/colony). There was just mediterranean in between too, not an adversary with several axes to grind.
Bangladesh was part of British India so was Pakistan. When Bangladesh severed herself from its mother country India on religious ground there was no option but to join an alien country Pakistan because it was the British plan to severe East Bengal from mainland India in order to make anarchy in East India region as the region was unnaturally partitioned creating a separate state (East Pakistan) bordering India from three sides.

In 1971 if East Pakistan returned back to India the then West Pakistanis would have made the world convinced that India's goal was to annex East Pakistan, not liberating East Pakistan. So India did not think about annexing its lost territory East Bengal in order to make the North Eastern India accessible to rest of India but India let East Pakistan to be an independent Bangladesh.

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Come now, one cant deem history as arrogant now can he?, it is what it is, no more no less. Some things are meant to be.

You're right about that. It is what it is. Not to be forgotten but time to move on.

Dat blind applause tho...

There is a nice sequel post too now.

Well we saw what happened in the case of France w.r.t Algeria. It wasnt nice at all (Algeria was basically considered part of metropolitan France...not a territory/colony). There was just mediterranean in between too, not an adversary with several axes to grind.

Just a consequence of colonialism, ethnic pride, justice, political incompetence as well as political oppurtunism.
Two killers of Muslims.
BD and India are made for one another!!! It was a great injustice to separate them at the first place!!! When Modi gave a speech at the Dhaka Universiry and said he himself led an RSS march from Ahmedabad to Delhi in support of BD's creation, it was a roof breaking thundering applause from the BD audience!!! Contrast this with that of Jinnah at the same university!!!! All's well that ends well.....

As for Pak, her hands aren't idle either!!! SubhanAllah it's one after another in an incessant fashion - nukes, dissolving USSR, putting Afghanistan into the shape, defending Haremain, helping China to be a two-ocean Super Power, relentless WOT and the list goes on!!! And, the final accounts awaiting closure in the Indian front!!! Hopefully, she will finally find some time to take care of her.....

Gorelim Mevla neyler
Neylerse guzel eyler

Let's see what Mevla has in store for us*
Whatever it is HE renders it auspicious

*Ehl-i Iman
We did not demand Bengali as the only national language. We demanded both Bengali and Urdu. You guys were uneducated in Urdu back then. Most of the Punjabis and Pathans I have met speak their mother tongue when with their own people.

Urdu was native to only the Muhajir community because of its birthplace in Lukhnow/Delhi belt. A common language requires a common and intact land, you have to understand this. Even a small country like Switzerland with intact land has four national languages: German, French, Italian, and Rumantsch. Now, what are you going to do about that country? Impose Urdu upon it? English was supposed to be the common language of Pakistan and not Urdu.
Pak and Bangla must work together. we may not be a single country anymore but we are still part of one Ummah and we should feel each others pain. India can never be a true friend of neither bangla nor Pak, its tested and tried many times. We may not have a glorious past but we can work together in future.

BD and India are made for one another!!! It was a great injustice to separate them at the first place!!! When Modi gave a speech at the Dhaka Universiry and said he himself led an RSS march from Ahmedabad to Delhi in support of BD's creation, it was a roof breaking thundering applause from the BD audience!!! Contrast this with that of Jinnah at the same university!!!! All's well that ends well.....

As for Pak, her hands aren't idle either!!! SubhanAllah it's one after another in an incessant fashion - nukes, dissolving USSR, putting Afghanistan into the shape, defending Haremain, helping China to be a two-ocean Super Power, relentless WOT and the list goes on!!! And, the final accounts awaiting closure in the Indian front!!! Hopefully, she will finally find some time to take care of her.....

Gorelim Mevla neyler
Neylerse guzel eyler

Let's see what Mevla has in store for us*
Whatever it is HE renders it auspicious

*Ehl-i Iman
100% right bro. The biggest hurdle in our way was corrupt politicians. Now under Imran Khan Pak and Turkey can work together for Ummah and get the rewards from Rasool Allah (SAW) on the day of judgement.
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