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UAE gets second C-17 transport aircraft

It's engines repair and maintenance will be at the Middle East Propulsion Company (MEPC) in KSA, it's spare parts will be manufactured there as well.



The Pratt & Whitney F117 is a variant of the PW2000 commercial engine with a high-bypass turbofan aero and thrust range from 37,000 to 43,000 lbf (165 to 190 kN). The C-17 was developed for the United States Air Force from the 1980s to the early 1990s by McDonnell Douglas. The C-17 is used for rapid strategic airlift of troops and cargo to main operating bases or forward operating bases throughout the world. It has the ability to rapidly deploy a combat unit to a potential battle area and sustain it with on-going supplies. MEPC is exploring options to provide engine MRO services on the F117 engines installed on the C-17 Globemaster Aircraft .
General Characteristics

Type: Turbofan
Length: 141.4 inches (3,592 mm)
Diameter: 78.5 inches (1,994 mm)

Compressor: Axial
Combustors: Annular
Turbine: 8 stage axial
Fuel type: Jet-A Aviation Kerosene

Maximum Thrust: 38,400–43,734 pounds-force (171–195 kN)
Overall pressure ratio: 27.6-31.2 .

Middle East Propulsion Company - EJ200
Mods started to troll to? Intresting... I would atleast expect a reasonable answer rather than a post that normally would be deleted by a person in your position.

It is a shame on a super mode's side to be the first one who started trolling. He banned Mosa for replying to his post. What did he expect Mosa to reply with? the damn thread is about C-17! not their Sheikhs! And people wonder why is place is becoming a troll place rather than a defense one. I informed the Webmaster but didn't get a reply, unfortunately.:disagree:
It is a shame on a super mode's side to be the first one who started trolling. He banned Mosa for replying to his post. What did he expect Mosa to reply with? the damn thread is about C-17! not their Sheikhs! And people wonder why is place is becoming a troll place rather than a defense one. I informed the Webmaster but didn't get a reply, unfortunately.:disagree:

It is kinda sad that mods are warning us against trolling and they do that themselves sometimes... Apperantly he send a messege like ''know your place''..

I don't know who is TaimiKhan but I am pretty sure that he doesn't know that this is just an internet forum that people enjoy and not some place where mods gets to bost their ego with banning people and sending them weird messeges...

Mosa is a medical student in a respected university and I am pretty sure that if he has to be placed in somewhere he would be placed infront of sooo many people here...
It is a shame on a super mode's side to be the first one who started trolling. He banned Mosa for replying to his post. What did he expect Mosa to reply with? the damn thread is about C-17! not their Sheikhs! And people wonder why is place is becoming a troll place rather than a defense one. I informed the Webmaster but didn't get a reply, unfortunately.:disagree:

Yes it is about the C17 and as clearly and factually stated it will be used by the sheikhs to transport their entourage on hunting trips.
Therefore this is not trolling.

Now lets commence trolling: This C17 has been delivered specifically for summer delivery of vehicles to western Europe in particular the bugatti veyron, and chavved up pimp my ride style mercs.

The Great London-Arabic Supercar Motorshow - YouTube

Why do you arabs get into hissy fits when someone clearly states facts about your hypocrite rulers, tell them to change their attitudes/behaviours and you won't get such comments.

PS before any of you go on about arab hating i would clearly like to state i classify you as my brothers excluding your western puppet controlled leaders (i also apply this to pakistanis and our leadership)
Yes it is about the C17 and as clearly and factually stated it will be used by the sheikhs to transport their entourage on hunting trips.
Therefore this is not trolling.

Now lets commence trolling: This C17 has been delivered specifically for summer delivery of vehicles to western Europe in particular the bugatti veyron, and chavved up pimp my ride style mercs.

Why do you arabs get into hissy fits when someone clearly states facts about your hypocrite rulers, tell them to change their attitudes/behaviours and you won't get such comments.

PS before any of you go on about arab hating i would clearly like to state i classify you as my brothers excluding your western puppet controlled leaders (i also apply this to pakistanis and our leadership)

Who are you again? they are free to use THEIR money as much as they like. You get your nose out of it and keep your jealousy on. My God, those people are behaving like it's their money.
BlackEagle, stop being ridiculous. Where did the UAE sheikhs get any money from? Do they even publish annual financial reports for ADIA or any sovereign wealth funds? Does Islam allow these Sheikhs to perform anti Islamic activities like debauchery in UK, and allow Western morons to carry out morally repugnant acts in a Muslim majority country like UAE?

Can I punch a UAE Sheikh in the face and then use your excuse? Can I say: "It is my fist, I am free to use it as much as I like. You get your nose out of it and keep your jealousy "on""?
Mods started to troll to? Intresting... I would atleast expect a reasonable answer rather than a post that normally would be deleted by a person in your position.

It should be considered trolling only if it does not contain any shred of truth in it, I think. In this case, his comments are probably the truth.
BlackEagle, stop being ridiculous. Where did the UAE sheikhs get any money from? Do they even publish annual financial reports for ADIA or any sovereign wealth funds? Does Islam allow these Sheikhs to perform anti Islamic activities like debauchery in UK, and allow Western morons to carry out morally repugnant acts in a Muslim majority country like UAE?

Can I punch a UAE Sheikh in the face and then use your excuse? Can I say: "It is my fist, I am free to use it as much as I like. You get your nose out of it and keep your jealousy "on""?

My question here...
Who are you? In other words, you aren't from UAE , so you have no right to tell them what to do with their money. If they were ultra rich and their people were poor, I could understand, but their people are the richest on earth, how do you know it's not their money? And why you are talking while Emaraties are happy and content? I mean you are free to talk, but in reality, it's non of your business.
Mods started to troll to? Intresting... I would atleast expect a reasonable answer rather than a post that normally would be deleted by a person in your position.
Deno, obviously you've forgotten your history? Taimi is stating the obvious, what is the utility of these monstrosities?

Extrapolate 15 years into the future and guess whom will it be used against? We're not without reason to protest such acquisitions with satire, these are not lolly-pop movers, one day these leviathans will be used to transport their masters soldiers against our greater interests.

I, personally despise the backstabbing history of Arabs!

Lastly, I wasn't expecting this from you :(
My question here...
Who are you? In other words, you aren't from UAE , so you have no right to tell them what to do with their money. If they were ultra rich and their people were poor, I could understand, but their people are the richest on earth, how do you know it's not their money? And why you are talking while Emaraties are happy and content? I mean you are free to talk, but in reality, it's non of your business.

Who says Emiratis are happy and content? Can any Emirati openly criticize their 'kings' or 'royals'? Can any Emirati openly criticize their royals decisions to allow prostitution in Dubai? Do Emiratis accept such practises (I know in Jordan your king also permits that)?

If you think non Emiratis should not bother about Emirati kings' decisions, then the same question could be asked to you. Who are you as a Jordanian to defend Emirati kings on an internet forum? Who are Saudi Arabians to defend Emiratis on an internet forum? You are still divided by petty tribal kingdoms, artificial borders and desert rivalries.
Who says Emiratis are happy and content? Can any Emirati openly criticize their 'kings' or 'royals'? Can any Emirati openly criticize their royals decisions to allow prostitution in Dubai? Do Emiratis accept such practises (I know in Jordan your king also permits that)?

If you think non Emiratis should not bother about Emirati kings' decisions, then the same question could be asked to you. Who are you as a Jordanian to defend Emirati kings on an internet forum? Who are Saudi Arabians to defend Emiratis on an internet forum? You are still divided by petty tribal kingdoms, artificial borders and desert rivalries.

Why would you criticize the rich person(s) who give you money just so you can sit on your @$$ and not have to become competitive in the globalizing economy?

Reason why the Qataris did not do an 'Arab Spring'. They all wondered if they will continue to receive the monthly Government "Welfare" check under a new government. Which they would have, but why take a risk?
BlackEagle, stop being ridiculous. Where did the UAE sheikhs get any money from? Do they even publish annual financial reports for ADIA or any sovereign wealth funds? Does Islam allow these Sheikhs to perform anti Islamic activities like debauchery in UK, and allow Western morons to carry out morally repugnant acts in a Muslim majority country like UAE?

Can I punch a UAE Sheikh in the face and then use your excuse? Can I say: "It is my fist, I am free to use it as much as I like. You get your nose out of it and keep your jealousy "on""?

Good God....you are such an extremist.
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