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U.S. War with China “Inevitable,” Author Glain Says

personal insults are indeed trolling.

my posts are part of the discussion in this thread topic about war between US and China and where the US will use India to attack China and in such an event China will invade india and turn it into greater tibet; "slavery" or free labor by the indians are to be expected after taken over by china. indians en masse labor will help build the new chinese global empire. am i crazy? am i disturbed? only the future will tell.


Did Allies made slaves of Germans after their defeat in WW2..No. Did Americans made slaves of Iraqis after Gulf War2...No.Because its not the behavior expected out of a modern nation, but I think you are still stuck in medieval ages and I pity you for that.

What makes it more disturbing is that the term'slavery' coming from a citizen of a country whose state ideology gives equality to all humans.
personal insults are indeed trolling.

my posts are part of the discussion in this thread topic about war between US and China and where the US will use India to attack China and in such an event China will invade india and turn it into greater tibet; "slavery" or free labor by the indians are to be expected after taken over by china. indians en masse labor will help build the new chinese global empire. am i crazy? am i disturbed? only the future will tell.


And what assurance US has to attact China from INDIAN soil. you have any theory on this. can you enlighten us.
INDIA will never allow its territory to be used as a base for any nation to wage a war againts China nor Pakistan. If the US intends to attack you then its like they are planning a masive death pit for their own burial. I do not get why most the Chinese believe that INDIA will compromize her non aligned policy for any other nation be it US or Russia.? kindly some Chinese members please answer the above question
Did Allies made slaves of Germans after their defeat in WW2..No. Did Americans made slaves of Iraqis after Gulf War2...No.Because its not the behavior expected out of a modern nation, but I think you are still stuck in medieval ages and I pity you for that.

What makes it more disturbing is that the term'slavery' coming from a citizen of a country whose state ideology gives equality to all humans.

don't worry. it is all hypothetical :P

i don't think india will allow itself to be used by the US like such as much as the US would love

smaller countries like vietnam and the philippines are a much different story, however.
don't worry. it is all hypothetical :P

i don't think india will allow itself to be used by the US like such as much as the US would love

smaller countries like vietnam and the philippines are a much different story, however.

Kindly put a LOL before you write some thing that is hypotetical, when you don't it seems that you are serious on what you are writing.
don't worry. it is all hypothetical :P

i don't think india will allow itself to be used by the US like such as much as the US would love

There are many fanboys here who threaten to nuke eachother , but you are the first who I know who used the term 'slavery/ free labour' against any country. Your mentality have a distinct colonial trait to speak of such inhuman practices which even the former colonial powers do not use . For God sake your county was even colonized and you speak for colonization and frankly Sir I pity you for that.
personal insults are indeed trolling.

my posts are part of the discussion in this thread topic about war between US and China and where the US will use India to attack China and in such an event China will invade india and turn it into greater tibet; "slavery" or free labor by the indians are to be expected after taken over by china. indians en masse labor will help build the new chinese global empire. am i crazy? am i disturbed? only the future will tell.


Slavery is inefficient compared to capitalism. Slaves during the Industrial Revolution occupied houses, whose rent prices were flying up; needed to be fed with imported crops, prices also flying up; needed to be clothed, also with high prices. Otherwise, the slaves die and the owner loses their investment which is a sunk cost the minute the slave steps off the auction stage.

Compare to the wonders of capitalism, and the "free" worker: you pay them a few cents, and they'll go begging to you for a house that you probably own, to live in, and you don't care since you have no "investment". When food prices rise, they eat less. When clothing prices rise, they take less baths. It was only the small refinements of capitalism in the very recent past that has made rioting a less attractive (but still attractive) option to the starving masses. Socialism will win in the US, and in the UK, whether by revolution or by the choice of the ruling elite to remain in power.

If Gen. Mac Arthur had his way, US would have nuked China to oblivion before you even had the chance to fire a gun. Its the Soviet nuclear threat that prevented Truman from giving the order which eventually brought the stalemate in Korean War which you are so proud of.

No it would've been militarily ineffective given the US air force's own bombing data and the risks involved. But China could've nuked India in 1971, and indeed, even in 1990 and have recieved zero negative consequences. Talk of nuking others is crazy but its a cold hard fact that China had 30 year window when India had no delivery options to put a nuke to ANY major Chinese city.
^ slavery today is indeed much different than that of the colonial times. and you are right, the new slavery is capitalism. debt is the name, slavery is the game.
No it would've been militarily ineffective given the US air force's own bombing data and the risks involved. But China could've nuked India in 1971, and indeed, even in 1990 and have recieved zero negative consequences. Talk of nuking others is crazy but its a cold hard fact that China had 30 year window when India had no delivery options to put a nuke to ANY major Chinese city.

In 1971 we had the firm backing of USSR, that why even the Americans were not that eager to fight us.
Wrong...If there is war between US and China, it will be the end of China as the self appointed agent between the Heavens and Earth. China's military will be so crippled that it will not be able to keep the empire unified.

The west and israel are the two entities for whom the term 'self-appointed' is universally applied. One for being the self-appointed champion of democracy and human rights and the latter for being the God's self-appointed chosen people.
^ slavery today is indeed much different than that of the colonial times. and you are right, the new slavery is capitalism. debt is the name, slavery is the game.

The west installs corrupt regimes through dubious 'elections' and then imposes debts on these nations for materializing their agendas. Most of the money of those loans are used up as bribes that go into the pockets of their puppets in those countries but the burden of the debt is carried by the nation. Bangladesh is a classic example of such diabolical practice. The champions of democracy hail that as move in the 'right direction'.

The west installs corrupt regimes through dubious 'elections' and then imposes debts on these nations for materializing their agendas. Most of the money of those loans are used up as bribes that go into the pockets of their puppets in those countries but the burden of the debt is carried by the nation. Bangladesh is a classic example of such diabolical practice. The champions of democracy hail that as move in the 'right direction'.

Democracy is good only for literate societies not for illiterate socities where religion, cast and regional interests affect true democracy... Sometimes it seems Communism is good but again it will make you salve by taking all your rights..

So let it work as it is working and try to revolutionise things...
^ slavery today is indeed much different than that of the colonial times. and you are right, the new slavery is capitalism. debt is the name, slavery is the game.
Yeah rightly said... now slavery has the new name that is Communism...
i speak of the future while you speak of the past.

greater tibet is your future. :wave:

why should the dragon dirty his paws when he can ride the indian elephant? if there is any animal that can support the weight of the dragon it is the elephant which will be used to build the new chinese global empire.

"Greater Tibet is the best India since British India"

I don't know what's been fed to you Chinis but what ever it is is turning you Chinis into brain dead.. Stop drinking that tainted milk and start growing your own Farm produce like Rich Chinis are doing these days. After all, melamine in the fake stuff you have been eating has turned your thinking power to be of an idiot..

As I said earlier, First try your luck with Taiwan/ Spartlay Islands then to make some sleep time stories of your glorious country.. We know what your country is capable of .. "Fakes and paid CCP brigades" ..
This is a world in which everyone has a freedom. If the US has the freedom to develop anything they want, if US has the freedom to develop the most destructive weapons on the earth and still tag themself as a peace loving nation and top entity representing Human rights , If US has freedom to wage a war on any country she wants on the basis of just a hypothetical theory .if US has freedom to destroy thousands of people and there homes , if US has right to declare themself a super power. Then why the hell no other country has freedom to even strive for super power status?

Its a fair game the more powerful will be the one at the top of the hierarchy so lets play it fair.

If US is so much in love with her super power status then better to regain her economy rather than refraining others to reach that status .This world is not the damn property of US neither any human being nor any country so US needs to stop poking their nose in others ars ,

This is the world and nothing is forever , US did the same to soviet union , now why having pain in their back when someone else is going to do same to them
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