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UAE, KSA send 95 tones of aid to flood Hit Iran.

As if you don't call them names or insult their religious believes
If I had lost all my possessions in the flood I would expect for my own country and Countrymen to come to my aid. I would expect that a minute amount of the hundreds of billions of dollars that my Country has earned from its Natural resources would be spent to help me cope and get back on my feet instead of lining the pockets of corrupt Reformist politicians and financing their children's lavish lifestyles overseas. The last thing I would want is to receive aid from a nation that calls me Majoos, unleashed genocidal Takfiri terrorists against my country, has funded Separatists of all walks of life to balkanize Iran and even funds the MEK and that SoB Reza.

Giving Saudi Aid to their enemies in Yemen who are suffering way worst than anyone in Iran and for far longer would be the best F^ck You Iran can give to that shitty Kingdom!
also come talk to me when you lost all posesion and didn't have shows to wear .
بیرون تشک نشستی و میگی لنگشکن.
در ضمن در حال حاضر اصلاح طلبها که خونه نشین هستند میشه بفرمائید منظورتان کدام دولت اصلاح طلب هست.
راستی توی بم هنوز مردم توی کانکس زندگی میکنن هم تقصیر اصلاح طلب ها هستش
As if you don't call them names or insult their religious believesalso come talk to me when you lost all posesion and didn't have shows to wear .
بیرون تشک نشستی و میگی لنگشکن.
در ضمن در حال حاضر اصلاح طلبها که خونه نشین هستند میشه بفرمائید منظورتان کدام دولت اصلاح طلب هست.
راستی توی بم هنوز مردم توی کانکس زندگی میکنن هم تقصیر اصلاح طلب ها هستش

I will call them names and insult their "religious" beliefs when those beliefs call for my head to be severed from my body for being a "majoos" and I don't need permission from anyone to do so. Its Shoes not Shows and even if I lost my shoes i still wont lick Saudi ***, unlike you!
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If I had lost all my possessions in the flood I would expect for my own country and Countrymen to come to my aid.
Well if you had, But you didn't lose anything of yours, There's a roof above your head, There's food on your table, So you don't get to say anything on this matter.
Also They are sending what the Iranian government asked them to send:
And the fact that they are sending these aids means that the Iranian government agreed to receive these aids, It's not like that they shipped 95 tones of food on an airplane to Iran all by themselves. So, You are outraged for nothing here.
Giving Saudi Aid to their enemies in Yemen who are suffering way worst than anyone in Iran and for far longer would be the best F^ck You Iran can give to that shitty Kingdom!
This is not going to happen, These aids go only and only to the Iranian victims of flood.
Well if you had, But you didn't lose anything of yours, There's a roof above your head, There's food on your table, So you don't get to say anything on this matter.
Also They are sending what the Iranian government asked them to send:
And the fact that they are sending these aids means that the Iranian government agreed to receive these aids, It's not like that they shipped 95 tones of food on an airplane to Iran all by themselves. So, You are outraged for nothing here.

This is not going to happen, These aids go only and only to the Iranian victims of flood.

I don't hold a post in the Iranian Government and no one in Iran's government listens to my words so I'm just stating my own opinion. Iran's current Government are a bunch of useless sell outs and it's no surprise to me that they except such pitiful "aid" from your dear friends in Saudi Arabia.
I don't hold a post in the Iranian Government and no one in Iran's government listens to my words so I'm just stating my own opinion.
It's a good thing that you don't hold any power in Iran, You're just a lonely sad loud voice sitting safe and sound in CANADA!
Iran's current Government are a bunch of useless sell outs and it's no surprise to me that they except such pitiful "aid" from your dear friends in Saudi Arabia.
Oh yeah? You're the reason they are in power.
I hate it when I see my fellow countrymen go at each other in an angry manner. We shoul save our anger for our enemies. Saudis are not our friends they have never been. At best they will be neutral to us. Just likrlike Bahram I hate them with every molecule in my body . The fact that they sent aid is a sign that they want some reconciliation with iran (they see the writing on the wall and they are hedging their bets). Should we accept the aid....why not ..it is not the aid that matters it is the fact that it may lead to more moves on their side to ease up on Yemen or ease up on finances to the terror groups around iran...as I said let's keep our rage for our enemis......just my two cents on this.
Iranian - Arab relations , need to move towards positive humanitarian relation between people
Yeah same applies to you, why Iran supplying missile and fighter to aid Houthis? Iran providing arms and fighters in Syria, Iran supported Hizbullah in Lebanon.

Why the hell Iran is thinking? They are super power?

Why the hell are you so upset about what's happening in these countries and if you are why are you against the country helping these terrorist infested nations fight back?
What about the countries that are financing terrorism in these countries? Oh wait, that's not the issue, Iranian helping nation against terrorism is, my bad continue.
It's a good thing that you don't hold any power in Iran, You're just a lonely sad loud voice sitting safe and sound in CANADA!

Oh yeah? You're the reason they are in power.

Yes I alone sitting here in Canada am solely responsible for Rouhani becoming the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran! You got me!!!
This is good Gesture by Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. Nobody should stay behind for Noble cause in such difficult time.
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