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UAE to send first Arab spaceship to Mars by 2021

Oh I see ! Please explain ? They also paid ‘their anonymous reviewers’ the day of the review year-end ?

Otherwise I wonder how they got their review - those unable - ? A magic trick perhaps…Of course ! That's right !

There are many courses which don't have exams. They have assignments and term projects.
The university doesn't care if the student is learning; they just want their fees.
All based on Western technology. All of your earliest pioneers on that area where either educated in the West or trained by Westerners or Russians.
As ANYWHERE else outside of the West. That you are now largely self-sufficient is no surprise here decades after and given your manpower and you going through the process other countries will go through too.

Nothing wrong in it, Remember it's a cycle. There was a time when the west learned *a lot* from the east. Now we learn from them, cycle continues.
There are many courses which don't have exams. They have assignments and term projects.
The university doesn't care if the student is learning; they just want their fees.

Oh it’s true ?

But for get final degree from the University diploma (Professional degree - doctorate -) ? They must succeed their award of research doctorates requiring the submission of a substantial body of original research undertaken by the candidate. This may take the form of a single thesis or dissertation, or possibly a portfolio of shorter project reports; see also thesis by publication. The submission will usually be assessed by ‘a small committee of independent examiners’ appointed by the university ? No ?

Or they also have magic tricks…

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Nothing wrong in it, Remember it's a cycle. There was a time when the west learned *a lot* from the east. Now we learn from them, cycle continues.

Which is exactly what I am trying to get across to the retards here but my attempt seems to be fruitless for that bunch here.

But let them bark.


Mate, my point was just that all non-Western countries went through the process that UAE is probably going through. You just admitted it yourself. That is why I do not understand why people are badmouthing 1.5 million big UAE (native population) if they seek cooperation and help from foreigners. What did people exactly expect?

All the non-Western countries did so themselves. Hell, it's even only a few leading Western countries that have had a historical monopoly on technology and science for the past many centuries. Especially Germany, UK, France etc. Basically those 3 were dominating. Aside from the Russians, mostly only during the Soviet Union AND obviously the Americans who have been the leaders since WW2.

Also this is not an Arab project. It's an Emirati project. People should know the difference.

Anyway I don't expect anything big before a long time as UAE has limits such as population and manpower. Which should be obvious for anyone.

But I do like the initiative and that locals WILL be involved and hopefully such projects will spread to other parts of the Arab and Muslim world as there is enough of talented manpower. They just need the right environment to succeed in. Now the best ones are just studying abroad and then afterwards staying and working in the West and the US.

Anyway let the retards here make fun of Emiratis. I would like to see what they would amount to with a similar tiny population.

Quite frankly I don't bother writing with the ignorants and haters here. Sick and tired of it.

@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @Full Moon @Bubblegum Crisis @Hadbani
Oh it’s true ?

But for get final degree from the University diploma (Professional degree - doctorate -) ? They must succeed their award of research doctorates requiring the submission of a substantial body of original research undertaken by the candidate. This may take the form of a single thesis or dissertation, or possibly a portfolio of shorter project reports; see also thesis by publication. The submission will usually be assessed by ‘a small committee of independent examiners’ appointed by the university ? No ?

Or they also have magic tricks…


There is no thesis requirement for Bachelor's degree in most American universities. The people I am talking about were getting their Bachelor's degree, which is a cakewalk in most American universities (I know).

Even for Master's degree, you can write something up.

Only a PhD requires an assessment by a committee.
There is no thesis requirement for Bachelor's degree in most American universities. The people I am talking about were getting their Bachelor's degree, which is a cakewalk in most American universities (I know).

Even for Master's degree, you can write something up.

Only a PhD requires an assessment by a committee.


But you tell really anything ! You take us for stupids. Do you really think we spend tens of billions of dollars in scholarships university for our students who leave to study abroad (Like ‘King Abdullah Scholarships Program’ for KSA) without checking what they do on site, without selecting their education levels before the departure ? You take us for real fools. You are crazy.

Behind your false nice speeches, you hide poorly your self-conceit - your bitterness - against us (GCC).

Saudi Students Flood In as U.S. Reopens Door

Keep your stupid thoughts for you. It does not interest us.


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But you tell really anything ! You take us for stupids. Do you really think we spend tens of billions of dollars in scholarships university for our students who leave to study abroad (Like ‘King Abdullah Scholarships Program’ for KSA) without checking what they do on site, without selecting their education levels before the departure ? You take us for real fools. You are crazy.

That is PRECISELY what I am telling you.
That I have known Saudi students on scholarships who got their homework done by others for money. I don't know which particular scholarship program they were getting money from, but it was some Saudi government program.

This Saudi government scholarship program has been going on for at least 35 years. What is the result? Saudi Arabia continues to be utterly dependent on foreigners for just about everything.

When the Americans needed energy independence, they perfected fracking to make shale oil extraction economcal.
When the Israelis needed to grow crops in the desert, they perfected drip irrigation and similar technologies.
When the Chinese and Japanese wanted to build long span bridges in hostile conditions, they perfected the technology.

What about Saudi Arabia? Its economy depends on oil, but do the Saudis lead the world in oil exploration technology? No, they call the Americans, or the Europeans or the East Asians, so they can perfect their skills on Saudi dime.

Saudi Arabia has been blessed with endless sunlight. Does Saudi Arabia dominate the solar power technology? Of course not! They depend on the Westerners or the East Asians to develop the technology, again on Saudi payroll.

The Emirs of Dubai can gloat over their mile high buildings, but they have nothing to be proud of. Westerners and East Asians are developing their skills and perfecting the technology -- all paid for by GCC Arabs who could barely repair the elevators if the foreigners leave.

You can continue to believe whatever you like and live in denial.

The truth of my words may sting you, but it is nothing compared to what your future generations will say about your generation. Trillions of dollars in oil wealth wasted with nothing to show for it.
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No offense but you are utterly ignorant. I could easily counter what you say but that would require a long discussion and I am not sure if it is worth the effort.

I suggest that we stick to the topic.



They come in almost all shapes, colors etc. Women have their own but this plain white one is the most common in UAE and elsewhere.

UAE Clothing
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What is Kandoora?

Arab men dress. You the white long thing they wear.


No offense but you are utterly ignorant. I could easily counter what you say but that would require a long discussion and I am not sure if it is worth the effort.

I suggest that we stick to the topic.

He is right to some extent, and one some points he is dead on. This is not ignorance on his part, i know it doesnt feel good to be on the other end, but those are facts.
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I don't get the hate. Sure, the work will be done by foreigners. UAE's SciTech is not ready yet to take such a large undertaking. But this is exactly the right step needed to do so. UAE will become one of the few nations on the planet to do this. Imagine the change in their culture. Emirati children will dream about building spaceships and training to be astronauts instead of burning out ferraris. This is the kind of move the transforms a nation to the next level of human progress. We should be very very excited about it.
Arab men dress. You the white long thing they wear.

He is right to some extent, and one some points he is dead on. This is not ignorance on his part, i know it doesnt feel good to be on the other end, but those are facts.

More or less everything he wrote about KSA is pure and utter nonsense. Vastly outdated. I am not Emirati and what the hell does he, you and others expect 1.2 million big UAE to do? Their country is doing remarkably well even if they get help from outsiders like all others did at some point. Or despite them being rich in resources.

Anyway we are off-topic. Not interested in a long discussion. Already covered my views earlier in this thread.
I don't get the hate. Sure, the work will be done by foreigners. UAE's SciTech is not ready yet to take such a large undertaking. But this is exactly the right step needed to do so. UAE will become one of the few nations on the planet to do this. Imagine the change in their culture. Emirati children will dream about building spaceships and training to be astronauts instead of burning out ferraris. This is the kind of move the transforms a nation to the next level of human progress. We should be very very excited about it.

I agree. However, I believe that most of the work will be done by Emarati engineers. There are universities in the UAE that have been teaching aerospace engineering, microsystem engineering and other engineering courses to Emiratis for some time. Furthermore, there are Emarati engineers that are currently manufacturing a new satellite by themselves. Finally, the UAE has sent many Emiratis for internship at Nasa. Also, one does not need an army of engineers to be able to carry out the task of sending a probe. Space X, which started in 2002 with a very small number of engineers, has managed to develop several rockets and successfully launch them into space in a short timespan.
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