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UAE ISRAEL Peace Agreement

It does not seem so for the Usralis.. did you read the OP article..
Still talking rubbish about Governments.. how do you know they are Jahil..when mst Arab governments are leading their people in the right way and those who did not survive the Arab spring are all in trouble, like Syria, Yemen and Libya..

I swear at my own government here ... And I have the freedom to do so!... Too bad Arabs are slaves to despot regimes...

Today your ignorant Arab UAE government made peace with Israel and you don't have the guts or freedom of thought to speak against it.... Ironically you still spell Israel as Usrael.... why?... Is your heart saying something else but you are brainwashed to still support your ideal of Arab national unity at the same time???

Listen, UAE has made peace with Israel.. they are now hugging and kissing eachother... You should be a good little nationalist and now also start saying "Israel"... Spell it right... Otherwise our Kings will throw you in jail!

My old university room mate (who was an Israeli) once said to me, "Any good Arab, is a Dead Arab". ...

Too bad you Arabs aren't smart enough to distinguish between your enemies and your friends... Pakistanis supported you guys genuinely and you instead continue to back stab us and hug people like my old university roommate...
are you jews & Hindus born as pathological liars ? As I have no other explanation the stuff you people are coming out on here
No ethics for them, they will get their motives with all their mean means. foul or fair does not matter for them, hooked or crooked no problem.
Sometimes I am tempted to opt for the same motivation for Muslims to teach them a lesson. damn care for means, why? It is really become hard to stop them fairly and justly.
Isn't that a better reason not to accept Israel? There is no price for deen and imaan and that apartheid cannot be accepted or surrendered and people sold out. The Universal rights of people should be respected wherever they maybe and whoever they maybe.
Lol but you guys do recognise your biggest enemy India with whom you have fought countless wars , a country who threatens your own very existence and who has killed countless amounts of your people and still occupies (probably stay that way forever) what you claim is your territory. Despite all this you guys still have relations toegether and your leaders and diplomats sometimes even meet. Yet you claim recognising or having some relations with another far away country with whom you guys have no real issues is some sort of great crime or anti islamic. Seems religion really makes people more emotional. Reason a country's foreign policy should never be formulated based on religion.
When a camel jockey like yourself talks about policy, it bound to have deep void and no substance. More than anything else, countries and people, muslim and non-muslims, abhor Israel because of its below human value policy and actions and aggression. Non-muslim EU and much of the world support Palestinian cause because it is just one, not because it has anything to do with Ummah.

Listen clown, you're the little flower who goes around reporting even the most harmless of posts so don't go around labelling others "Camel Jockey".

You live in the USA, but talk smack about Israel, If this isn't the height of hypocrisy, I don't know what is.

Grow up clown, I know you can't come back to BD, you're an exile.

Best you adapt to the ideals of your adopted country.

Nice of you to assume I'm a camel jockey because my flag is from Kuwait, but I don't live here anymore anyway.

Now go about your dish washing duties or whatever it is you do in the US.

I reckon you're the kind of clown, who talks on big lengths about their country while living abroad in western countries, enjoying the high life while ordering others around back home.

Bet a clown like you would gobble up an Israeli Visa, If one was ever on the cards.

Little seditious exile.
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Israel launches new raids on Hamas targets in Gaza
A military compound, underground infrastructure, observation posts among those targeted by the Israeli army in Gaza.

23 hours ago
Israel again attacked Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Thursday in response to what it said were continued launches of "explosive balloons" from the Palestinian territory.

Dozens of helium balloons laden with incendiary material have been deployed in recent days in a bid to pressure Israel to ease its blockade of the Gaza Strip and allow new economic projects. Israel also said it will stop shipments of fuel into Gaza in response.

Israel, which cites security threats from Hamas for its land and naval blockade, earlier retaliated by closing the Strip's main commercial crossing and striking Hamas military facilities with warplanes, attack helicopters and tanks.

The Israeli army said in a statement on Thursday it struck "a military compound, underground infrastructure and observation posts" inside Gaza. Hamas's "naval force" was also hit, it said.

"The attack was carried out in response to balloons with explosives and incendiary balloons from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory in the past week ... We hold Hamas responsible," the Israeli army said.

Reports from Gaza said the latest attacks hit sites in Rafah to the south and Beit Hanoun in the north.

A Gaza security source told the AFP news agency that Israeli warplanes carried out several air attacks on Hamas sites. The attacks caused severe damage to some infrastructure and damage to citizens' homes, but no one was hurt.

COVID-19 crisis fuels Gaza farmers' economic woes (2:24)

An Israeli warplane fired a missile that landed in a school run by the UN refugee agency (UNRWA) in al-Shati refugee camp, western Gaza city, said a Palestinian security source who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The missile did not explode but caused damage to the building. The source added the school had been closed. It was unclear if anyone was injured in the strike.

Hamas denounced the latest attacks on Thursday.

"These aggressive policies aim to exacerbate the crises our people in Gaza are enduring to paralyse their daily life and to disrupt the efforts of combating coronavirus amid international and regional silence," Fawzi Barhoum, a spokesperson for Hamas, said in a statement.

The air raids were reportedly the most intense response Israel has launched in the recent round of escalations.

Balloon-borne devices

Explosives tied to balloons and kites first emerged as a weapon in Gaza during protests in 2018, when the makeshift devices drifted across the border daily, causing thousands of fires on Israeli farms and in communities.

Israeli authorities said since Tuesday dozens of balloon-borne devices launched into southern Israel have ignited more than 80 fires.

In response to those first two incidents, Israel closed its Karem Abu Salem, known as Kerem Shalom to Israelis, goods crossing with the Gaza Strip.

Hamas denounced the closure, saying it was "aggressive", and Israel "bears all consequences and repercussions". The move showed Israel's "insistence on laying siege" to Gaza, Hamas said, warning it could cause further worsening of the humanitarian situation in the territory.

Escalating the measures on Thursday, Defence Minister Benny Gantz ordered a halt to fuel imports into Gaza "in light of the continued launching of incendiary balloons from the Strip" towards Israel, the defence ministry said in a statement.

Barhoum called the measure a "grave act of aggression" that "aims to worsen the crisis of our people in the blockaded Strip". The Mediterranean coastal enclave relies on Israel for most of its fuel and gas.

Bargaining tool
The Palestinian territory has been under an Israeli blockade since 2007. The Gaza Strip has a population of two million, more than half of whom live in poverty, according to the World Bank.

Hamas and Israel have fought three wars since 2008. Despite a truce last year backed by the United Nations, Egypt and Qatar, the two sides clash sporadically.

Schools in lockdown: 13-year-old takes on role of teacher in Gaza

Palestinian analysts say cross-border fire from Gaza is often used as a bargaining tool to secure Israel's greenlight for the entry of Qatari financial aid into the territory.

The ceasefire followed a deadly surge in violence and was to see Israel allow new development projects, including an industrial zone and a hospital.

Hamas has accused Israel of not fully complying with the deal. Israel, which deems Hamas a "terrorist" organisation, shuns direct negotiations and has never publicly acknowledged the truce.

On Wednesday, Israel reduced the area where it permits Palestinians to fish from 24km (15 miles) to 13km (eight miles), calling it a response to the balloon launches.
I swear at my own government here ... And I have the freedom to do so!... Too bad Arabs are slaves to despot regimes...

Today your ignorant Arab UAE government made peace with Israel and you don't have the guts or freedom of thought to speak against it.... Ironically you still spell Israel as Usrael.... why?... Is your heart saying something else but you are brainwashed to still support your ideal of Arab national unity at the same time???

Listen, UAE has made peace with Israel.. they are now hugging and kissing eachother... You should be a good little nationalist and now also start saying "Israel"... Spell it right... Otherwise our Kings will throw you in jail!

My old university room mate (who was an Israeli) once said to me, "Any good Arab, is a Dead Arab". ...

Too bad you Arabs aren't smart enough to distinguish between your enemies and your friends... Pakistanis supported you guys genuinely and you instead continue to back stab us and hug people like my old university roommate...
This talk only says you are being jealous and a bit not totally in your mind..since you think because you don't like it.. everyone else shouldn't like it either.. so no need for more of your BS posts..
Arabs need a unifier. You are divided into so many states that dividing and conquering the Arab world is easy pickings for a hostile power. Qatar vs Saudi, Morocco vs Algeria etc

I think the GCC "union" project needs to be fast tracked ASAP so that at least the Arabian Peninsula nations present a united front. The 73 Oil embargo is just an example of what an impact the Arab world can have if it presents a united front.

The second part of your post means that the Arabs have a United front already.. who has expected that in 1973.. those divisions you mentioned are shallow ones.. deep under the people are united..
Israel launches new raids on Hamas targets in Gaza
A military compound, underground infrastructure, observation posts among those targeted by the Israeli army in Gaza.

23 hours ago
Israel again attacked Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Thursday in response to what it said were continued launches of "explosive balloons" from the Palestinian territory.

this is the UAEsrael celebrating their marriage by lighting Gaza.
This talk only says you are being jealous and a bit not totally in your mind..since you think because you don't like it.. everyone else shouldn't like it either.. so no need for more of your BS posts..

we never get to hear on Pdf, Our arab posters say negative going on with neighbourhood monarchs or dictators in Egypt or else where? Other country posters Pakistanis, Turkish , Iranians do it with there own. this is big news breaking out on UAE but I bet you will put some good words on UAE actions !!!
This talk only says you are being jealous and a bit not totally in your mind..since you think because you don't like it.. everyone else shouldn't like it either.. so no need for more of your BS posts..
Stop pushing him that's the majority of the Muslims opinion, can you put the vote count here, then if ur zionistic views got beaten will you accept it?
Lets become so called democratic?
It is a buddy, love child, and so-called father making a deal in the name of a Peace deal for Palestine. A long-awaited win for Israel, a timely relief for trump, and ill fame for UAE if they mind of which they don't. Personal interest matters more than true justice or equality. everyone is looking at it through the prism of their benefit, while damn caring about the aggrieved party, right or wrong, or public opinion or religious faith. maybe a new plot to get things done in their own way.
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