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UAE ISRAEL Peace Agreement


EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............................We need more Pakistanis like you..................the problems Pakistan and Pakistanis face are 10x far worst than what ANY of the Arabs or Palestinians are currently going through. Pakistanis need to be loyal to Pakistan ONLY. That's it. End of.

Depends... What will you say when you are in front of Allah?... Will you say I was loyal to myself (Pakistan) or the sufferings of other Muslims as well?

Israel has been trying to get legitimacy from the Muslim world, which, It can not get it without the help of its father America, who is the main Protector of it. Arab states at present are American stooge, I am referring to the monarchs, not the people. These heads of the states are fully dependent on America for their survival. so even if they recognize Israel as a country. Israel will not get a warm welcome from the Arab masses, America controls UAE and KSA defense, oil and their economy, America has kept them in submissiveness not let them challenge its vital interests, Israel is the illegitimate child of American. how can these monarchs dare to go against their godfather?
OIC is dead for the Muslims, It is there to safeguards the selfish interests of these monarchs.and to legitimize their wrongdoing. OIC has failed to bring any relief to the Muslims rather it has become a tool of hoodwinking in their eyes.

I would argue that the Arab population of the GCC countries are fully in bed with their immoral corrupt ruling elite... Exception being Saudi because of their larger more diverse population..m
Arabs fought Usrael in 5 wars,, and tried many things against it,, knowing well that were fighting England and its close allies, France, And the US in disguise in different periods of time from 1948 to 1973.. So we know first hand we can;t fight the US today.. neither do any others including super powers like Russia and China..
So to be realistic we are trying peace with Usrael.. we might gain a two state solution for Palestinians and maybe much more as the status quo is not working nor advantageous.. peace and stability will at least boost the economies of the middle East..
what do we have to lose anyway!

As for Saudi Arabia.. it will be the last to sign an agreement with Usrael.. and only if the two state solution is implemented.. this goes without saying for those who know..

You aren't convincing anyone here with this lame argument, this Pathetic so called peace deal will do nothing except providing more oil to regional proxies fire. more, extremism, terrorism and so on. Arab World right now need populist decision if they want to stand against Iran (the top enemy of Arab fiefdoms although Hadith mention Zionists as top enemy of Islam) , The moral of the people is already low, look at Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and to some extent Jordan (hit by economic problems), all neighborhood of Israel is in depression and desperation, this move will add to their humiliation and it will result in chaos and destruction of chief fiefdom if not all fiefdoms.

so called peace deal, it give nothing to Palestine, we all know this is backdoor deal and Gulfies were trying to normalize relations to counter Iran and KSA will fall in line soon, so don't try to play that they did this to stop the annexation or anything, Oman did the right way, it didn't even pretended to give a fk about Palestine.
UAE-Israeli diplomatic relation is the best way to tackle Iranian influence and state-sponsored terrorism in the Region.

Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Morocco, Oman and UAE made right decisions to be friendly with Israel.
Once Mohammed Bin Salman makes the move, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia will follow suit. It's matter of time, it will happen. I can wait for the succession of power by MBS.
Hi,the beauty of time is- it can expose people,without realising them are being exposed. I see many false flagged advocating people to stay away , stay away from what ? To see another Muslim being killed, butchered, raped , child being killed like nothing ? Houses being destroyed ? They are trying to create Arab non Arab fiction . People be aware of those types. Prophet (SA) has already told us about it. No Muslims has authority over one another, let it be Arab or non Arab. It’s their corrupt leaders that are misguided not the normal people. And those so called liberal Pakistanis, you are eager to fight for the Kashmir not for Palestine ? Why do you feel bad for Kashmir? They are Muslims that’s why ? Then this is called ummah . One Muslim should be caring to another . This is the teaching of Islam.This is Ummah . You quickly forget the history. Why Muslims came to fight Dahir ? Because Muslim were suffering in the hand of Dahir.When we die we will not be asked what MBS did. We will be asked about ourselves.Its our moral and religious duty to raise our voice for Palestine , help them . Religiously it is our duty to protect and rescue al aqsa. If somebody denies and discourage us against these, then be sure for one thing, they are not Muslim. I see many turns blind eyes on the suffering of the Palestinian and blame themselves for so called attack on Israel. I do not wish them on you but god forbid if happens to be that you kicked out of home , your land, not allowed to travel , deprived of basic needs, you see wife and children gets beat up, raped I would love to see you still praising your attackers.

You should have the courage of saying what is wrong , is wrong .no matter even if the whole world says it is right . And it is another lame and cowardly excuse to say we are so poor we can’t do anything. If it was the case Islam would never flourish cause most of the believers of prophets time were dead poor and so was the story of almost all the Prophets. We need to know our heroes. Salahdin didn’t fight for al aqsa for no reason, he had to fight the Muslims to even before he launch his attack on crusaders. He could’ve said why would I fight against fellow Muslim to free al aqsa, it’s not my problem,it’s Palestine’s problem. What’s next ? Those paid agents gonna call him dumb or outdated ? . The idiots have done themselves a favour, they are on full force to create division among the Muslims, they have exposed themselves by doing so. It’s better to know your enemies than friend’s. And a true warrior never fear of defeat. Muslims believe they fight and die for the cause of seen and Allah decides victory. Palestine will be ours again in Shaa Allah and it’s a part of our faith . When,how ? Allah knows best. He is the best of all the planners.And indeed Allah is with those who are patience.

Thank you for your lovely post. I feel true sentiment of a believer in your words. May Allah swt honor all the true followers of Ummah of Rasoolullah saws.

yes, there was an inquest and no one found anything a last ditch effort by a dead mans wife to stay relevant. You tell me what possible advantage would Isreal have to kill an old man dying in France.

Arafat could simply be allowed not to return.


Why would they not kill the international face and PR of Palestinian cause, who was loved all over the world?

It is the same reason why they jailed Marwan Barghoti for decades, due to his charisma and principles, and instead put their puppet Mehmood Abbas in power.

You are well informed on this subject... Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Thanks brother. I am close to many Arab brothers, whom many come to my home regularly and we travel together as well. Also it helps to speak Classical Arabic, so I can understand their point of view better than most Pakistanis.

And today isi can’t go to Isreal but then at least we even the odds? Today only they operate in Pakistan

Bring them to wreck havok in Pakistan?

Did you forget how they helped India during Balakot strikes? We even have one of their pilots.

Israel has been trying to get legitimacy from the Muslim world, which, It can not get it without the help of its father America, who is the main Protector of it. Arab states at present are American stooge, I am referring to the monarchs, not the people. These heads of the states are fully dependent on America for their survival. so even if they recognize Israel as a country. Israel will not get a warm welcome from the Arab masses, America controls UAE and KSA defense, oil and their economy, America has kept them in submissiveness not let them challenge its vital interests, Israel is the illegitimate child of American. how can these monarchs dare to go against their godfather?
OIC is dead for the Muslims, It is there to safeguards the selfish interests of these monarchs.and to legitimize their wrongdoing. OIC has failed to bring any relief to the Muslims rather it has become a tool of hoodwinking in their eyes.

Everyone knew KSA, UAE, Egypt, etc. were in Israel's picket, this is no surprise. It confirms the suspicions of many Muslims. From now on, KSA and gang have lost the moral right to represent the Muslim world.

Interestingly enough, this pushes Pakistan and Turkey to the leadership role of the Sunni Islamic world, which includes the populations of Arab nations.

From now on, everyone will be looking towards us. Our brand has just become more valuable. You already have Afghanistan and CARs watching Pakistan keenly.

Pakistan has to use the newfound leverage for the best interest of our country, Kashmir, and Afghanistan.

Israel is very upset that after all this time and effort, Pakistan still won't accept Israel. I am sure KSA has brought it up with Pakistan recently.

Without Pakistan's approval, even Arab acceptance, will prove to be a shallow victory for Israel.

This is why so many of our media personalities, liberal minded politicians, and university professors push for acceptance of Israel. Israel is trying hard to gain legitimacy.

Alhamdulilah, Pakistan will never give it. It will be a big slap to their face forever.
Arabs fought Usrael in 5 wars..and tried many things against it..knowing well that we were fighting England and its close allies, as well as France, And the US in disguise in different periods of time from 1948 to 1973.. So we know first hand that we can't defeat the US today.. neither do any others including super powers like Russia and China..

So to be realistic and pragmatic, we are trying peace with Usrael.. we might gain a two state solution for the Palestinians and maybe much more as the status quo is not working nor advantageous.. peace and stability will at least boost the economies of the middle East..
what do we have to lose anyway!

As for Saudi Arabia.. it will be the last to sign an agreement with Usrael.. and only if the two state solution is implemented.. this goes without saying for those who know..

Has that strategy helped you guys with respect to America and it's support of Israel and the continued expansion of Israel???.

.. Perhaps you should lick the boots harder of the USA and perhaps they will then realize the importance of the two state solution (Palestine and Israel)???

Well at least now you have two boots to lick... American and Israeli... Boots.

Seems like Israel won.. Arabs lost. I wonder why..
You although in denial and confused but you were also an indian

you know how it is. Support narrative or get a false flag certificate. Discourse is discourse. :D

did UAE asked OIC - ARAB LEAGUE -GCC COUNCIL ???????????

only we stupid emotional fools are the one whom give our foreign policy in hands of others

Well its kind of hard to argue on our emotional nature which is true as we are an emotional bunch especially when it comes to our relationship with the concept of Ummah however i do believe that our official stand on Israel relation has improved due to the ground realities. As i highlighted in another thread which i shall quote rather than rewrite entirely

Pakistan's official stance is not that Israel is entirely composed of Palestinian territory occupied as such but is based on the fact that Israel occupies territories of palestine and needs to go back to the pre-1967 borders immediately and cease the human rights violations in the territory of palestine. The two stands are fundamentally different and while one may argue that Pakistan never recognized Israel even before 1967, however that remains irrelevant since Pakistan has cleared its stance. This was done alongside the palestinian stance which was done in 1988.

In 1988 the Palestinian national council, the legislative body of the Palestinian liberation organization passed the Palestinian declaration of independence with 253 in favor and 46 in against and 10 abstentions. This declaration would then be officially announced on 15th november 1988 by Yassir Arafat and as he would finish the reading he would assume the title of President of Palestine from his previous designation as Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization which would be done officially through the Palestinian Central Council in April 1989. Now this is the official formation of the Palestine state which is recognized as such in the UN as well as by 71% of the member states of the UN amongst whom is Pakistan as well.

So the question is what were the borders of this new state? did palestine declare itself as the right and legitimate government of levant and Israel as a false government and false nation built on occupied lands? did they state as such and with that declare all territories under Israel as Palestine? Basically did they do what the OP is asking us to do?

No they did not. Infact they formulated their territories in their map as Gaza strip, the west bank and the territories occupied by Israel in 1967, which includes west Jerusalem. Not all of jerusalem but the western part of the divided jerusalem and it is in western jerusalem which holds our great sacred mosque. Now this independence was recognized in the UN resolution 43/177 on 15th december 1988. The most important part we need to understand is what Palestine claims and what recognition of palestine would inturn have us claim. In 1993 Palestine recognized the state of israel in line with the resolutions of 242 and 338 which dealt with the Israeli return to pre-war territories respectively where 242 deals with 1967 war and 338 deals with 1973 war and as you know that Israel has not returned West jerusalem nor has it returned the Golan heights. With this Palestine Liberation Organization, recognized as the legitimate representative of the people of palestine by the world ( even by those that dont recognize palestine) and this government of the state of Palestine,m recognized as the representative of the people of Palestine provided Dejure recognition to Israel and Israel in turn recognized PLO as the legitimate authority and representative of palestinians. Now Defacto recognition of a state is one which can be revoked under international law since the concept of Defacto recognition is that the state does not complete the essential requirements of statehood thus cannot be given dejure recognition but will be afforded with defacto recognition which can be removed. It is a custom based on factual situation on ground. Dejure recognition, on the other hand is permanent and is a legal act of lawful nature and its revocation can only happen in the even of absolute breakdown of a state to such a nature where the state ceases to function as a state. Examples of revocation of Dejure include Soviet Union or Yugoslavia. You know absolute breakdown.

So getting back, Palestine declares Israel as an official state and recognized its right to exist in peace which means that the territories of pre-1967 were no longer claimed by palestine and were now the legal and rightful territories of Israel. This was seen during the independence speech, Palestines recognition og resilution 242 and 338, the Oslo Accords and the Letters of recognition. Now if you were to read the letters of recognition then the letter sent by yasser arafat on 9th Septmeber contains the word '..The PLO recognizes the state of Israel and its right to exist peace and security. The PLO confirms to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 and 338.' All of these are counted in International law. Any state that would recognize palestine would also recognize the territorial limits of the state of Palestine. They can agree or disagree to the territorial claims of Palestine but they cannot go beyond those claims meaning that by recognizing palestine, we cannot say that all of levant is palestine if palestine itself says not all of levant but the territories we claim as such. Infact one can even argue that such recognition gives defacto recognition to Israel automatically and the aspect of non-recognition is purely the states own decision to not hold diplomatic relations. Not having diplomatic relations with a nations is not synonyms with non-recognition. This is getting way too legal so i am going to bring it back a bit and highlight that Pakistan. Pakistan recognized the state of Palestine on 16th November 1988 and by 1989, had opened full diplomatic relations between the two states.

So Pakistan recognized Palestine as the state based on the resolution 43/177 and has voted as such which means that Pakistan recognized the territorial limits of Palestine as stated by Palestinian government and the true representatives of the Palestinian people. So if they recognize Palestinian territorial limits then who governs the rest of the territory in the book of pakistan? Israel then? Its true that Pakistan does not have diplomatic relations with Israel however Pakistan through its actions and in its words ( spoken by Musharraf i believe and our Foreign office although they avoid this topic), does afford a form of lesser defacto recognition and has stated that the only problem between recognition of Israel is the borders of 1967 and the absolute independence of Palestine and human rights violations.

With the above it can be understood that we have left the original position of no recognition of Israel whatsoever and the entirety of the Levant belonging to Palestine and Palestine alone. This is the position, which is referred to when we speak of the position our founding fathers took however that was then and this is now and this simple fact was not lost to our leadership as well as our legal circles as they amended their position to state that Israel is an entity that cannot be ignored and with Palestinian recognition, in accordance to the above mentioned UN resolution and we shall not hold any diplomatic relations with Israel until Palestine, in accordance to the map of PLO, becomes a sovereign country with absolute independence.
The thing is that when you repeatedly tell a populace that all your problems stem from the actions of that entity and thus it is not our fault but theirs, it becomes very hard to explain to the same populace as to why you are seeking peace with them. It is the same case with Israel, same case with India and same case with Afghanistan or afghan refugees. Afghan refugees have been marked as the reason behind terrorism in Pakistan, whether that is true or not is not the point. The point is that they have been marked and whenever any concession is offered aka the current government statement to provide them with citizenship, it is met with extreme anger, hatred and protest just like that suggestion was met with. The populace becomes shocked and demands that whether you tell us the truth on the matter or you tell us why you are surrendering to our enemy that you have told us, is our enemy. In such situations we see a panic state make excuses and try to return things back to normal.

What we need to ask ourselves is whether recognizing Israel now will bring any change or benefit to the country of Pakistan? lets say that XYZ leader of Pakistan establishes diplomatic relationship with Israel. How would that benefit Pakistan? our problems are not because of Israel, neither economic nor military nor strategic, have any relation with Israel and they are entirely based on other factors. Israel is also not looking for validation from far away muslim countries when the Gulf is giving it to them on a silver platter. Israel will not become buddy buddy with us so easily and its relations with India are far more solid. We cant hope to throw a wrench in that relationship. So there exists no incentive on external factors, is there an incentive in internal factors? would the country become more united or will it solve our social problems? none of it. none at all. Infact it will become more divided as some will support and many and many and many will not support at all and it may create chaos in the country thus there exists no incentive for any government to go out of its way to recognize Israel. This is why our current stand is realistic. We made a peaceful position that make palestine independent based on pre-1967 boundaries and we will recognize Israel. You can argue why did we bother in the first place to enter this conflict but it wouldnt change the fact that we are in this conflict with an emotional nation. You are right that we are emotional and even then, we will still be emotional and we hate the jews and that is a fact. This country is not the fan of the jewish population and israel. you just have to visit Hafeez center to know that.
The world doesn't quite work that way... If you don't take a position, others will take a position against you.

The next Pakistan - India conflict... UAE could also send it's Airforce in defense of India... I do not think it's a far fetched proposition.

You cannot sit in a corner and screem, "Pakistan First!, Pakistan Fist!... Pakistan OnLY!, Pakistan OnLY!"... While the rest of the world around you burns...

Do you using the same logic... Say, "Forget Kashmir"..."Pakistan Fist, Pakistan Only!"???... Who's gonna listen?... Why do you say, "Forget Kashmir"???

What good has our moral stance and obsession with the "ummah" done for us in the past? In fact why do we even bother with it when we are one of the most impoverished nations on earth?
Once Mohammed Bin Salman makes the move, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia will follow suit.

Don't speak for us. Our population and leaders will never allow it.

Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah rejected Israel famously many times.

In an interview with Duncan Hooper, Reuters’ correspondent, Mr. Jinnah warned that, if Palestine was partitioned:

“There was bound to be the gravest disaster and unprecedented conflict, not only between the Arabs and the Authority that would undertake to enforce the Partition plan, but the entire Muslim world will revolt… Pakistan will have no other course left but to give its fullest support to the Arabs”.
Depends... What will you say when you are in front of Allah?... Will you say I was loyal to myself (Pakistan) or the sufferings of other Muslims as well?

Alternatively you could say that in order for the Muslims to take us seriously and for us to be in a position to help the Ummah, we tried to make Pakistan powerful and prosperous.
What good has our moral stance and obsession with the "ummah" done for us in the past? In fact why do we even bother with it when we are one of the most impoverished nations on earth?

When Pakistan was first proposed, Muslims were in an even greater abject poverty. Hindus and Sikhs massacred us again and again to deprive us of Pakistan and to force us to give up the claim.

As I said earlier, my grandparents walked barefoot to get to Pakistan, they left lands back home. We sacrificed our lives for this country. The whole way they kept saying, "Pakistan ka Matlab kya? La ilaha ila Allah."
Alternatively you could say that in order for the Muslims to take us seriously and for us to be in a position to help the Ummah, we tried to make Pakistan powerful and prosperous.

Allah makes one powerful or prosperous. I ask my question again, "what will you say when you are in Front of Allah one day and you are asked about you're statement, "Pakistan Fist, not the plight of Muslims First"??? ... What will be your response then?

Btw.. I respect your opinions here on PDF... And I mean no disrespect. Just asking a question.

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